Official Rankings

DaS3 > DaS1 > BB > DeS > DaS2

Other urls found in this thread:

>demon souls lower than BB

come on famz it's clearly better

Where does Salt and Sanctuary fit in this ranking?

just stop pcuck

I enjoy them all equally, each game has different improvements and different flaws.


It's not a Fromsoft game fgt

BB > DaS1= DaS3 = DeS >>> DaS2

I thought we were just doing a Souls like genre comparison

Where does Armored Core fit in this ranking?

BB > DeS > DaS = Das 3 > Das 2

DeS = KF4 > DaS = DaS2 = BB > KF3 > KF2 > KF

get on my level

This is my opinion and its subjectively and objectively right.


BB is my personal favorite. Gameplay wise, I prefer the variety and silliness of Souls. But story wise, Bloodborne is no doubt the best.


DaS3 > DaS1 >DeS > BB > DaS2

This coming from somone who owns BB .

LK1 = LK2 > DaS = BB > DeS

rest are trash

BB > DaS > DaS3 > DaS > DaS2.

ST > KF4 > KF1 > KF3 > KF2

Here's an official literally objective definitive absolute indisputable ranking

DaS>BB>DeS>inflamed asshole>eating a bowl of steaming hot diarrhea for breakfast>dead babies>DaS2>DaS3

Des > Das 3 > BB > Das 2 > Das
Didn't finish 3 yet so position is subject to change

Their all shit t-b-h f-a-m

DaS3 > DaS1 > BB > DaS2 > DeS

BB > DaS1 > DaS3 > DeS > DaS2
Big Lovecraft fan though.

BB > DaS > DeS > DeS3 > DeS2

DaS1 > DaS3 > DeS > DaS2 > BB

Official ranking

i love how you people ignore the truth

BB > DeS > DaS > DaS3 > DaS2

My friend and I are going to try to beat Demon's Souls today since I never did when I originally got it. Will it be worth it?

Lost Kingdoms 2 > Lost Kingdoms > Souls

DaS1 > DaS3 >DeS >BB>Das2
No contest

Why is BB always or the first or the last one on people's list?

DaS = AotA > DeS > ToH > BB = DaS3 > DaS2 = SotFS

fuck captcha

DaS3 >= BB > DaS1 > DeS >> DaS2

More like


BB > DaS = DaS3 > DaS2 > DeS


Who knows. Surely no-one would put BB in their list without having played it right?


DaS2 > DaS1 > DeS >> DaS3 >> BB

>mfw some sad sonycuck keeps samefagging


Bloodborne > The rest

Wow fuck off shill

I played all the soulborne games and these are my results

No you haven't

BB and DaS3 are neck to neck though
DeS>DaS>BB>DaS3> DaS2

So far I love Dark Souls.

This is my first time ever playing. Im going into blight town now, not looking forward to anything but the butchers knife.


Its just a shorter dark souls with less stuff, but less framerate issues

I agree OP I have the same thoughts

>DeS is last


BB is just such a natural evolution of the gameplay so I think its the most refined.

I think BB is the best PvE and DaS3 has the best PvP and both are the pinnacles of every from software has learned over the years making these games.

The true order goes like this and you all know it deep down.


Lords of the Fallen > Souls games

Zelda games > souls games

DS2=DeS>BB>DS1>Console DS3>>>>>>>>>literal dogshit>>>>>>>>>PC DS3

Here, i've fixed everything

DaS3 = BB = DaS > DeS > DaS2

DaS3 > DaS2 > BB > DeS > DaS1

Can you turn off Depth of Field in the game options on consoles?

>DaS3 has the best PvP
Please explain your thought process because I really don't see it.


DaS > BB = DaS3 > DeS >>> DaS2

After the last giant i already knew i would hate DaS2.

What a shitty game that was.

its not the best but it gets way too much hate here.

I'll agree with this one

Here's hoping that DaS3: DLC edition will elevate it beyond even elder god tier.

'Cause who doesn't want better vidya? Right?

>Armored Core
>Demon's Souls
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every other souls shit


>Bloodborne > Demon's Souls

Dark Souls is an awful subseries. DaS1 took 11 months to patch, Dark Souls II was unfocused, added nothing AND was broken day 1 despite having a fucking Beta meant to test the servers and online functionality, Dark Souls III is a Greatest Hits Album for a Band that only releases Singles. I have no yearning to ever touch any of them again.

>mfw Demon's Souls servers still up
>inb4 Sonygger

>broken poise system
>halfassed small areas that have basically no items or lore
>shitty endings
>godawful broken bosses like wolnir and sulyvahn
>frame drops
>broken invasion system
>almost no world interconnectivity

how can anyone legitimately think DS3 is the best?

its the only one that functions properly and its pure chaotic fun. Also you get the red eye early as fuck

You ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget...

>godawful broken bosses like wolnir and sulyvahn

Wolnir was just about the only boss I enjoyed if only because he was different.

Why the fuck would I want to fight bosses where I just do the same thing I do for every trash mob? Deus Ex HR had more boss variety than fucking Dark Souls.

poise is working as intended, senpai

i don't see much, if any pop in on PC

>functions properly
Now you're having a fucking laugh.
>Darkmoons and Sentinels barely function
>Watchdogs function about as much
>PvP boils down to dark swords/estocs, greatshield abuse, or abusing exploits like sacred flame offhand
>Miracles and sorceries may as well not be used ever, especially miracles
>Pyromancy is effective, but only one or two spells
>Invading is almost always a guaranteed 3v1 or more
>Poise is completely nonexistent
When the ONLY option for pvp whatsoever is fight clubs and even then you see maybe a dozen weapons used in them ever, there's something very wrong.
Even BB had better pvp, and DS2 remains with the best in the series.

>DeS servers still up
yeah thats great but no-one summons.

source: I moved back to DaS after new game plus 2, and summoned 3 times total, was summoned by others once total. invade doesn't work. I was in human form almost entirely in that characters playthrough, and even stayed low level to see if I could find more signs.


Fromsoft thread?
This tops.

At least can we agree that DaS3 has the best lategame of the series?
From Dancer onwards there is no Boss that isn't at least great.

Real talk? DeS and DS1 were the only genuinely good games. All the other titles vary between average and dog shit.

>Le DaS2 is the worst meme

here (you) go

BB > DaS1 > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2

Demon's Souls always the best souls game. Because it's the first one, and it's the only one meme-free, and without minmax git gud praise the sun underage edgy faggots like today.

Correct rankings are:

DaS1 > DaS3 > DaS2 > BB > DeS

Actually no, I'm going to correct myself. DaS2 is better than DaS3 right now, purely because of the DLC.

DaS2's DLC is the best of all games in the series, and nearly doubles the value of the game.

I can totally agree with that user hands down

BB > DS1 > DES > DS2 > DS3

Why does everyone hate DaS2? I thought it was great.

They fucked the online.


explain because the only thing wrong with online is that the cracked blue eye orbs don't work anywhere.

Online is not important.

Dark Souls 2 is still a decent 7/10 though

>Kirby rate charts.jpg


Legit can't take anyone who thinks the DaS games are better than both BB and DeS seriously. Only logic behind having this opinion is if you're a salty mustard or just a general pleb who doesn't know any better.

DaS3 is shit. The greatest hits analogy is perfect and i'm even seeing people use it in praise of the game.
Half the levels are just shit attempts at redoing scenarios done before.
Poise system is fucked and shouldn't even be in the game. Just use DeS/BB hyperarmour for fuck's sake.
Many NPCs are total rehashes of previous NPCs with a different name, if not outright the same person like with Andre.
Endings are shit and largely similar to the original DaS, highlighting the complete lack of progression with the story.
Linear as fuck with the few optional areas generally being the worst areas in the game.
Obnoxious fanservice and little originality.
Garbage, piss easy bosses. There's maybe two semi-hard fights and the rest are a joke.
Levels are even easier with retarded bonfire placement and obnoxious shortcuts slapped in your face after every bonfire.
Worse graphics than BB even maxed on my PC.

Fuck anyone who thinks DaS3 is the best.


>Souls memory, so you get punished for invading or for helping people out.
>No full orbs and cracked orbs forced you through the tryhard arena which made it unfun to just run cosplay or roleplay builds in pvp

Honestly I would be able to stomach the arena if not for Soul memory

Online is the only reason Souls exists