Why do Star Wars games suck so much?

Why do Star Wars games suck so much?

Why couldn't anyone ever get it right?

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shit in shit out

> Jedi Knight
> KotOR

Weak bait, son.

>Posts GOAT SW game
>"no good star games"

Shitty taste OP, get the fuck outta here

Jedi Outcast is a classic. However, no game can get lightsaber combat right. I don't even think it's possible. Guns are easy, but how do you do sword combat right in a video game? Outcast got as close as you can to good lightsaber dueling in video games though if you ask me.

Star Wars games were fine. The fuck are you on? Most of the famous ones even let you create your own Original Character Do not steal with their own adventure+characters and tons of them even let you choose a fucking side and featured gameplay varied enough to let people claim their own styles.

Compare that to like Harry Potter where you're always playing as fucking Harry,are always in Gryffindor and couldn't do anything but follow the plot whilst dicking around with gameplay that definitely was not as flavorful. Star Wars games had it fucking set. Shit not even Lord of the Rings have it as good as Star Wars.

I unironically enjoyed Episode 1 both the movie and the ps1 game

That's the problem when you name franchises after the (initial) main character

You're a absurdly dumb faggot. Congrats?

>a absurdly

why does ur mum suck so much cock? why couldn't anyone set her on the right track?

Masters of Teras Kasi aka GOAT


Jedi Academy with the MovieBattles 2 mod got it pretty damn close.

The LotR game for gameboy advance was absolutely great.
Real rpg elements, lvling your char via stats and skill trees. Collecting diablo loot. Rare shit was to be looted. I felt in love with that game bro.
You chose gimli/aragorn/frodo/gandalf, etc but could absolutely go for other builds.

the Ep1 PS1 game was actually pretty good and did a much better job of explaining the story than the fucking movie did

I very much love EA's Battlefront. The atmosphere, graphics and gameplay are pretty nice. I don't get why everyone is bitching that there is not enough content. I don't need a single player nor 1000 different skins like in CoD these days.

the appeal of star wars was a light adventure film the whole family can enjoy. the fanbase and EU came along and ruined it, turning it into serious sci-fi business trekkie autism.

Bill, do you even read you damn memos anymore? We're running Battlefield 1 now, not Battlefront. You'd better not make this mistake when we shift back to Mirror's Edge Catalyst in the next couple weeks.

The EU doesn't ruin someone's enjoyment of the films.

>Using red stance against common storm troopers

I don't know OP but that I thought that game in the pic was considered decent.

Though I don't have much else to say I only played a handful of starwars games.

Hah somebody didn't get to play Jedi Academy online when it was all the rage, poor (you)

Rogue Squadron and Rogue Leader were great.

So was Shadows of the Empire.

>Jedi Knight 2
>Episode 1 Racer
>TIE Fighter
These are legitimately excellent games.

it's called heavy you pleb

The problem with lightsaber combat in Jedi Knight is that it has arena-shooter style full speed WASD movement, which completely kills the feeling of swordfighting technique.

I don't know of any Star Wars game that properly carried the appeal of the OT, but there have been good games that used the setting well. Jedi Outcast (shitty story aside) is a good example. It's a fun game to explore.

it saddens me to know that apparently no one is capable of making a good star wars flight game anymore.

that's true, but to me it's the best we have done so far, and i still believe it's impossible to get lightsaber combat completely right in a video game.

Have you only played the Star Wars games released in the last decade?

2000-2005 was the period for GOAT Star Wars games. Everything afterwards was pretty shit, Lego Star Wars being the only exception I can think of.

>Bully: Hogwarts Edition never ever
the first two and maybe the third game are fantastic though so its not a total loss

This. When you actually connect they're fucking dead.

I'm curious why no one's bothered to make a modern port of Dark Forces.