I just started this and completed a few of the tutorial battles, and it's not off to a great start...

I just started this and completed a few of the tutorial battles, and it's not off to a great start. Controlling both characters on both screens is a fucking nightmare, since I'm ashamed to admit that I don't have chameleon eyes and can't look in two different directions at once. It doesn't help that the touchscreen only does what I'm telling it to do about half the fucking time. The very first tutorial battle has you drawing a line to make Neku dash, but most of the time it just makes the cursor draw a useless line on the touchscreen while Neku keeps getting attacked by frogs. Then there was another one right after where you're supposed to draw a line to make fire, but that still only worked about half the time (and no, I'm not talking about the spell not working because it's on a cooldown).

This is the very beginning of the fucking game, where the battles are not only easy, but also impossible to lose, and already the gameplay is a fucking mess. Does it get any better, or is this the type of game where you put up with shitty gameplay because you really like the story or characters, etc?

Basically one of the main game mechanics is that you can lower your max health (down to a ridiculous amount) so you can increase your drop rates, which is pretty important if you want to collect all the pins which clearly is what this game is all about.

this isn't dark souls kiddo. not all games need to be hard from the get go.
don't worry, you'll get your ass kicked plenty later on.

pic related.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?

Don't worry user, you'll soon get the hang of controlling both characters
Also, there are an absurd amount of pins in the game, all with different ways to activate them
Play more, get more pins, and try to find a combo of pins which does it for you

Yes, the gameplay gets better OP.

I felt kind of like you did when i first started the game, but once I got into the swing of it, it started to feel fantastic.

Dashing is done by holding neku and THEN dragging it quickly where you want to dash. Drawing a "Useless line" means you have a circle drawing pin attached, those are shit, don't use them more than you have to to max them out, they just fuck with other pins and don't do good damage. To use the fire pins properly, try pressing on a spot firmly then drawing the line. I know it's finnicky and they don't give the best instructions at first but you get the hang of what commands do what and how to make them trigger consistently.

The gameplay is good, you just need to give it a chance, get on board and play by its rules. Your criticism about chameleon eyes is valid, if you don't want to get on board with it, just set the AI to auto, but I warn you, you almost literally can't beat the hardest bosses without learning to control both at once, and it's best to start early. I made that mistake.

I did like the story, but actually the gameplay is the best part objectively speaking I think.

>Drawing a "Useless line" means you have a circle drawing pin attached
I don't have anything attached; at this moment, I'm not even 100% what that means. This is the very first thing you do in the game after the opening cinematic. The only thing you can do before the game lets you exit the battle and continue with the battle is make Neku dash. Sometimes he dashes, sometimes he casually saunters over, and sometimes he just stands there gormlessly, getting mauled by frogs.

How'd they manage to create such an engaging, creative character using such a bizarre design brief. "He uses maths equations in his speech and creates trash heaps". Sho was definitely the best part of the game.

Continue with the tutorial*