ITT: We judge people by their mains

ITT: We judge people by their mains.

I main and Genji

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably a weeb irl

Also anyone who has anything bad to say abour pic related most likely mains Reaper

mccree and bastion

Wannabe streamer

I main Mercy, 47, and Bastion

Tracer, Mei, D.Va, Lucio

So basically I play cute girls in every category except support, but Lucio is just too good not to play.

>Maining the big fat anarchist.

That's so Sup Forums of you

If you main anyone, you're a retard.

Different maps favor different heroes


You're such a slut.

Soldier 76

A roadhog player is probably tubby themselves and, if not, are spiritually fat. I know I am.

Fuck off shill


Tracer, Genji, Widowmaker

>4 characters
>inb4 one for each category

i main VIRAL

Mercy and Pharah

D. Va, Junkrat, McCree. Mei is starting to become a favorite of mine though, suck it

Lucio, Mercy, Pharah

Roadhog, mercy, and mccree

Lucio. You're helping people, but your also actually doing shit too.

Genji, D.Va and Widowmaker

>Roadhog, Bastion and Soldier 76

You'll be glad to know there's a weekly locked to those two characters.

Roadhog and Junkrat.

I'd like to main Mei or Hanzo but i can't seem to get gud with them.

Soldier 76
Never owned a CoD game in my life

>having mains
I float between Genji, Hanzo, McCree, 76, Reinhardt, and Zenyatta depending on map and team comp

Hanzo, Zen, king diediedie

I switch depending on how the team plays.

Yeah maining is silly

At the very least defense and tank picks vary massively between maps

And you wouldn't want to go mercy if your team can't shoot

McCree and Pharah, mostly.

Mei is all about area denial.
Try dropping a wall to separate Reinhardt and his healer, to block a snipers window or even launch chargers into the air.

Freeze rushers from behind corners and let your teammates finish them off.

Drop walls at an angle to create choke points and use her alt fire to snipe enemies as they filter through.

Mei is bae.

>maining anyone
Just play whatever works for the team or situation you fucking special snowflake



Follower count?

Im looking for people to stream with.

Reinhardt is my man, but I'm surprised by how effective I can be with Zarya and Junkrat.

judge me cretins

Tbh that's because they're both very powerful

Full charge on z is insane

Zarya and Symmetra

Pharra, Genji and the bow master guy.

Zarya and Symmetra like the user above.

cancer tier

I don't think you can get more Sup Forums than these two mains.


the ape

Torbjörn and Junkrat.

I play them all but my favorite is Mercy.

I will forever silently watch over you, user.

I paly Mei for defence/all around stuff in objective. Zarya and Dva sometimes. Zen for healing.

Don't really have an offensive character but I can play pharah as well as anyone.

Reinhardt, and [spoliers]Bastion[/spolier]

Reinhardt + Roadhog

>Offense Payload
Genji or Hanzo

>Defense Payload or King of the Hill
Symmetra, every damn time

Damage: Tracer (too many reapers... "Name's McCree")

Defense: "It's hammer time!"

Tank: "I play too win!" GG!

Support: Learn to play. I'm not here to baby sit.

In order of most used to least: Symmetra, Mercy, Reinhaldt, Winston, D'va, Reaper, Bastion.

You guys need to mix it up more. Symmetra is ridiculously good. Her Ultra has turned the tide of the match so many times.

I really hate when people don't use the teleporter though. I go through all the trouble of setting it up and telling idiots over the mic to use it, and there's been quite a few games when my teammates will just ignote it and run all the way across the map.

>76 depending on map
There is basically zero scenarios were you ever don't want a 76 to some degree.

Thats basically his point: be so hideously boring and generic you can't possibly irrelevant.

And I say this as someone who almost entirely plays only 76

rate, hate, appreciate


There is still time for you to change your ways

>They will never release traditional slavic dress and hair dlc

Is there a point for this character?

>McMeme and Genji
>still only averages 7 final blows
is E + RMB to hard for you m8?

is this free to play? filesize?

why would i? i play support tank offense defense with only the best heroes

Setup 6 turrets which they just then walk around
Teleporter, that is it.

Monkey, Russian woman, and Samurai with bow

Too late.

Junkrat, Reinhardt & lately Tracer

Open Beta was partially fun, but I wont buy the game after that.
Its pointless if you dont have a 6 man premade, because people dont know shit about their heroes, or the maps, or how to counter an enemy setup.
Matchmaking seems to be non-existent, everyone gets thrown together somehow.
Cheating is very common atm, but I think at least this will be not as frequent when the game launches.

Easy wins when playing defense
Guaranteed King of the Hill wins


Soldier 76


D. Va


Teleport slave on long runs back from spawn pretty much shit tier aside from that

D.Va here.

Widowmaker, judge away gay boys

Cheating? I've never seen anyone cheating

My stats seemed to have gotten a partial wipe from the first day

Apparently a Zenyatta main
I like playing Pharah and pretending this is Quake

>t. torbjörn
>t. bastion

Isn't D.Va practically worthless?
The only good move she has is her self destruct, which is needs to be nerfed because the radius is fuckhuge.

I main chink healer robot

>Literally go behind any wall
>Go behind Reinhardt's shield

I can't remember the last time I've actually died to her ult this beta.

There is health on the map. If your good, your using them. Her shield recharges, so free 100hp on whole team. Her sentry allow her team to step away from point, heal, and get ready for next push. If you have doubts ask a Symmetra how she gets by on 200hp.

that makes me so sad I woulda gone to his party

zen and i not really sure about second since i jst played a couple of hours earlier but reinhardt was super fun

D va and mercy

Mercy, Junkrat, and Tracer

I main Mercy and I make my team basically invincible

I feel bad for Julius

It's good on contested capture points

Reinhardt,, and Pharah main here

How often do you get pissed because of your teammates? one else at the moment.

Literally the worst game ever made.

Mei and Lucio

>Everyone's dead except 1-2 people on their team on the point/payload and our solo widowmaker/hanzo
>They fucking stay on the outskirts failing to get kills instead of contesting
>We lose

Every fucking time.

Your mom is the worst game ever made

Well your mom is DLC then.


>Sonic '06

Maybe your free time your mom gave you on the computer would be better spent actually playing games

It's be easier to tell which ones I don't play, depending on the circumstance.

Which would be Tracer, Winston, Roadhog and Zetyanna. or however the fuck you spell it.

Every time I, as Mercy, feel like I'm the guy that's gotta push the point. Me, the healer. Because everyone else is being a fucking baby.

I'm here to help you fuckers push, not the other way around.

roadhog, games alright but needs rebalancing quick or its just going to get overwhelmed by freeze faggots and bastion faggots