Looking for emulator to play some paper mario

>Looking for emulator to play some paper mario
>Spend at least 5+ hours looking for one that works and isn't a virus
>Finally find one that works
>Antivirus does not detect anything
>About 1 hour into paper mario 2 i get a warning message from my antivirus
>Delete emulator
>get a new antivirus message
>it says "April fools!"
>Spend another 6 hours looking for the emulator again
>Can't find it

>looking for roms of obscure games
>find download site

Every time

>lying on the internet

Beth, get your shit together.

"things that never happened"

"Let me make a dumb thread for the epic ribbit gold points" fuck off

>reddit and morty
Consider suicide

>be op
>be retarded

That N64 emulator might have triggered your antivirus because it was poorly coded.

please go away.

Paper Mario 2 was for gamecube dude


Screencapped for the EPIC LOLS!

What the fuck, how have you not heard of Dolphin? How could you not find Dolphin after less 30 seconds of googling?

your antivirus software tricked you into thinking your computer was infected as a prank?

it's a rather meta antivirus solution

I heard you like screen caps in your screen caps.

>buy game on steam
>install game
>antivirus detects malicious software

Fuck everything.

i downloaded a 64 emulator for my phone and it informed me that i am a faggot and retarded.
tried to play goldeneye and it was pointless. there is no other way to play goldeneye without a 64 controller (and even when you figure it out it sucks. badly.) i am dumbfounded as to how this game was so awesome in it's prime.

>actually taking pointless screencaps
>using "epic lols" unironically
Back to ifunny,

You are either using some weird antivirus no one heard of or you're lying. They do the review process even for every release. In fact the "Watch Paint Dry" is the only game that was able to overcome this process because of glitch as far as people know

>tumblr filename
No shit you dumb nigger

>blind to irony


>getting baited this hard

>I-I was just pretending, g-got you g-g-guys...

EVERY time.

can we get a Sup Forums emulator? you could have roms for each different board you wanted to emulate, pre-loaded with n-grams for markov-chain based posting and related images.

Some rpgmaker character maker drove my anrivirus nuts and it did to others too based on the forums.

> download dolphin emulator
> download game iso
> play said game

How fucking hard is it?

What's the name of it, I'm interested

apparently excruciatingly. i'm most curious as to what emulators op was downloading that weren't dolphin.

You fool.
Not only was I baiting them, but I baited you into defending me.
You're a big dummy though, the old tumblr filename trick is a classic.

Ha! I baited you into thinking you'd baited me. Just according to keikaku (keikaku means plan)

baited so hard by OP they think they're baiting eachother. there's always a bigger fish

Ive got no clue man, but i guess OP is a special kind of retard when he fucks up that badly.

the true bait is when these turn out to be the same user

>implying I'm not you

>implying I ever thought we weren't the same person

I just baited you into thinking the two of you are another person, but you're actually just me.


Sorry, can't sympathize with you. I have an actual copy and a gamecube so i can play it whenever problem free guaranteed.

Well Jerry, I would if you would GET A JOB

I can't wait to share this with my buddies on 9gag!!

Just use Retroarch or Dolphin you fucking retard.

Whether OP is not looking hard enough or not, can we admit that 64 emulation is completely shit?

I still can't even play Goemon's Great Adventure properly and it's 2016.


Holy shit I want to FUCK Beth. Summer too. There is not nearly enough porn of either.

>using antivirus
Enjoy your snake oil.