What kind of sick fucks would dramatize and glorify the biggest blight in the history of humanity?

What kind of sick fucks would dramatize and glorify the biggest blight in the history of humanity?

Fucking disgusting. Both DICE and you fucking soulless cunts who support it.

Other urls found in this thread:


>unironically getting offended by a video game

lmaoing @ ur life



Is there a gulag simulator/management game yet?


lmao mad Sup Forumscuck

are games based on other wars like the American Civil War, the Vietnam War, or World War II ok?

This is obvious bait.

I heard BF1 will have female soldiers. Is this true? Because women not only did not fight in the war, but they participated in the White Ribbon Campaign, which aimed to shame young men into enlistment.

He's right though.

>WWI was worse than WWII

This meme again

Man, sure is a good thing no one has ever made video games about that war that one conflict that featured the first industrialized genocide, total war that devastated civilian centers, and ended with the first application of the atomic bomb.

>the first industrialized genocide
Not so fast, Shlomo!

for real though, where were all these people during world war II games? i can understand why some people might be put off by it, both were very real and gruesome wars that killed millions, but why do they care now as opposed to then?

It's an alternate timeline of ww1, they can do whatever they want with it

How? War is war and it always will be the same stupid thing.

Why is a US-soldier who got shot dead in ww1 more pitiable than a US-soldier who got shot dead by a taliban in 2015? Making games where you have to fight enemies in the desert in modern age is okay but making a game about ww1 is suddenly bad?

But it was

We're reaching new levels of being offended online. It'll come, just wait

The problem isn't glorifying or dramatising. That's stupid to complain about that. There's countless films celebrating the people who gave their lives for the Great War.

The problem is the cheap, dumb exploitation of the war to sell a generic console shooter to braindead gamers.

Of course, that could just be the ad aimed at plebs and the actual game will be good.

It was worse because all sides had better vehicles and technology in WWII, which lets them distance themselves more from the danger.

In WWI, most fighting was done by infantry on the ground. Not tanks, not planes. They were still new and unreliable.

As technology improved, every major conflict produced fewer and fewer dead.

Think back to the age of swords and shields. The only way to defeat your enemies was to get right up in their faces. Smashing together armies of bodies in a massive pointy mess of spears and blood. WWI was similar. Attacker had no choice but to build a bridge of corpses to overtake defensive positions.

Nowadays, we can crush armies remotely using unmanned planes armed with potent guided explosives. There's less need to march men to their certain deaths.

>tfw it's ww1

>implying stopping German attempts to subjugate the entire continent wasn't worth it

Faggots, the lot of you. Look at what happens to Europe under Germany.

Have you made this same complaint about every wargame ever, or are you just hopping on the bandwagon?

I think the bad think about WWI is that it didn't have a "bad guy". There was some moral basis for why people fought in WWII (or, at the very least, a myth about why it was moral to fight); WWI is universally admitted to have been a pointless meat grinder.

>Faggots, the lot of you. Look at what happens to Europe under Germany.

Same shit it happend before, giving Europe to the turkroaches and kebab. If Germany would disappear, Europe would prosper.

same guy, but on top of that, making up fake wars that haven't happened or will never happen is honestly the way to go. it just seems disrespectful at this point to make a game out of it. imagine being brutally killed in this war, and 90 years later some kid is like OOH BABY A TRIPLE, KYS FAGET in a re-enactment of the same battle you had your limbs blown off in. i might be wrong, but i don't know

WW2 gets a pass because people have Hitler to justify any and all horrible things that were done. Sure it was terrible but we stopped Hitler everyone was Heroes!

Quick, post your main gun

>It's an alternate timeline of ww1

NO it's fucking not.

I guess that makes sense since ww2 had more casualties

>I think the bad think about WWI is that it didn't have a "bad guy".

It did, the Germans and Austrians. The fuckers started attacking other nations for more clay.

Thank you, Mr Marketer

But they didn't have a Hitler.

And America didn't have a Pearl Harbor to stir up all that national pride.

>it's actually activision shitposting about battlefield

No. This is the first I've seen a real life battle treated with little respect.

It's usually the opposite. Look at some of the marketing materials for Black Ops 2:

That Battlefield trailer really cheapened the war.

Falling Marxist propaganda I see. World War One was a war like any other where men were forged in and fought for the glory of their country. Then some deaths happen and socialists and Marxists turn it into a tragedy.

You can make games out of the glorious parts of war. That's because those games aren't based on the war, they're based on the movies about the war. What movie glorifies WW1? What period glorifies WW1? WW2 was seen as a necessary war, even if it had its own share of senseless brutality.

tl;dr, WW2 is romanticized, it's too late to do that with WW1

Ironic then that ww1 was romanticized in real life to begin with

that's a sexy trench gun if i ever saw one

Huh, guess you're right. Let's see how much they abuse history with this one then

>implying WW1 wasn't justified because muh evil nazis didn't exist yet

Everyone already started to hate each other when the 20th century began m8. All it needed was a little spark to lit the fire.

But WWII, Vietnam, and Afghanistan are all fine.

>the first industrialized genocide

WW2 games from that era were way way more respectful in their portrayal. Go watch a trailer for CoD 2. It still glorifies war to an extent, but more in the "death or glory" kind of way. Battlefield 1 has a dubstep version of 7 nation army playing while soldiers are depicted as badasses beating in the faces of their enemies and standing over their body.

sooo the trailer is a cautionary tale about the potential future of weapons....but it's for black ops 2, which took that concept and ran with it in the opposite direction, saying WHOA ISN'T THIS FUCKING SICK
i don't get it, man

you're right, there's a really clear difference in the tone that these games create about the war. early COD games and MOH were pretty respectful and accurate in their portrayal

This. With WWII you could at least pretend that you are heroes fighting for the good of the Europe, but WWI was just objectively one messy, pointless and brutal cavalcade of giant empires screaming out their dying throes.

Of course practically all wars are pointless in reality, but with WWI it's just even more in-your-face type of pointlessness.

uhoh Sup Forums is triggered!

Oy Vey!

Yeah, older war shooters had a strange heavy atmosphere that made you feel uncomfortable. The opening scene in Frontline, the abandoned cities and the frantic screaming of the Germans, not shouting to kill you but their desperation. It had a weird kind of respect for the era that made you unsettled instead of glorifying it.

Yes they did.

Good guys:
- Yanks
- French
- Russians

Bad guys:
- Germans
- Austrians
- Serbians
- British

Pre ordering asap, gonna be a fun game

It's more likely that it's just EA creating controversy for the sake of publicity. They're known to do this sort of shit, like they did with Dante's Inferno and the fake protests.

Oh shut the fuck up. Not all German soldiers were nazis, and they had their women and families raped and killed all the same, forced to fight and protect their country. It's no fucking different. War is shitty, first person shooters depicting war is entertaining. That's just how it is

Exactly. Take Call of Duty 1/2/3 for example. The levels were based on a desperate struggle, charging with all your named allies. Plus, those all took place on the most "tame" theater of the war for the most part. Western Europe was the cleaner part of the war. Even the Russian theater was treated with the utmost respect.

That's why the Pacific campaign in COD5 didn't work. It tried to turn a gritty, violent conflict into a glorious rah-rah conflict with absolutely no respect. "Ha ha, look at those japs burning."

but user, you were only told that they were good guys. the "bad guys" thought that they were good guys too.

Shut it down!

sure is 12yo in here.

I actually love dat meme.

It's honestly just a really sickening juxtaposition to me. Like the trailer is obviously meant to hype you up like a gym monkey, but it seems at no point did somebody stop to consider that maybe hype isn't the right emotion to feel about the very real 10+ million who died in the most fucked up major conflict of modern times.

The real question is:

Is it acceptable to exploit something as expressly grotesque as war?

Is it more acceptable if there's a meaningful narrative?

Is it less acceptable if it's just a 1:1 retelling of the war?

And don't think of this only in the scope of video games.

> Germans
> Bad

As a britbong, I'm interested why you think we were bad. Not meaning to cause shit, just we only hear it from one perspective.

I just hope it's not on origin

Why did Germany invade France?


Actual Good guys:

Good guys:
- Yanks
- French
- Russians

Bad guys:
- Germans
- Austrians
- Serbians
- Kebabs


>there are people that don't understand that deep down human beings enjoy violence

Germany tried to invade France with a pathetic excuse in 1914



I mean declare war against.

yeah, but WWII had a bad side and a good side

>invading Neutral Belgium to invade France.

Looks like you didn't read what I wrote correctly. I said that you could PRETEND that you were heroes, but I certainly didn't mean that it was so simple in reality.

The point was that WWI was so especially pointless that there's no material to even pretend anything, there were no big ideologies to mask your violence behind or anything like that, it was just a meat grinder. Of course WWII was just the same in reality, but it had such different undertones that it has allowed people to view it differently afterwards.

Kiwi's and Retarded islanders think they're the actual "good guys."

Moot was right about aussies.

Great parody of the "Rape is not a joke!" tumblrinas. Good job OP.

This. It shouldn't be made into games IMO. It wasn't even interesting or exciting fighting, it was huge crowds and armies of people choking to death on mustard gas unheriocally, huge groups dying for no reason. Guns rarely killed, they were used as deterrants, or to mow down rows of soldiers slowly walking towards the enemy whose instructions were to walk together and not run. It was meant to be intimidation but so many people died for no reason.

No it wasn't. The eastern front of WWII was worse than either front of WWI

I guess they also realize that the vast majority of the demographic who buys these games aren't really going to care anyway..

Didn't the ANZACS get their asses kicked by a dying empire?

>War is shitty, first person shooters depicting war is entertaining.
This this this this this
How tumblr do you have to be to not understand this


how are they going to explain giving most classes auto weapons?

Great guys:
- Canadians (kicked ass, selflessly served, fought intelligently)

Good guys:
- French (defending their homeland)
- Russia (defending Serbia from aggression)

Bad guys:
- British (just general right cunts)
- Kebabs
- Ottomans
- Germans (attacked France and Belgium)
- Austrians (attacked Serbia

Idiot guys:
- Anzac/Kiwis


The Belgians could have just let them go through and the Germans could have completed the schlieffen plan and ended the war way earlier and prevented millions of deaths.

There were no villains in WW1. Just rampant nationalism and industrial level killing technology set off by some dumb Serbs killing the best friend they had in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Sup Forums is eternally triggered

no it wasn't. the death toll was higher, but the actual way that soldiers died was far more gruesome and depressing in WWI.

Also take into account that before WWI, the biggest military conflict was Waterloo, which happened a century before. No one had any idea what war would be like when the Great War broke out, iit was a shock to the world to the core due to the massive technological and industrial leap compared to Napoleon's war.

While by the time WWII broke out, the world had a good conception for warfare on a mass scale.

>set off by some dumb Serbs killing the best friend they had in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
But there had to be a reason for the assassination, right?

Good guys:
- Yanks (Stopped the war from being a stalemate)
- French (defending their homeland)
- Brits (Its empire was most needed in winning the war)
- Russia (defending Serbia from aggression)

Bad guys:
- Kebabs
- Ottomans
- Germans (attacked France and Belgium)
- Austrians (attacked Serbia

Idiot guys:
- Anzac/Kiwis

Drowned in Mud tier:
- Canadians (AKA Passendale Maple Mudpies)

I think it's fine as long as it at least tries to respect the suject material. Look at MoH on ps1/ps2, and the first 3 CoDs. They felt heavy as shit and you had a group of named allies with distinct personalities, not some modern cutscene companion who mysteriously disappears during gameplay and meets up with you at the end of the level. They weren't one-man army games, they felt dark and uncomforting and muddy and dark. The audio was gunfire and screaming, not dance remixes of punk rock music.

You forgot the Crimean War senpai.

It's actually a myth that people thought the war would end quickly. They HOPED that it would end quickly, but they feared it would go on and on.

Bullshit, you thing frostbite and two ideologies that fucking hated each other more than any hatred you could possibly experience in your life isn't gruesome? Read up on the prisoners of war.

kill yourself jew

Go back to the other thread you created, fucker

I don't even really have a problem with them making a game of it. I have actually wanted a legit WW1 shooter for a long time because I think it could be really compelling if done right. This trailer, along with slogging through the campaign of BF4 for some reason, very much gives the impression that it will be a total mockery. I thought it wasn't right when they did it in BF4, and that was a fictional conflict. It doesn't even have to necessarily be super realistic imo, just not a re-imagining and glorifying of war. At least in some older games they would present dying as the glorious act instead of killing, and I even thought that was typically in poor taste.


that thread looks more like some copypasta bait.