Why does this game trigger PC players so much?
Why does this game trigger PC players so much?
cos we don't like shit 20 fps hallway sims?
The game doesnt trigger anyone
But Sony and their fans aren't liked or welcome here
It's not even a game.
It doesn't. We went through the movies instead of gameplay thing way back in the 90s with games like phantasmorgia so if anything we emphasize with console players.
Because Sony gets a constant stream of quality games and PC doesn't?
What about Half-Life& It's a linear corridor cinematic shooter and you worship it.
Because it creates bait and shitposting threads like this one.
hey sonypony
neogaf is that way
Say what you will, but at least it has cool cheats and filters.
they can't pirate it
Half-life is just as fondly remember for the mods it spawned as for the game itself. Can consoles even have mods?
They can't pirate it.
Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, Nioh, Uncharted 4
meanwhile PC plays replays Fallout and Dark souls 3 again
Wonder why PC users hate people who play on PS4?????????????????????
I'm fucking scared, PCbros. None of our games this year can beat Uncharted 4's metascore. If things continue to be this way we're FUCKED.
at least it supports all the fps and mods we could enjoy
Wait, it does?
>they removed the Fat Drake skin because feminists complained it wasn't body positive
How can anyone defend such a cuckoldry?
Nobody defended it.
I own a ps4 and stupid pandering horseshit like this triggers the fuck out of me too.
Remember back when Naughty Dog were still respectable developers?
Uncharted 2 took the average player 11h to complete.
Uncharted 2 has 1h 28m o cutscenes.
You know who has actually played the games and not when people like you make these ignorant statements.
The entire point of the series is to make what would otherwise be a cutscene in another game actually be playable.
The convoy chase section in 2 for example would not have been playable or it would've been on-rails in a turret or something.
This is why you can't really discuss this series (or pretty much any game for that matter) on Sup Forums, too many people having opinions on things they know nothing about for no other reason than to fish for replies or call something shit.
Awesome, it instantly reminds me of certain movies.
>uses 2 to defend 4
Pretty sure they removed it because they wanted consistent hitboxes.
Is this the reply you expected? too bad you won't get it
you created this thread 90 times just to show off the "next gen graphics" about (which are all from trailers)
And of course, uncharted will (90% chance) end up with a downgrade like watch doges.
and it probably won't have support to ps4.5
Holy fucking shit
It seems a lot of western developers going down this route now, not just naughty dog. The only truly based developers left are Japanese devs in my opinion because they actually stand up to sjw's
I'm using 2 to explain why you're not only ignorant, but also stupid. I'm not defending anything here, merely calling stupid people stupid.
cellshader filter looks really cool
you are going to post the others too just remember that he was failing the QTE on purpose
>dialog choices
>its all the same thing
anyone know whether the crash bandicoot segment can be replayed?
>I don't like this about 4
>2 wasn't like that, so you're just stupid
name one game
>90% chance
you're just making shit up senpai
You're overhyping it. You're pretending this is a masterpiece, and you do it with every fucking exclusive you get because you need to fuel your consolewar bullshit.
Uncharted is a mediocre series. The gameplay is fine but nothing to write home about, and it's pretty much the same in all games save minor improvements. The real selling point is that it's like you're playing a movie, except the movie is pretty mediocre too.
>No they fucking didn't.
This is the quote they got from ND
>We had a big debate about it and kind of approached it from all kinds of angles and decided we weren’t comfortable having it in our game.
This can be interpreted in many different ways.
It's literally already released and people are taking screenshots in game that look amazing.
What about slav devs?
>This can be interpreted in many different ways.
Only if you apply some pretty incredible mental gymnastics and leaps of logic. The hitboxes on that skin were never a problem, they worked 100% fine since the first game.
It's pretty goddamned clear why they removed it, if it were for technical reasons they would have just flat-out said so.
There is a big deffirence between trailers and actual gameplay in almost all games, including the new one being released right now
Tell me why wouldn't uncharted do the same?
i mean, no one expected it when it happened to watch dogs.
You're calling them "movies" when a very minimal part of the game actually consists of cutscenes.
In fact most modern games you enjoy has way more cutscene time than Uncharted yet magically the Uncharted series is a "movie" series because you can use it as ammo to hate on it, even though it stems from ignorance and used by idiots.
But keep greentexting, you simply prove me right with every post since you actually have no rebuttal to what I'm saying.
So thanks for conceding.
Man it's really conflicting because Naughty Dog still retains very old school elements in their games especially with the characters and dialouge, and that is refreshing and rare in games these days but they are also doing the SJW thing now I assume if not to play it safe and appeal to the wider audience in general.
Nah, pretty sure everyone already saw those in that 600 post thread we just had. They're too disgusting and stupid to repost and no, they aren't failing them, you can clearly see in those other webms that Drake grabs on to the bars below after falling out the window, which to me indicates that this is were the next "gameplay" sequence begins. If he had died after failing them, then you would be correct.
>Only if you apply some pretty incredible mental gymnastics and leaps of logic.
Which is what Sup Forums loves doing, like over at
"According to Neil Druckmann the decision was made to take the character out because, "I didn't want to have a laugh at someone’s expense," adding that, "I thought we’d matured beyond that.""
looks amazing, same as all other games released right now, but far less than the trailers and pictures that were released by the devs during the development
pc "gamers" are a bit upset at the moment because their upcoming brown shooter isn't brown enough or fast enough. ugh, whatever that means :-/
not to mention nvideo announced a new graphic card so everybody has to upgrade their whole computers (as new graphics cards are made they fit in new computer slots)
and after all that they still don't have a story as emotional or compelling as the new Uncharted game. it's hard to swallow that after spending thousands on their computer box the most graphically intensive and beautiful game is on the PS4. i feel a little bad for them really.
>[...] you can turn everybody white.
so Sup Forums can be satisfied
SEEWhy do you Sonycucks even bother?
We've seen the trailers and we've seen gameplay which unironically looks better than what they've shown us, in still shots and direct feed gameplay.
It's simply not your average AAA game like you're trying to make it out to be.
>We've seen the trailers and we've seen gameplay which unironically looks better than what they've shown us
>unironically looks better than what they've shown us
here, yet another example over at with
>but they are also doing the SJW thing now
So why do they have offensive things like taunts where you take a selfie with the person you just killed's corpse and worse?
But keep stretching for those logical fallacies. Let's look for anything we can complain about and focus on that over the actual game, because that would make too much sense after all.
It's a mediocre series that was a wannabe Tomb Raider with chest-high-wall-combat syndrome and is more linear and scripted than Call of Duty campaigns. The game was designed set-piece first, and the rest was figuring out how to connect them all.
Also, it's tauted as some graphical masterpiece, yet it has never been that great looking.
Vavra is truly the SAVAGE meme of developers. I hope the game is good.
Just wait for the emulator, there's nothing in Uncharted that warrants immediate playing.
PS3's already run at 25fps IIRC.
Uncharted is a cool series, it has good gameplay and an ok story with some cool set pieces which are almost always playable and not qtes or cutscenes. I'm not a big fan but you can't say it's a bad game, in the tps genre if it's not the best it's definitely in the top 3 and I played this genre a lot during 7th gen. It certainly is a lot better than garbage like Gears of War or Tomb Raider.
My top 3 TPS last gen are in no specific order Uncharted 2/3, Vanquish and Dead Space 1, and maybe TLOU even though I consider it more in the stealth genre as playing it all the time as a TPS shows unrefined gameplay.
>buzzword memespouting
It always brings me great joy to know that my brain hasn't decomposed to this degree yet.
>He seriously buys that the game will look anywhere near as good as the trailers when ND have proven time and time again that their trailers are all bullshots
Holy fuck you're not right in the head, seek help.
That line is hilarious when they dont show footage of what actually happens. Its called "thief vision" or something, and it turns friendly characters into pure white models and enemies into pure red models.
But, I really want to play the game in Fast-Motion, Bullet time (everythig slows down when you aim), mirror-world-every-time-you-die, no gravity, Cel-Shaded and 8-bit sound all turned on for my second playthrough.
The car chase scene from e3 will look insane.
>Just wait for the emulator
How's that PS3 emulator going?
>PS3's already run at 25fps IIRC.
Dbz game ran well above 30
What part of 20 FPS did you conveniently choose to ignore?
>So why do they have offensive things like taunts where you take a selfie with the person you just killed's corpse and worse?
Because nobody complains about it you fucking mong. Feminists throw a shitfit over fat-shaming on a daily basis.
It's not a fallacy if the lead director LITERALLY STATED that they took it out because it made people uncomfortable.
Keep defending this SJW garbage, you pathetic cuck. It really doesn't bother me if you're fine with gargling Anita's balls on an hourly basis.
His interview on techraptor was pretty based
People have streamed the entire game, if you wait at the "recently uploaded" tab on Youtube after searching for Uncharted 4 you can see gameplay before it gets taken down.''
It looks just as good as the trailers.
>still using that image for 3
I bet you're in the camp that got upset about Amy Hennig getting the boot as well.
I literally mention it in the next line, it's going great
Because it says a lot about the state of the industry if that thing is being consedered a masterpiece.
Not saying it's bad, i do beleve that i can give you a nice expirience but it's nothing special, it has good graphics a decent story and mediocre gameplay. Why is this considered a masterpiece?
Disgusting. I rather have a 360 emulator, at least to play Forza and Halo if anything else.
>Every site already has gameplay from their reviews
>Already gameplays on YT by some random who's
>looks the same as the trailers
How retarded can you get
how so?
i mean, i played the first, it was the worst collection of shitty videogame industry tropes and it stopped occupying my mind ever since
What about my post suggests I'm doing mental gymnastics? I'm acknowledging what ND is doing and it's fucking stupid but to their credit they can fall back on the fact that they're simply aiming for bigger profits by appealing to a wider audience and will tolerate looking like idiots in the process.
People aren't going to not-buy the game because fat drake is gone because those type of people are usually sensible however, I cna only assume they figured there are a large enough amount of people who would boycott the game if fat drake was in it.
>feminist fat-shaming
Stopped reading right there. Anyone that resorts to memespouting and buzzwords is something too far gone to even interact with.
Your brain is just a decomposed sludge.
I'm not gonna lie, Naughty Dog games always impress me with the graphical fidelity they manage to squeeze out of weak consoles, especially the lighting is really well done. Claiming they look bad is shitposting at it's finest.
BUT, their games are all boring as fuck, just your average third person cover based shooter with no interesting gimmicks at all. It also has platforming but it's completely automatic. If people want to shit on the series then that's a much more obvious target. You're literally playing through a generic hollywood action movie with shootouts now and then to get to watch the next button prompt-filled cutscene.
>comparing ps4s second video game unreleased in 2016 to a pioneer of fps in the 90s
that just proves his point correct
Most people here are PC/nintendo
>Looks the same as the trailer
Get your fucking eyes checked, jesus christ.
FYI the cutscene at the bottom is also prerendered, they just changed the lighting because the scene takes place at sunset, if anything, they added a lot of details inside the bus (which doesn't matter considering like I said before the scene is PRERENDERED in the final game as well).
The only thing that triggers me are the people who call it a platformer or an action platformer, or something of that regard.
No you cunts, it isn't any type of platformer, and assassins creed isn't either.
There is a direct feed screenshot from that scene on the beach with Nate waking up. It looks the same.
As i dont want spoilers i will not search for whole gameplays but someone prove this retard wrong
>fat shaming
This is when you know someone has spent too much time on Sup Forums and wouldn't function in normal human society anymore.
Congratulations, you no longer have to play Bloodborne.
It doesn't trigger me. I now have TWO reasons to buy a console. Maybe by 2025 there will be enough games for me to consider picking one up used for $30.
You know there were more trailers than that tech demo from like 3 years ago you huge autist?
>uncharted thread
>on Sup Forums
It will always be shit because people that have no interest in the series always shitpost.
>still shitposting from last gen
Man how desperate can you get? Hang the towel up already, it's getting old. We already have gameplay screenshots and footage and it looks great. I'd tell you to get cancer but you already have it.
I actually want to play the whole series.
But I'll never do it, because I can't pirate it :(
>I'm a retard for realising that a $350 piece of hardware can't produce this youtube.com
Seriously, shut up. You're a braindead fucking idiot.
>Why does this game trigger PC players so much?
It's popular and they can't play it.
That's it.
So a 60fps Uncharted would be a good game?
It's a Sony exclusive. I have all the consoles and a gaming PC, and this is one of the best games I've played in a long long time. But I'm a huge fan of the series. This one is such a fitting send off. I don't think that they could've done a better job.
He may not be wrong but if he isn't then it's definitely a pre-rendered cutscene like all uncharted games are filled with