Dead on release

>dead on release
glad I didnt fall for the meme

What meme? That they released the game? How the fuck is that a meme?

Playing a game is a meme nowadays. Welcome to Sup Forums.

It being dead is a sign that the game is bad.
>78% mostly positive

I didn't ask you for random bullshit. I asked you how it's a meme. Can't you answer a simple question?

It's a meme you dip

Everything is a meme nowadays. Welcome to the Internet.
Also, Battleborn is basically dead on arrival.
>You get every character for free
>Oh but you have to unlock them through playing the game. You can't play the characters you want until later :^)
>Oh and we'll be locking content (And some skins) behind a DLC wall.
>Just $30 more for the Season Pass!
>Overwatch? What's that? Sounds rip a rip-off.
Etc. etc.
It's an alright game all things considered. It will more than likely crash similar to Evolve, though.

Yeah, the payment structure works against it much like Evolve's did.

They'd probably have gotten a lot more interest and money if they'd just made if F2P and undercut Overwatch completely,

Battleborn is a moba , overwatch isn't.
What's your point?

>unlockables are bad
>skins are important. That's why they should be free

Truly, these are the Sup Forums - neo Video Games

iip: a kid who never played a videogame without dlc in his life

Battleborn isn't free though, it's 49,99$

People are entitled to their opinions, user.
Now allow me to restate my opinions in a new light.
>Unlockables are bad
When it's literally 80% of the cast and some of them have shitty requirements, like X wins as an Assassin type, which was an unlock I remember from the Open Beta event for a character exclusively locked to PS4 for said Beta that they didn't turn off on Xbone or PC.
But when you're locked to literally a fifth of the cast, there's a problem unless it's a F2P MOBA. Which it isn't. It should logically have an optional unlock system of Heroes giving you the Easiest first and as you "improve" getting the "harder" ones that can be turned off in Options.
My 2 cents, I don't like having EVERYTHING gated through time/money when I'm dumping $60 already.
>Skins are important.
Where did I say that? There's a reason it's in quote. It's a side detail, something of minor note. I'd rather they be free, but I can more than understand why they aren't and accept it.
>How dare they offer paid content in this free game? I am entitled to everything free
The game looks and feels half-assed. Anything they put in will more than likely be the same. It feels like you're paying $60+ for less than $60 worth of stuff. It's like Evolve, but not quite as bad in this case, since there's actually something to do instead of Evolve's what, 4 Launch maps with nothing but "Hunt the Beast?"

Now to sit back and wait for F2P

to think Sup Forums almost convinced me to buy this over Overwatch. glad I backed the right horse on this one boys

The game costs 60$ you dip

Holy shit, that's worse than Evolve.

You dun goofed. The correct choice was neither.

Been playing tf2 for 7 years I couldn't pass it up

Ranked will make the game so much more fun desu.

I still prefer TF2 over both games. Especially Overshit

Reminder that most people who shit on this game havent played it and most people who have played it love it

Although if you have amd the game is unplayable

>Main aspect of game is online 5v5 matches
>Has under 10k global players

Yeah, keep telling yourself it ain't DOA.

Saw a youtube video and it basically looked like a reskinned borderlands.
Not worth my shekels.

Got it on PS4, don't forget the activision dick sucking blizzdrones that HAVE to try and put this game down for some reason.