Why are conservashits so triggered about Battlefield 1?
Why are conservashits so triggered about Battlefield 1?
Because they can't separate reality from fiction.
They probably get triggered when someone blames videogames for school shootings or violence because "It doesn't influence the kids or makes them violent" but call propaganda a game with a black character and tell everyone that it makes the white male look weak.
>Is black even though there was less than 8% black population in America at the time, and only around 4% black soldiers in WW1.
>Is using a Mauser even though he appears to be from the U.S. army.
>Is holding said gun sideways like a "hood nigga".
>Has an automatic weapon strapped to his side even though automatic weapons were almost non-existent on infantry soldiers.
>This is what my great-grandfather died in the Somme for. To be embodied as group that barely even fought that war.
Pic related.
Well i dont give a shit, trailer looks great, but obviously its virtue signalling from the developer, a statement clearly political in nature. What proportion of combatants in WW1 were black?
>his race literally doesnt fucking matter
>what is plundering the riches of the enemy?
>false niggah, its upright one handed.
>yeah sure cunt they'll make a battlefield game where every gun is semi
>your grandfather was a cuck
>Complaining that an EA game is not realistic or historically accurate
What the fuck were you expecting.
keep telling yourself that Sup Forumsblr
>It's a "Democrats VS Republicans" episode
>white guy plays samurai in Nioh
>Sup Forums doesnt say shit
>black guy in a war where black guys actually fought
>Sup Forums throws a shitfit
I know the reasons for DICE having a black MC in battlefeld are entirely cynical but Sup Forums's response has been equally cynically hypocritical
because they're a bunch of tiny-dicked white permavirgin neckbeards that get triggered by black men being in their vidya
>it's another Sup Forums thread
They're intimidated and reacting with their pent up white rage.
If I had to describe a dinosaur, Michael Moore would be a pretty good fit.
So I guess he must have been there, to know so much about it.
Yeah, I'm sure your granddad is rolling in his grave because he didn't get proper representation in a video game.
I've heard that the US forbid the use of the BAR because they were afraid the Germans would capture it. Is this just bullshit that I heard in middle school?
>muh great-grandfather
There are plenty of white characters in the game and there is people out there whose great-grandfather was a black guy who was in world war I.
Fuck him he's not the only person to die in wwi.
Then just admit they're clearly stretching the truth and realism in their weaponry and their demographics. This isn't about some racist tirade. Its about how they chose to focus on a tiny minority group in the war that didn't accomplish very much, and are going to make them into some silly alt universe hero story where they saved the world instead of actually showing us WWI.
>picked it up off a dead body
>you need glasses
>it's a video game
>who cares? fuck your grandpops opinion he's dead
It's the Alt-Right fags
They're literally fedora-tier
I don't like it because they're trying2hard to make the negro look cool. you don't aim that way in wars. you don't cock your head like your edgy and shit.
I'm not triggered, just amused.
>This isn't about some racist tirade.
It absolutely is. Nobody would give this much of a shit about the weapons being automatics.
>some silly alt universe hero story where they saved the world
You don't even know what is the story of the game.
He's holding the gun sideways on some covers, I don't need glasses.
Who cares? It's not like you guys are going to buy EA games anyway.
Historical inaccuracy.
Or at least that's why I'm triggered. I just want a nice, accurate, World War 1 game. Hell, it can star a nigger for all I care, just make it accurate to how the war actually happened. But let's be real here, the conservatives are just triggered because he's black.
Shells don't care what color you are when they turn you inside-out.
From a storytelling standpoint, a lot of the colonial troops that the powers brought in were absolutely horrified by trench warfare.
You spend the first couple years of the war seeing it gradually develop as a Euro soldier, and then these poor fuckers are just thrown into the full on horror of industrial war. Its kind of like how Germany was drawing up its entire 18 year old range just to march off and be killed.
To be fair the white guy is based off of someone who actually existed, while the black guy is just someone DICE made up. The response from Sup Forums has still been hypocritical though.
How does he know what dinosaurs thought? I don't like allegories that don't make sense. The reason why we call some people "dinosaurs" is because of the simple fact that they went extinct and the one who is being called dinosaur is one of the last surviving specimen, not because we know what they've debated in their brains just before dying out and how they went defensive over it.
Having a black dude being the protag is the least of that game's problems.
How about glorifying one of the most brutal conflicts in human history? Something even Hollywood directors don't have the balls to do.
How about the fact that the character carries around a machine gun like they were portable and standard issue back then?
How about the fact that Swede developers chose to make America the highlight of WW1 despite the fact that our involvement in the war was limited?
Having a black dude being the star isn't some sort of black washing, its just the result of the Swedish obsession of black cocks.
BF1 won't have the the AEK-971 or the ACE-23, but people don't want to admit that they're a scrub who can't use marksman rifles. So instead they lie and say the don't like the game because they're racist.
You know what photoshop is?
I'm more triggered about the name
What is historical inacurrate here?
You better feel this way about every war game or your a hypocritical cunt.
We might be lucky and get an intense, somber, and visceral experience. I doubt it though.
>Having a black dude being the protag is the least of that game's problems.
No, it's the biggest problem. This game is literally committing genocide against the white race.
Because it seems like EA took "alternate history" to mean two things:
1. Women and minorities in combat more than historically accurate
2. Technological advances like tanks used more than historically accurate.
At least that's my criticism. It's just a lazy way to avoid proper research.
I don't even give a fuck about the fact that they decided to focus on some lesser known forces. I fact I think it's kinda cool. I hope they give Ottomans a spotlight
What I do dislike is the tone. WWI was one of the most brutal, fucked up thinga in human history and they're portraying it with less seriousness and tact than fucking Call of Duty with the Vietnam war. There's a lot of cool stuff you could do with a WWI setting, like horrible chemical weapons, brutal tench warfare, air strikes but no, they made it dumb action movie shit.
**Cuckservatives are only triggered because the main character is black**
fuck off
>Conservatives are only triggered because the main character is black
>sees evidence to the contrary
>"f-fuck off"
It has literally all of that. Includi including ottoman btw, you fight them.
We don't know much because the games not out yet, but he's obviously an American soldier wielding a Mauser c92, which was a German gun during the war. And unless they have this guy serving in a segregated all black unit, that would also be historically inaccurate.
The problem with World War I is its one of the most fucked up wars in human history, and it's really hard to portray it respectfully and accurately. Fucking things up this badly isn't just historically inaccurate, but disrespectful to the millions of men who died during the war.
What the fuck, I didn't even see that he was black before. I thought he was just in shadow.
While it is weird, most of you are only choosing now to deal with historical inaccuracy out of pathetic racism
get cucked
If war is ok to portray in video games than ww1 doesn't get a pass. All war is horrible. WW1 isn't special in that regard.
The black guy is a french soldier.
It doesn't get a pass sure, but you could at least handle the depiction of the war in a respectful manner.
These covers are just making me sad now. They could have done something cool but it's the same as always.
Someone post that super paper mario Francis pic, because right now it's more accurate than ever.
This is what happens when your entire life revolves around being racist and playing Chinese animated 3d cartoons.
Well fuck. Still weilding a German gun, but the fact that he's French is a bit better.
I really hope that this game actually ends up being good, because I've been craving a good World War I game, but I don't have much faith given how it's been handled so far. Oh well.
Sounds like he's talking about his career.
Does vicky 2 count as a ww1 game?
>I NEED you to be a racist, okay? My victim complex is craving an oppressor, just do me a solid.
I don't know. I've never played it. What's it like?
>all wars are horrible.
What about the war between Italy and Lichtenstein?
Feel what way faggot? This arguement dosen't even make sense in the context of other wars.
Give me a list of movies/games that glorified WW1 to the level this game has. With dubstep music, and portable machineguns to make it more actiony because the devs didn't think WW1 was interesting enough.
Can you at least list some WW1 games/movies that focused on America's involvement in the war?
>tfw Sup Forums is Sup Forums 2.0 now
all is right with the world
The 369th Infantry Regiment, formerly known as the 15th New York National Guard Regiment, was an infantry regiment of the United States Army National Guard that saw action in World War I and World War II. The Regiment consisted of African-Americans and Puerto Ricans and was known for being the first African-American regiment to serve with the American Expeditionary Forces during World War I. Before the 15th New York National Guard Regiment was formed, any African American that wanted to fight in the war had to enlist in the French or Canadian armies.[2] The regiment was nicknamed the Harlem Hellfighters, the Black Rattlers and the Men of Bronze, which was given to the regiment by the French.[3] The nickname "Hell Fighters" was given to them by the Germans due to their toughness and that they never lost a man through capture, lost a trench or a foot of ground to the enemy.[4] The "Harlem Hellfighters" were the first all black regiment that helped change the American public's opinion on African American soldiers and helped pave the way for future African American soldiers.
Its a grand strategy game from 1840ish to 1918 that tracks types of populations, so you can genocide, and do weird social controls. You can also build an either economy that functions only on liquor.
>Cod is venturing into Battletech territory
>Battlefield is trying to make a person whose race barely participated in the war a hell of a lot more important than what they historically were
I really don't have in either of them until a beta or something, but cod sounds more promising
That sounds fun. Is it on steam?
Do murifats actually believe anyone is conservative? Real conservative actually have an opinion and take a stance on things. Even in Sup Forums the faggots there are just contrarian retards who do not have a stance and just shit on everything
>The nickname "Hell Fighters" was given to them by the Germans due to their toughness and that they never lost a man through capture, lost a trench or a foot of ground to the enemy.
Ahh, old world propaganda.
It's rather silly when someone calls a board "Sup Forums 2.0" since racism and offensive jokes have been rampant on this site since before Sup Forums even existed.
The only people who say such are redditbabbies.
Yeah, the base game is on steam. Pretty sure that the thread over in /vg/ has all the dlc too.
Dice is trying desperately to cash in on controversy.
Actually I just looked into it and it makes more sense that he's a Hellfighter. Just like the muslim woman is part of the lawrence of arabia pack.
They are pandering but it's in a clever way. We get to see the war from many perspectives instead of just 1 and the SJWs can shut up about diversity on this one.
A regiment is about 2k people.
USA mobilized 4 million.
Do you honestly think conseveratives are the ones that'd a problm glorifying war?
That's mostly liberally
This guy gets it
What's the difference between glorifying WW2 rather than WW1? Or the Crusades? Or the Thirty Years War? Or Vietnam? Or any of the other countless conflicts?
>name media that portray Americans in ww1
Why are you so booty blasted about this? There will be multiple characters from different factions.
I honestly though this cover was a Sup Forums photoshop until I saw someone like it on instagram. Just look at his fucking nostrils.
>Being this white
Ah. I see. Hopefully they display the Hellfighters accurately. Given that it's a battlefield game though, we can be sure that the multiplayer is fun at least.
>SJW's denounce white washing
>SJW's trying so hard to justify black washing
Have you seen the all white swede development team? Maybe give them jobs programming if you eant to be inclusive. Or heres an idea, do some fucking research about their culture, and where they came from, and make a game about that?
This is just a cheap ploy to look diverse and inclusive instead of ACTUALLY being diverse and inclusive.
Imagine a game where there are no white people because it's set in Africa, your whole village just got wiped out by Boko Haram, and now you are seeking revenge.
WOW DICE, that was easy.
Oh I said plenty about that fucking weeb fantasy
And every single one of them (including the black people) have a part/story in that war. You don't get to just arbitrarily say one doesn't count. That would make you seem like a dick fat dick waffle.
Every other thread is fucking BF1.
The Sup Forums infestation is real.
>Thirty Years War
Why does this get almost zero representation in media? Its on the same level as ww1 in terms of slaughter in Germany.
I just want to talk about history and vidya, user. No need for Sup Forums here.
So really black people's role in this war was fuck all
Dude on people triggered think this a controversy which is clearly you. The games reveal was a total success, the trailer went vial and it's like-to-dislike ratio shits on CoD (it's closest competitor) from a great height.
The marketing clearly worked, your just buttmad
To be HONEST its "based" on a weeb fantasy thst never happened. The guy was a translator who was never in anything close to a sword fight.
Oh shiiiiiiiit. I know that guy.
Hes a romanian nazi, and really nice dude.
Hopefully, as long as it isn't like Battlefront. I'm skeptical about the air combat as the tiefighters behaved a lot like biplanes if you think about it and they were boring spin2win
The black guy is from an infantry unit that very much existed during WW1, the Harlem Hell..something or others. Sup Forums are just running around telling everyone they didn't exist because they're in hysterics.
>if race literally doesn't fucking matter you might as well make it historically accurate instead of slapping a black American on the front cover in an obvious attempt to win progressive brownie points.
Who are the Black French soldiers and other black soliders that numbered near a million.
But your point about race goes out the fucking window when you prove yourself that there was at least some portion of black people in that war.
All other points are either bullshit or just plain wrong.
Holy fuck I hate this reactionary generation
Ooh he's from the Hellfighters? That actually makes a lot more sense.
They had more of a part in it than your dumb ass. Show some respect. Like truly how do you sperge so hard that you get to randomly decide a soldiers service to a cause doesnt count? Stop being retarded. It makes white people look bad.
4 million frenchmen died in the war, 200k of them were from colonies.
The unit earned 170 legion of honor awards, two medals of honor, and croix de gueree. They saw some shit and earned a spot in history. No one is saying that they won the war. It's just an interesting story.
It is historically accurate, what is it that you cucks don't get? The Harem Hellfighters fought more than any other unit in WW1. They have every right and reason to promote them for the US market.
You're just being pathetic racists.
I think it's because it's going to be another case of blacks and women having their contribution overstated by progressive intentions. Americans had a minor role in the war compared to the others, much less a small meme unit. I could see French/British/German people being upset that they would feature this instead of those who made up 99.9999% of the war and casualties.
But then again, this is probably for marketing and it seems like it's going to be contained to one campaign so w/e.
>in the campaign you follow a black soldier in harlem hellfighters
>you can also play a bedouin woman
fucking hell, is there some quota from EA
>The Harem Hellfighters fought more than any other unit in WW1
Dude... the americans were barely involved in the war you fucking retard
>reddit is racist and not a liberal echo chamber
>fedora tippers are racist and not beta "m'lady" male feminists
Literally appropriating our memes, check your privilege shitlord.