>oh it's the dodge it's attacks for 30 minutes and get 1 hit in every 2 minutes boss :)
>what you've got him to 40% life? X'D we'll add a second one! Dark souls le epic difficulty game x))) are you prepared to die? >;)
god this meme game is awful
>oh it's the dodge it's attacks for 30 minutes and get 1 hit in every 2 minutes boss :)
>what you've got him to 40% life? X'D we'll add a second one! Dark souls le epic difficulty game x))) are you prepared to die? >;)
god this meme game is awful
Other urls found in this thread:
go ahead and summon bitch
i expect nothing less of a salty shitter
Maybe you should stop trying to twink, loser.
>Anything in DS3
The only thing even remotely hard was the nameless nigger, and even then he's not that bad aside from the awful camera in the dragon part of the fight
Pontiff is the most memorable boss fight across all the Dark Souls games for me.
I actually yelled out loud when I finally got him.
I'm not that great of a player so it was a good moment for me.
You can beat this guy in less that 20sec if you just parry him and attack.
git gud
How many times did you die?
Iudex Gundyr:0
Vordt of the Boreal Valley:0
Curse-Rotted Greatwood:0
Crystal Sage:1
Abyss Watchers:0
Deacons of the Deep:0
High Lord Wolnir:1
Old Demon King:0
Pontiff Slyvahn:2
Yhorm the Giant:1
Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods:1
Dancer of the Boreal Valley:2
Dragonslayer Armour:0
Oceiros, the Consumed King:0
Champion Gundyr:0
Lothric, Younger Prince:0
Ancient Wyvern:0
Nameless King:0
Soul Of Cinder:1
Nice level 1 run.
DaS3 is the hardest game in the series, you just got gud.
Seriously go play DaS and DaS2 and see how easy they are now
>Beat the shit out of him get hit trade a few times
>Go apeshit
wew so hard
0 to every boss like the other Souls games because I'm not a shitter
Honestly, just parry his side swipe and his big overhead attack and you'll have him to half health, than you can just beat the shit out of him.
He actually gets easier when he summons the double since the double foreshadows his moves.
>parrying a boss
What are you, suicidal?
Not through the game yet, buuut
Iudex Gundyr: 1
Vordt of the Boreal Valley: 0
Curse-Rotted Greatwood: 1
Crystal Sage: 0
Abyss Watchers: 2
Deacons of the Deep:0
High Lord Wolnir: 0
Old Demon King: Haven't visited smoldering
Pontiff Slyvahn: 3
Yhorm the Giant: 0
Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods: 0
Dancer of the Boreal Valley: 0
Dragonslayer Armour: 2
Oceiros, the Consumed King: 1
Champion Gundyr: 6
And I haven't fought Lothric or anything past them yet.
Iudex Gundyr:0
Vordt of the Boreal Valley:0
Curse-Rotted Greatwood:0
Crystal Sage:0
Abyss Watchers:0
Deacons of the Deep:0
High Lord Wolnir:0
Old Demon King:0
Pontiff Slyvahn:0
Yhorm the Giant:0
Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods:0
Dancer of the Boreal Valley:0
Dragonslayer Armour:0
Oceiros, the Consumed King:0
Champion Gundyr:0
Lothric, Younger Prince:0
Ancient Wyvern:34
Nameless King:0
Soul Of Cinder:0
Iudex Gundyr:2
Vordt of the Boreal Valley:2
Curse-Rotted Greatwood:0
Crystal Sage:3
Abyss Watchers:15+
Deacons of the Deep:2
High Lord Wolnir:2
Old Demon King:1
Pontiff Slyvahn:20+
Yhorm the Giant:1
Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods:6
Dancer of the Boreal Valley:8
Dragonslayer Armour:0
Oceiros, the Consumed King:1
Champion Gundyr:7
Lothric, Younger Prince:10+
Ancient Wyvern:1
Nameless King:15+
Soul Of Cinder:4
how does a badass swordsman end up pope?
His second form is easier than his first. Learn to play.
>implying Sully is that hard.
Jesus, cry more. I just beat him earlier today. Sure, I died a few times, but I didn't come to Sup Forums and cry like a bitch about it.
Ebin shitpost OP
Prepare for more absolutely not artificial difficulty. :^)
Iudex Gundyr:0
Vordt of the Boreal Valley:0
Curse-Rotted Greatwood:0
Crystal Sage:0
Abyss Watchers:0
Deacons of the Deep:49
High Lord Wolnir:0
Old Demon King:0
Pontiff Slyvahn:0
Yhorm the Giant:0
Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods:0
Dancer of the Boreal Valley:0
Dragonslayer Armour:0
Oceiros, the Consumed King:0
Champion Gundyr:0
Lothric, Younger Prince:0
Ancient Wyvern:0
Nameless King:0
Soul Of Cinder:0
Iudex Gundyr: 0
Vordt of the Boreal Valley: 0
Curse-Rotted Greatwood: 2
Crystal Sage: 1
Abyss Watchers: 4
Deacons of the Deep: 0
High Lord Wolnir: 1
Pontiff Slyvahn: 6
Yhorm the Giant: 1
Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods: 3
Dancer of the Boreal Valley: 1
Dragonslayer Armour: 0
Just got to the Elder Prince and died once.
You're doing it wrong. you're supposed to say you died 0 or 1 time at most to every boss and expect people to believe you
>getting rekt by skeletons in tunnel that literally everyone breezes through
stay bad, shitter
>that health bar
you are fucking retarded
Not everyone is as bad as you at video games.
Iudex Gundyr: 0
Vordt of the Boreal Valley: 1
Curse-Rotted Greatwood: 1
Crystal Sage: 0
Abyss Watchers: 2
Deacons of the Deep:0
High Lord Wolnir: 0
Old Demon King: 0
Pontiff Slyvahn: 2
Yhorm the Giant: 0
Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods: 1
Dancer of the Boreal Valley: 9 (killed her at SL 40~ way before i even knew she was an endgame boss)
Dragonslayer Armour: 0
Oceiros, the Consumed King: 1
Champion Gundyr: 0
Lothric, Younger Prince: 1
Ancient Wyvern:0
Nameless King:21
Soul Of Cinder:0
ya'll suck desu
Ancient Wyvern is the only other boss than Nameless King that I died to more than twice
I didn't. Git gud.
That's why they allowed 3 phantoms and instant healing with 15 chugs, for faggots like you who can't play without a safe space. Go ahead and summon faggot.
Is 120 still the meta?
No one takes people like you seriously
It was always 80, faggot
>A boss that is so weak to riposte he can literally be killed in a single riposte
I honestly had more trouble with Dancer than Pontiff.
>watching gameplay videos before playing a Souls game
You ruined it for yourself.
how is that not your fault?
There's no shame in getting some Vit OP.
Iudex Gundyr: 0
Vordt of the Boreal Valley: 0
Curse-Rotted Greatwood: 1
Crystal Sage: 1
Abyss Watchers:~15
Deacons of the Deep: 0
High Lord Wolnir:2
Pontiff Slyvahn: ~20
Yhorm the Giant: 0
Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods: 5
Dancer of the Boreal Valley:~15
Dragonslayer nameless nigger: REEEEEEEEE
Currently on the ~30th try
jesus christ it looks like that first combo is literally the difference between an easy fight and a stupidly hard fight.
If I missed the first parry I was never gonna stop his onslaught of combos and shit but god damn if I got the first the fight was already over
Started recently and died 3 times to the tutorial boss, should i be ashamed?
If you were using the cleric, no, any other class, yes
You're terrible at the game
Can you summon people for the first boss?.
Forgot ocieros: ~5
ChAmp: 3
Some of the NPC's were harder than the bosses
the frost knights are stupid purely because of their infinite stamina and tracking.
Theres those certain zombies that morph into those black snake things that take absolutely dick damage and hit like a truck with infinite stamina.
They were way harder than most of any of the bosses
If it's your first souls game then no
>Iudex Gundyr:0
>Vordt of the Boreal Valley:2
>Curse-Rotted Greatwood:1
>Crystal Sage:1
>Abyss Watchers:2
>Deacons of the Deep:0
>High Lord Wolnir:2
>Old Demon King:0
>Pontiff Slyvahn:1
>Yhorm the Giant:2
>Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods:0
>Dancer of the Boreal Valley:0
>Dragonslayer Armour:3
>Oceiros, the Consumed King:1
>Champion Gundyr:1
>Lothric, Younger Prince:3
>Ancient Wyvern:1
>Nameless King:4
>Soul Of Cinder:0
Parry him, dipshit
Watch all of his no damage boss fights. I guarantee you will get better just from viewing them.
wow he could have used that ashen estus to be used as a regular estus. What a dumbass
Not samefag, but how was that his fault? Also, that skeleton parried him without a shield, with one arm.
There are a lot of liars on here.
>>Iudex Gundyr:2
>Vordt of the Boreal Valley:2
>Curse-Rotted Greatwood:0
>Crystal Sage:3
>Abyss Watchers:0
>Deacons of the Deep:5
>High Lord Wolnir:1
>Old Demon King:0
>Pontiff Slyvahn:2
>Yhorm the Giant:1
>Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods:15
>Dancer of the Boreal Valley:10
>Dragonslayer Armour:0
>Oceiros, the Consumed King:1
>Champion Gundyr:1
>Lothric, Younger Prince:1
>Ancient Wyvern:0
>Nameless King:6
>Soul Of Cinder:0
DS3 really is the hardest in the series by a mile. No shame in getting good.
I mean, what in the previous games makes this look easy by comparison? Artorias? Fight him again, he's cake comparatively. He's like a DS3 boss but slower and far more predictable.
Raime? He basically IS a DS3 boss, and he's considered the hardest boss in DS2... and Nameless King and Soul of Cinder are still harder than he is.
>Iudex Gundyr:0
>Vordt of the Boreal Valley:0
>Curse-Rotted Greatwood:0
>Crystal Sage: 0
>Abyss Watchers: 1
>Deacons of the Deep:0
>High Lord Wolnir: 3 (lel fog)
>Old Demon King:0
>Pontiff Slyvahn: 1
>Yhorm the Giant: 0
>Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods:1
>Dancer of the Boreal Valley: 3 (spin2win)
>Dragonslayer Armour: 0
>Oceiros, the Consumed King: 1
>Champion Gundyr: 0
>Lothric, Younger Prince: 0
>Ancient Wyvern: 0
>Nameless King: 0
>Soul Of Cinder: 0
I don't get it.
I died over a dozen times random shit and curse-rotted greatwood, and was afraid after hearing about Pontiff's fight and how much trouble people were having with him and I walked in and killed him first try, and again the second go around.
What's so hard about him? Every single one of his attacks is telegraphed as fuck, especially when he splits, and you could just block it and punish him more than a player in pvp due to him not having latency issues.
It's easier on the second phase.
The boss does the same attacks than the copy with a little delay.
If you know what attack it will do you don't have to predict it and don't fuck up your opportunity to attack.
Which souls game should I start with if I've never played any? I've been wanting to get into the franchise for a while now but I just never got around to it.
>DS3 really is the hardest in the series by a mile.
too many BB gimmicks
These "no damage" things weren't even around in DS2
>Your halberd/shield build has less health than my pyromancer build by the time of Sully
Couldn't figure out the gimmick and got trolled my messages.
Worst part is even on NG+ I got through without a single death until deacons which I got stuck on again.
>oh it's the dodge it's attacks for 30 minutes and get 1 hit in every 2 minutes boss :)
Thats what the dark souls fanbase loves
Havent you seen the cheering they've been giving that Nioh game
people like you should get banned for such shitposting
I died to Oceiros more times than I'm willing to admit.
Iudex Gundyr:0
Vordt of the Boreal Valley:1
Curse-Rotted Greatwood:4
Crystal Sage: 3
Abyss Watchers:2
Deacons of the Deep:1
High Lord Wolnir: 0
Pontiff Slyvahn: 4
Yhorm the Giant:1
Aldrich, Devoruer of Gods: 3
Dancer of the Boreal Valley: 25, probably more, for some reason i was too greedy
Not him, but Deacons can wreck certain builds. Some builds have a hell of a time getting through the bulky ones, and the Archdeacon can keep getting healed while you try to reach him.
There's also the curse cloud.
>Soul of Cinder
I thought you were serious for that entire post until you added a meme at the end. What are you going to say next, "Dark Souls 1 was truly difficult - just look at how challenging Gwyn was."?
>Another "how many times did you die" post
>No one posts SL or weapons
A lot of later bosses can easily one-shot you if you didn't pump your vigor. If you weren't getting one-shot, then you might as well count every Estus chug as a death.
Not a lot of liars, sounds like you fucking suck
How the fuck did you die to Iudex, Crystal Sage, Vordt and the Deacons?
Just play DaS1 and 3.
>Iudex Gundyr:0
>Vordt of the Boreal Valley:1
>Curse-Rotted Greatwood:0
>Crystal Sage:0
>Abyss Watchers:7
>Deacons of the Deep:0
>High Lord Wolnir:0
>Old Demon King:0
>Pontiff Slyvahn:2-3
>Yhorm the Giant:1 (Didn't even try to pick up the stormruler)
>Aldrich, Devourer of Gods:1
>Dancer of the Boreal Valley:1 (first try when I had full sippy cups)
>Dragonslayer Armour:0
>Oceiros, the Consumed King:0
>Champion Gundyr:2
>Lothric, Younger Prince:4
>Ancient Wyvern:3
>Nameless King:13
>Soul Of Cinder:3
>caring about ashen when you arent magic or pryo
This, actually. I decided to replay 1 and 2, and I'm mopping the floor with everything and everyone. I almost feel bad about it.
If you don't figure out the "he literally cannot hurt you if you're behind him" trick he can actually be a real asshole.
damn your right, game needs an difficulty setting, do they really expect me to be able to not r1 whenever i want?
>lying on the internet
>what you've got him to 40% life? X'D we'll add a second one! Dark souls le epic difficulty game x))) are you prepared to die? >;)
But that makes it way easier, the phantom does things first, dodge that, parry the exact same move pontiff always follows up with.
Demon's and DaS1 afterwards
>5 deaths
God damn...
My numbers may be a bit off but...
>ludex 10
>vordt 0
>greatwood 1
>sage 0
>abyss 0
>deacons 0
>wolnir 2
>demon 5
>pontiff 3
>yhorm 1
>aldrich 7
>dancer 1
>armour 3
>oceiros 0
>champ 0
>lothric 0
>wyvern 2
>nameless 0
>cinder 3
What can I say. I have to get gud with certain weapon types, and I can not parry AT ALL, so first bosses always get me the worst.
Iudex Gundyr: 0
Vordt of the Boreal Valley: 1
Curse-Rotted Greatwood: >20
Crystal Sage: 0
Abyss Watchers: 0
Deacons of the Deep: 0
High Lord Wolnir: 0
Old Demon King: 0
Pontiff Sullivan: 0
Yhorm the Giant: 0
Aldrich, Devourer of Gods: 0
Dancer of the Boreal Valley: 0
Dragonslayer Armor: 0
Oceiros, the Consumed King: 2
Champion Gundyr: 0
Lothric, Younger Prince: 1
Nameless King: 0
Soul of Cinder: 0
DS3 bosses are probably the hardest, but they are also the cheapest. Even DS2 bosses were less cheap. Not to mention the atrocious hitboxes.
Nameless King's swing can miss you by 5 feet and you'll still be hit.
>mfw fighting the nameless king
I had no problems with any other boss, I don't get why dancer/pontiff are such memes, but jesus christ did the nameless king rek my shit for a while. I suspect I would have taken less time on him had it not been for the fucking awful camera in the first part of the fight
Curse-Rotted Greatwood: >20
You just hit him in the balls
are you guys trolling or something? literally just fight him like the last giant
>not using blunt weapon to break skellys apart
>not using blessed blunt weapon to keep them from respawning
Gwyn was probably the second hardest boss in vanilla DS1 if you don't parry him, but that doesn't say much.
Soul of Cinder can be brutal, though. About 90% of his attacks will two shot you, his Gwyn phase cannot be parried, and his combo-blast is inescapable if any part of it hits you and it's basically guaranteed to kill you if you're not over-leveled or a tank build.
Black snake things are super weak to fire, it even stuns them for a good 3+ seconds.
>but how was that his fault?
Because the skeleton was in his parry stance and he attacked
It ddn't one shot him, it barely did half his health, he could've safely rolled out if he didn't panick
Other than grabs DaS3 has amazing hitboxes