Buyfag Thread

Buyfag Thread

Post whatever you got and what you're buying.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Buy new figure
>Eat nothing but ramen for 2 weeks

How do i convince myself evertime that it's worth it?

convince yourself that a grown man shouldn't but spending hundreds of dollars on worthless toys

playing this now
it's fun

Reminder not to reply to normalfags and shitposters

Is that a new Sakura? I thought I saw a prototype of that pose at Wonfes this year. When's it coming out?

reminder to preorder this semen demon

By looking for a better job if you want to fund this hobby.

It's getting better lads.

Just got shown off painted yesterday, still nothing about a release date though.

Edna is cute!


I preordered her. I just wish she had removeable boots, i want to see her dainty toes.

Just preordered.

I never even heard of Phantom of the Kill before.

I want it but I'm waiting for other releases, god damn it

The exchange rate just had to go to shit the same year I have the most orders.

Still waiting on my MM Link nendo. Also have Max Factory's Dark Magician Girl for this month.

Why do you buy things from series you never heard of before? Don't you regret it later?

I guess this is Sup Forums related. My latest acquisition, love her.

Not getting any more figures after this one in the next couple months though (other than the Galko-chan Nendo I preordered from Amiami), as I'm working towards a gaymen PC and a goyphone.

We had a good buyfag thread last time
Let's keep on to that.

>Don't you regret it later?



Cute. I have her preordered. Coming in 2 months

Going to her concert on the 25th :3

I want to buy a hoodie like that for my gf.


Worst nendoroid ever

I went last weekend, you're going to love it. Have fun

Got all three last week

Just got the Kirby nendo a few days ago. It's definitely one of the best figures on the market right now.

I just ordered this fucking thing.

It cost me like 190 dollars but I've been wanting this forever.

>spending that much on non-canon shit still hurts...

Is the Sakura Taisen franchise still ongoing? I thought the last game was for the PS2.


I have a really soft spot for mysteries of the sith user it was basically my first PC game.

I don't care if mara jade is non canon she's still the best ;__;


>300-400 each
>1200 freedom bucks for the complete set


Indeed. Nothing points that anything from the new canon is going to prove its worth at all.

No, but Sakura has been making a few appearances recently. She made a cameo in the Sega Girls anime and a main character in Project X Zone 1/2. Maybe a sign Sega wants to bring it back? Who knows.

Oh, and there was also this to commemorate the 20th anniversary,

Not really, but it's the 20th anniversary this year.

>Indeed. Nothing points that anything from the new canon is going to prove its worth at all.
Yeah I mean i can't say im entire unhappy that old stuff is wiped because there are a lot of things i'd really would like gone forever.

But it bums me out the good shit is gone.

Those Hobby expos in Japan look like fun times

Running out of space to put them

Just waiting on the e-mails.


She has nail polish on her toes, I just know it

my jigga

Got puppy girl and kitty boy coming this month.

im gay

>mfw trying to save up money for college, but also want to buy figures of cool shit
I don't even order the $100+ stuff, just figuarts and little models. I just feel kinda scummy for ordering something this expensive

sorry for blogging, I got these. Seriously debating on getting the 2nd set

Figs aren't that important. Once you're financially stable then you can buy all the plastic crack you want

Get ready for squidvasion

anyone have the infographic on where to buy figs from? All I know of is amiami

Whoops forgot pic

The sorceress one look great. I didn't really like the other versions so much.

nice set up

Finally caught up with the Tales of figures a few weeks ago. Now I'm just waiting on the preorders.


Yeah I learn that you need to spend quite a bit on acrilic risers, stands, and effects for a nice display. $1000s worth of anime figures won't be worth shit if it's cluttered. Also the figures need room, otherwise they look like cheap GI Joes rather than premium figures like pic related (not mine)


>Lloyd Figure
>Collete figure
>fucking Zelos figure

>No Sheena figure

There are higher chances of a Kratos figure than a Sheena figure at this rate.


You seem like a man of the finest taste
How are them Jojos? Im reading Part 4 and really want a Jouske

I still don't get people who buy lewd statues. The point of figures is that so you can display and show off. But the rule of powerlevel states that you must hide your powerlevel. How do you solve the conundrum?

The only figure with a comparable ass.

I really like them, but you have to be creative with your poses since they look very odd in non-dynamic poses. Josuke and Crazy Diamond are kinda hard to come by, actually. Not exactly expensive, but they do rarely show up.

By not letting strangers into your room, user. There is such a thing as to display them for oneself.

Saudi Prince?

>I still don't get people who buy lewd statues
Because it's nice to look at
>But the rule of powerlevel states that you must hide your powerlevel. How do you solve the conundrum?
By not having friends? Why the fuck would I care about someone's opinion, I'm the one that spends 12 hours a day here.

>Shinguji Sakura fig



I dont invite people to my place
So figures like this is just so I can turn my head and have an ass in my face

>$1200 dolarydoos
What do? Good DMC figures are few and between

Wheres this at? Cos its sexy as fuck
Is there a Triggerless version for half price?

Alter will probably announce something at the next Tales of festival or Wonfes. I'm hoping they don't jump on the Berseria train right away and go back to some of the older games.

They're gonna be $300-400 each. You can mix match the 4. So a basic set with Human dante and Vergil would be just half the price

Your room should be the one place your powerlevel shines.

I really dont want to spend all that money
But fuck they look good

>tfw a good looking Erica figure will never be released.
I just want to have the complete trio together.

Making tracers pistols

love that fucking Mako figure

Piss off namefag

I have to buy filament to make shit. But it's still video game stuff that I'm getting in the future.
please insult me more


I you fucking get perma banned one day

user, don't get mad. I'm not trying to upset you plus I mobile post 85% of the time.

What are even the Sakura Wars games? I only know one installment made it tot he west and Project X Zone fellates the shit out of the ones that didn't.

>don't get mad
Then start by not being an attention whore and remove the name also learn what a fucking buyfag thread is.

I posted stuff I bought, is there a next step?

Is that Pam from Bondage Fairies?

Stole you name, faggot,

Learn to tripcode.

>tempted to import Gundam Breaker 3 and maybe Yakuza Kenzan/Ishin
Should I?

dude that Satan figure is fucking badass

Hey Sup Forumsaper,

Sorry I was being a massive faggot before,

I am suck a HUGE faggot.

I'm going to go be a faggot and an hero.

Hail Hitler

I hope you die in a car crash. I've seen your faggotry before, you're a cancer and you ruined the only good thread that Sup Forums has.

They are essentially dating sim/srpg hybrids.

No one likes trips so I don't use them but when I do it's got a waifu in it. Otherwise, I just try to not upset anons. Don't be silly.

No, it's Pixie from MegaTen

Thanks for reminding me of the existence of that series asshole. That was probably the singular work that traumatized me to the point where it taught me that that there are limits when it comes to porn that should never be broken, and I only read the first volume. I shouldn't had listened to Ai no Uta before reading that shit, He didn't deserve that.

thanks, user, I am proud of my SMTs. Satan is cheap too.

an old charming series that falls under the date sim/srpg, though the latte half is fairly small compared to the 1st half. Great music, nice VA's for its top-tier cast, even side characters were fairly good, for the time the game was made it has lots of choices even if the story itself is linear.

It's really a shame the west didnt get any of the main series and instead only got ST5.

Anyone here getting squishy porkchop?

I see. any other than the 5 that I can play in English? Also Wii version or PS2 version?