what happened
What happened
On the left is Metal Slug 5? I think. Made by the people responsible for some of the best if not the best pixelart ever done.
In the right is undertale, made by 1 guy without any experience or education.
Post more pixelart you slut.
Western developers.
This desu senpai
western devs
Metal Slug 3, actually, best one in the series.
one was made by one dude with little experience
one had dozens of professionals of some of the best pixel artists who ever lived working on it
You posted a picture of two different looking games.
modern western developers*
>team of skilled artists with a significant budget for a 30-45 minute game
>a inexperienced tumblr tard with a laptop and game maker studio
Gee I wonder why one looks shit
One's literally has been rated as the best game ever made and the other is a second squeal to a failed series.
>he didn't play Metal Slug 6
1 guy with no art experience with a 50k budget vs a comparatively large team of artists and animators with a much larger budget, who are making a much shorter game
it's not fucking rocket science
what happened
Not saying Undertale's art is good, but the comparison is retarded as shit. Can't expect otherwise from people who such hate boners for any game.
>It's okay when the Japs do it!
That's hardly fair, op. I can't think of anything that looks as good as Metal Slug.
This is a typical Japanese game nowadays... wow. What happened?
A large budgeted AAA title, sold at full price (or as an arcade machine each costing 599 dollars), essentially equivalent of modern day CoD series in production budgets and goals, compared to a one-man-made indie title costing less then ten bucks on release?
Gee, Sup Forums you sure as fuck are a smart bunch. Also, graphic whoring used to be looked down upon some time ago. What made you change your mind? Maybe the fact that you don't give two shits about games to begin with, and are here just to shitpost and whine and think that makes you a master troll?
both are good games though
>1 guy with no art experience with a 50k budget
Dust is also by one guy with no budget and no experience
whats the one on the right?
When it comes to sprite art, americans just do not have the talent and expertise of those old Japanese games. Truly a lost art
one of those games costs 100x the other
Laziness plus game making tools became more acessible
with availability comes mediocrity.
What the fuck happened?
>jap games made by small studios of 2-3 people have gorgeous 2D art
>western games made by any studio under 20 members are all pixel shit
No fucking excuse
Dust also looks pretty shitty
kero blaster
it's by the same guy who made cave story. it's fun but really short
what's right?
what game is that on right
tell me right now
no memes, god damn it
More like 20-30
Looks like shit
Japanese porn game.
>Looks like shit
underage detected
cool thanks
Pretty shitty
well, the game on the left is a full game while the one onj the right is a cheap game
it's good, but only because it costs less than 15 yuros
>if it's japanese and it's porn, it's good art!
No john, you are the underage.
Talentless indie plebs.
>no experience
>A self-taught illustrator and animator, he had previously done artwork and cinematics on Epic Games' Jazz Jackrabbit 2, and was in the process of creating an independent animated film, Elysian Tail.
He has a background as an artist but needed help with the music, as opposed to Toby who had a background in music but not much in art.
>no experience
it was made by the lead artist and character designer for the jazz jackrabbit games, amongst other things
>Looks like shit
oh shit
thought you guys were talking about Metal Slug
fuck me
Take a close look anons. This what getting BTFO looks like.
>tfw Owlboy will never be finished
looks like shit desu
Nice mockup.
still looks like shit desu
i've been better art on a fucking saturn game
Let's see it then
Many things happened. Mostly, lots of kids from the 80s who played too many games became manchildren in their adult lives, bitter and resentful towards the more successful, and came to inherit many of the internet journalist jobs since you don't have to be very competent to be a journalist. Journalism then became a tool for them to promote new values that would take down AAA games and support shitty little college student projects, because it benefited them and their manchildness.
>2004 indie game
What went wrong?
what dumb bullshit are you talking about
too bad it's japanese only
you're fucking kidding?
It looks good but besides not being pixel art (except for the player I assume) it's identical to Owlboy, user. The animation on that big thing is really unappealing though.
kill yourselves
>30fps vs 60fps
How so? Are you able to criticize it beyond saying "it's shit"? A weak argument like that won't get you anywhere. I can see the grass and leaves need work, and I'm sure other parts that we can't see in those screenshots need cleaning up, but the rest of it looks great. Nice colours used, they aren't muddy or overly bright. The lighting and shading are consistent. The objects drawn look good. Overall, it's looking damn good.
It looks worse or the same at best, are you blind?
wat game?
no no, you first. It's not even fucking pixel art, and the green character looks like shit, and the animation is a poor man's metal slug. Please, PLEASE kill yourself.
Don't worry, you can't expect rationality from weebs. It's western so therefore it's shit.
Nah, 3 devs and 5 artists. Including one of the best loli artists known to man. Pic related, that's one of his artworks. This guy has been drawing since before 2000.
That green frog thing looks like fucking garbage.
Jesus Christ what a faggot.
>looks like shit
>he cares about graphics
fuck off retard
Please tell me how that green frog looks good.
I'm talking about how retarded abortions like Undertale, Papers Please, LISA, Hotline Miami, Super Meat Boy, etc. that are no better than a college student's half-assed classroom project now have mass amounts of supporters online, with many journalists writing POSITIVE reviews for them, as if they are worth writing reviews for at all.
Why do you think that is? You think it's just general human stupidity? Journalists jumped on that shit for a reason, people jumped on that shit for a reason. To me, it's because of the indie label, and how it carries the notion of being anti-AAA at its core. That's what these losers find appealing about them. Most of them can't go a fucking minute without mentioning Call of Duty or whatever in their GOTY lists anyway, it's even mentioned in that stupid Indie Game movie, as if their hatred for AAA is always sitting in the back of their minds.
It's not a green frog.
Tell me how that shitty owlboy looks any good, he looks terrible compared to the rest of the environment.
I don't see anything wrong with this image
obviously you are the faggot. fag
kill yourself
the world needs me to call out fags like you
The difference is that the game on the left is the equivalent of an AAA game in terms of how far they could push graphics given the limitations of televisions and computers at the time, and the game on the right is a lazy attempt as using a pixel "artstyle" to justify not caring at all about the graphics.
post good pixel art
Nice job avoiding my question. It's because you're unable to tell me how he looks good, right? Because you realize he actually does look like a hot, steaming piece of shit who sticks out of the environment like a sore thumb and you just don't want to admit it.
And Owlboy's sprite obviously isn't the greatest, but at least he isn't as bad as your bright green boy. Nicely used colours, nice proportions, he fits in with the environment. He doesn't look out of place. Because the sprite is so small I can see why they wouldn't want to try and force a lot of detail into his sprite, because then his design would look too busy and therefore, look really bad.
Green boy here has far too much going on in one little sprite. It's really busy and because of that it looks bad. Look at his arm. It's so stiff and unnatural-looking. The shading isn't clear, the colours are muddy. Why is only the under part of his tail shaded? Looks like a poorly drawn sprite.
I played Kero Blaster a few months ago, when does that scene happen? I don't recall it at all.
man, why do you have to remind me of what Kero Blaster was originally suppose to be.
There are more games including games that you don't like.
Is this from Kingdom?
it doesn't, it's one of the earliest beta screenshots Pixel released.
They stopped having good music.
Think of any good indie game. It has good music.
Think of any bad indie game. It has bad music.
Music makes or breaks indies.
>poorly drawn sprite
>unnatural looking
Considering it's not in motion, no shit. At least bother to look up how it looks before you assume from a mere gif.
Owlboy looks like shit.
No idea, saved it off of Sup Forums sometime back.
Wait, just did some research, apparently it's a background from SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos
It doesn't matter what the graphics look like. People get sick of realism and want to go back.
Just waiting for my gay furry pixel art game.