There are people literally posting pictures and videos of themselves masturbating to other poster's characters in /xivg/.
Can we talk about FFXIV here now?
There are people literally posting pictures and videos of themselves masturbating to other poster's characters in /xivg/.
Can we talk about FFXIV here now?
I almost got current on content and stopped playing
>Get friends into the game
>Going through it with them, helping them in dungeons, trying to teach them how to properly play their classes
>Get to Haukke Manor
>Tank has no clue how to actually tank, continuously throws shield lob at everything, despite being told not to start off with that by me and another player during dungeon
>DPS slams her head into every wall and dies repeatedly to the boss
FFXIV main stuff really should have taught people how to play their class before the 30s, rather than just go "focus on damage, nothing else, k?"
I'm so unexcited for 3.3
>despite being told not to start off with that
But he should.
>main job fully geared out in lore gear
>alt job has all prototype midas gear
>both have 230 relic
>all crafting jobs to 3star stats, bar being only able to craft the 3star specialist recipes because of being locked out of others
>all gathering jobs fully geared out
>PvP rank at 50
>cancelled sub
>ends in 5 days
I'm free.
my sub expires in 13 days. truly a blessing.
Are you stupid? Why wouldn't he start off with shield lob?
>finally tired of Yoshida's shit
>finally over the lore grind
>finally over the terrible community
>can not concentrate on other games
This is my first FF and it got me to play Final Fantasy IV, VII and IX, boy did I make the mistake of picking an MMO for my first game. I've been missing out.
That there is a problem in itself. I'm not saying this is specifically you, but FFXIV is loaded with throwbacks and fan service to older FF games. A lot of the people that come into FFXIV have it as their first FF game, don't understand a lot of the things that happen in the world, then complain about things not making sense.
Usually WoW players.
>playing FFXIV and not a FF fan
why do this
Weebshitters who can't get gud: the only people who continue to play this handholding garbage FF skinned streamlined WoW "singleplayer but the raids" game.
Yes, I played from 1.15 to 2.4.
you're a cocksucking faggot
t Blizzard
Ask the OF.
They're guilty about complaining the most about references they don't get and feel left out on. There's people who get upset over not knowing who Firion is. I wish I could find the thread.
Do new players have any expenses?
I'm about to fight titan and I've got this, but besides the very occasional repair job I've had nothing to really spend it on.
Also some nice people invited me into a hunt party before despite only being Lv36. What can I spend Allied hunt seals and these "Allagan Tomes of Poetics" things on?
>Going to /xivg/ ever
You have only yourself to blame, that place has never been good and is probably the worst general on the board
Funny how they took that position from Katawa Shoujo General
Link to videos?
You won't get an opportunity to spend those things until level 50. Poetics can be exchanged for good level 50 gear. Allied seals can buy miscellaneous things such as crafting materials and minions.
t Weebshitter who doesn't know its literally the same dogshit since 2.3 forward, keep sucking on that YoshiT cock.
Picture related, an old 1.x screenshot of mine.
I haven't played WoW since 2007, fuckboi.
First post in this thread, not the guy that the guy you replied to was replying to. FFXIV is the first Final Fantasy game I've really played and I don't really have trouble understanding anything. I get that the FF franchise reuses concepts, characters, designs, etc., but really, FFXIV isn't a complicated game.
>muh 1.0
Fuck off dude, it was dogshit
You're a pleb.
Poetics gets you lvl50 i120 gear which you can upgrade to 130. Allied Seals are good for gear augmentation stuff.
There's no real gil expenses that the game will force on you. You're pretty much just looking at buying stuff off the market board, which can be virtually anything e.g. gear, materia, glamours, housing furniture, etc.
Nice reply, you must be camping this thread.
Keep deflecting on post 2.3 ARR being shit. Also, nice memepost.
Okay, so I can't take advantage of this stuff until later.
Also Y'shtola gets it; those Company of Heroes fags really jerked me around.
Ifrit was a breeze, and I'm hoping Titan is the same.
It's not just about concepts though we literally have stuff like Crystal Tower from III and Ozma from IX next patch.
This game is like the Sonic Generations of Final Fantasy
>not sitting on the bench with Y'shtola and taking a picture
Fair enough. Doesn't look like I can access the glamour system until level 50 either, so I guess I'll just sit on my phat stack of cash. Although getting some of that Eikoncloth armor was tempting; I can afford two accessories or one piece of armor with what I have.
Thanks again everyone.
>did Crystal Tower raids again for the first time since ARR
>remember how fucking AMAZING these raids were
Good lord SE thank you for giving me a reason to run these again.
Also fix Void Ark because it's fucking dogshit
Aesthetically, Syrcus Tower was pretty amazing
The newest addition coming in 3.3 actually looks decent, but I think ST is still the best
>Can now get unlimited grade IV materia just from beast tribe dailies
I hope this is a precursor to removing the spiritbonding system altogether, because it's fucking awful and no one likes it. Still, it would have been nice if they hadn't completely trivialized materia. Make it cost company or hunt seals or something.
>Wait 20 minutes for leveling roulette
>Garuda NM
>Tank and healer are both new
oh, I guess you'd prefer Aurum Vale again you whiny cunt
Yes pls.
The best way would be to remove materia as they are; halve the number of slots; add new materia that add statistical bonuses (eg. Adds X% fire damage to weapon, or reduces MP by X% and increases HP by Y%) and add class-specific modifiers to gear (eg. Dragoon boots with "increases Jump-skill potency by XX").
Everything wrong with this game. Only thing to argue about is what to get in duty roulette.
God forbid new people play the game.
I'm sure they thought the same when you poetics boners popped up.
That would be the ideal. The current materia system is shit and doesn't offer any real choice anyway. Its just another thing you have to grind out to maximize your performance.
Materia is just poorly thought out at almost every level. It's a pain in the ass to acquire, the materia you get is random (and can easily end up as an utterly useless elemental resistance materia), and to even put it on your gear you need the right crafter at the right level, PLUS a catalyst that needs to be farmed. It's just tedious in every imaginable way and should really be rebuilt from scratch.
Like you said, make materia add unique bonuses instead of just being +stat. Remove spiritbonding and let materia come from other sources like desynthesis, and remove the randomization by making it so certain items always turn into specific types of materia. And remove the requirements for actually putting it in gear. Just let people shove it in there.
Hey, it's not like I didn't try. I explained what to do, but bailed after three wipes due to the healer not healing.
My favorite story so far.
>Doing trial roulette, get Ravana, PLD decides to MT despite having less hp, whatever lets do this shit
>PLD almost falls off like 4 times, get ready to take over at a moments notice.
>Second phase happens, a few people die to rose of hate, but we still manage to clear.
>Faggot PLD says "I forget every drk has to mt, you're probably one of those douchebag legacy players"
> I tell him that it's a fucking mechanic that Ravana automatically switches to the offtank in the last phase.
>Shut down he just leaves.
> cancelled my subscription 2 weeks ago
I'm finally free, bros!
Stop your whining. At lest it's not a dzemael hold run where the retards absolutely need to kill every single mob for that 12 and a half experience. Fuck.
> mfw when i pretend to be afk to avoid fighting the bosses and don't roll on loot to prevent being kicked
you'll be back with the next expansion
Been trying to level on a new server with friends but holy christ the MSQ is just so bad the second time around. I just can't understand why they'd gate the entire game behind 100 hours of single player content. By and large it wouldn't be so bad but the Duty quests are a massive drag since every time its you killing adds and waiting on npcs.
You'll get over it once you realize that the content never changes.
A dirty lala being a faggot.
I'd quit before I reroll.
>There are people literally posting pictures and videos of themselves masturbating to other poster's characters in /xivg/.
Wait is this really a thing? Link this shit
Eh, if it makes you feel any better i used to feel bad about it the first couple of times i did it. But then i realized that if blizzard wanted me to actually pull my weight in that raid they would have made it hard or at the very least non-boring, like coil 5.
When's 3.3?
5-6 more weeks?
Who gives a shit what the quality of the game is? You're still a whiny little cunt.
Heavensward is such a massive disappointment. None of the patches make me want to come back.
3.3 will save the game, you'll see.
No date announced but it should come end of this month/beginning of next. The PLL on the 22nd of this month will show us the rest of 3.3 info, the trailer and date most likely.
Nah. I'm not coming back. The only thing that kept me going was the house, but since i'm gonna lose it there's no point in coming back. Besides it's literally Gated Content: the game. Unless they get rid of that retarded stuff they can go fuck themselves
>Nah. I'm not coming back.
See you later.
>trial roulette pops
>steps of faith
>everyone is new
>people on cannons only putting one chain down
>guy on dk dropping it on the party and wiping them every time
>guys keeping the dragons at the back so the cannons can't reach
Every single time, without fail.
Just make it a solo duty already yoshi, NO ONE likes it, and it's a titanic timesink.
>faggot go to chain there ill use other chain
>one tank with brain cells move the fucking adds to the front and let the cannon guys rape trash mob
oh wait
yes it is
thats why I always queue as DPS or Tank with my pocket healer jewsus christ
Am I doomed to be unable to finish the coils? Duty Finder takes fucking forever to pop and I'm not sure if taking them up in PF will actually let me start on the second coil.
>The best gear I can equip is a bondage outfit
Who designed this shit?
Best way to do it is with FC or friends
>games are meant to be playes. not googled
>Four cannons, four party members, boss always sat in the middle stationary, not hard to figure out
Gee, I bet this guy had a fun time facing Ascian Prime
put one up in pf people might help ya with your clear because of the poetics bonus you give
And aww shit.
Only get better.
You'll equip the gimp suit 2 or 3 more times before 50, and you'll probably be wearing the top for a while before you get your relic chest at 50 not that I minded
The funny part is that one of the longest stretches you'll have it is in the obligatory winter zone
>was about to respond that they never listen
>you know my pain
Brother. Image related regarding their learning capability.
I don't mind either, but fanservice outfits just doesn't seem very (medieval) "Final Fantasy" to me.
>there's literally a character called Memedesu
Good thing FF is not medieval.
Blame that hack called Koji-fox
It's a welfare patch so it's not gonna be as interesting as 3.2 for sure. Hopefully the new shit they add will be less of a failure than Diadumb tho.
>doesn't seem very (medieval) "Final Fantasy" to me.
Just wait till you see all the post 50 gear, especially tomestone gear
>videos of themselves masturbating to other poster's characters
Any of them girls? If not you've brought this to out attention for no reason.
>hating on Salvage 2.0
It needs work, but come on.
3.2 was interesting?
There's enemies called Gamergates too, but that's probably just a happy coincidence
Compared to the absolute disaster 3.1 was, for sure. That shit was the worst patch in the game's entire post-2.0 history.
I know nothing about PVP, never played a single match in my life. I play fightan for my PVP fix.
3.2 was pretty crap, people only like it because it's a bit better than that horrible patch that came before it. Everything about 3.1 felt like they just slapped random shit together at the last minute.
>uhh we have assets for Thordan let's just make a hard more fight out of that
Gamergate is a real ant.
Thordan EX was literally the only good thing in 3.1 tho.
>he still plays ffxiv
Dark Knight or Warrior? Which is better?
It was, still doesn't mean it was lazy as fuck.
RMTing count as playing?
WAR is hands down the best tank. DRK 30-50 is the best job quest in the game.
Like I said, happy coincidence
WAR because I love axes. Still upset there's no actual DPS class that uses them. Should let you queue as one and not let you switch into defiance if you do.
They'll probably add beastmaster at some point using (twin) tomohawks.
Now this is good characterisation. They could take a lesson when scripting major dipshits like Thancred.
WAR in Deliverance stance is basically a DPS class
The problem with the scions is that a lot of their characterization happened in 1.0
Those people are still faggots for posting their characters as reaction images.
Fuck off.
how could this happen