Hyped for game

>Hyped for game
>Turns out its shit

What's her name, Sup Forums?





The last game I got hyped for. Now I only ever get cautiously optimistic. Her name is Assassin's Creed.

Duck Tales Remastered.


>people itt are only capable of mentioning MGSV
We starting off with all the underage people first?



Hyper Light Drifter
Dead Island

The MCC. It delivered with the single player at least. I haven't been excited about any game since.


It's the most recent disappointment that is still fresh in people's minds.






i get that they made it intentionally anticlimactic, but shit storytelling is shit storytelling regardless


This FUCKING game.

It makes me sad thinking how great it could have been

Batman arkhan knight while it wasnt totall shit (unless on pc) it felt like rocksteady took the criticism of arkham city's villains being to spread out in the story to seriously so there was very few villains and lame boss battles unless you count side missions but even thoes were unintresting

inb4 some retard mentions Brink, or some other game that always looked like complete dogshit, where the only hype was completely and 100% artificial.

Killzone 2
Doom 4
Every WoW expansion after Wrath
Diablo 3

What I expected:


What I got:

>absolute fucking garbage

>Battlefleet Gothic: Armada

I enjoyed MGS4. Hours long cut scenes, stupid ass nanomachine-machina and all. Perfect? No. But it gave me MGO2. (Which also had problems)

mgs5, while enjoyable, was a legitimate letdown.

Halo 5 was the biggest "fuck you" to fans of the original trilogy. Biggest piece of shit of my life


fable 2 & 3
fallout 4

these have burned me more than any other game has.

its been a long road, but i think fallout 4 taught me a very valuable lesson in listening to the hype behind a game.

Halo 4
I'm still mad
Fuck you, 343.
Fuck you.

Is it that bad? I've never played 4 or 5

Battlefield 1

>coworker gets legit upset at me for disliking SS and liking WW

dark souls 3

Batman: Arkham Knight. How the hell they fucked it up so badly I still have no idea

>Halo 5 is bad
Nobody is going to argue with you about 4, but 5 is fantastic.

And MGS4 was a legitimate letdown AND a terrible game, so what's your point?

5 isn't remotely as bad and will never dethrone it.

I would stay away from them so you don't end up with anger in your heart like I do. Halo 4 was okay, I enjoyed it. But 5 was such an utter disappointment.

Dark Souls 3

The Division. I'm so glad I saved $60 and waited for some reviews and general word on it before succumbing to my own hype. Looks like Overwatch will end up the same too in terms of hype.

It's just disappointing, feels like a side grade. The new modes suck and it somehow looks worse than the second game.

>le best multiplayer since halo 2
Shut the FUCK up, it's fun but it's FAR from the best.

Your coworker sounds like a fucking faggot.

Rome 2 before they started revealing too many signs. A:CM too because I was hoping it was gonna be like AVP2. I was so sad I didn't ever bother to even pirate.

Fallout 4

Oh god this.
>expected fucking 4X HW tier game
>got some broken mess of a game

Star Citizen

battlefield 3. This is the last AAA that i'll ever buy

Spore stopped me preordering games.
Borderlands 2 stopped me buying any game for £30 or more.

Mighty no. 9

>Spore stopped me preordering games.
Oh christ I know that feeling.

BF1 considering I've played it

Aliens: Colonial Marines
I was legit thinking of preordering it but decided against it.

To this day the idea of preordering a game has never crossed my mind.

Halo 4 AND 5 not one or the either retards. Halo 4's multiplayer + Halo 5's campaign = COD IW


Real fans can keep the hype train going for years on end


It wasn't total shit but I thought it was going to be RTCW: Future Parkour edition. Instead I got a ded game within 2 months and some of the worst netcode I've ever experienced. At least Splash Damage somewhat redeemed themselves with Dirty Bomb.

literally every game

this game.

its a shame too, because everything about the first area or two is fantastic, but then it goes to shit really quickly

Ironman trying to kill Winter Soldier for killing his family was a better revenge story than MGSV.



>single player has only 3 characters
>storyline lame as shit, not even fun by edgelord extreme standards
>completing and earning cars in storymode doesn't unlock them for multiplayer
>multiplayer got old and dead real fast
>ultimately boring and forgettable in the end

the bossfight with Dollface was kinda neat though, I guess

MGS5 was the game I was most hyped for and I am still feeling the vicious sting of disappointment.


Fuck the fans.

Arkham Knight

Spore killed the innocence of a generation of PC gamers.

What could of been...

I'm all but certain I'm going to hate For Honor. But I'm anxiously awaiting it's release

this is when i stopped getting hyped about games and decided it would be best to have low expectations so at worst id be vindicated.

now for games i might be interested i just watch the announcement trailer and occasionally check the wikipedia page for a release date

for real question, how were you hyped for this game?
it screamed "2 deep 4 u. muh cinematic experience" from the first trailer

this game was more predicatable than Infinite Warfare

inb4 people defend it because "I can play the dressing game with muh flat waifu!"

It still hurts.

>First pokemon that is 100% 3D
>Game Freak still somehow fucks up a long and tried formula after B2 W2.

Fuck man

Why were either of you hyped for this? Everyone knew it was going to be shit.

it's actually coming out in June


I didn't even play bioshock 1 and 2 and I thought it was kinda mediocre

I actually enjoyed this game a fucking lot.

Do ho ho

fool me once shame on you. Fool me 8 times shame on me.

dark souls 3
starfox zero
fire emblem fates (specifically revelations)

this has been a bad few years

Diablo 3, and Syphon Filter Omega Strain

everyone and their mother knows how shitty d3 is/was/still is, of course.

but after Syphon Filter 3, Omega Strain was a big disappointment.

all i wanted was more Syphon Filter 2


I don't want to talk about it

Feel utterly disappointed. Still clock around 400 hours on it.



>FPS Action RPG with online

Hmmm sounds like another online FPS loot based game....

Both are shit, the idea is stupid. Loot + Shallow gameplay + terrible lore + pointless community features = waste of time.


I don't understand how they could end the series like that.

Final cuckstory was alwas shit
> muh fuckbois
> muh weeb animations and pokemon combat
Killzone 2 was awesome man.
>what is fun
Rest agree.
Fable 2-3 were fun if you took them for what it was..
>head popping guards with my fat devil wizard not fun
Darks souls 3 is awesome you can kill urself
This, it should be about exploring shit, not building shit

Overwatch. I got all hyped because of you faggots, but the game is shit. Really fucking bummed about it. You all just built it up because of all the lewd characters.

Technically it ended with MGS4

This was it for me too. I am now able to look at footage of a game, read a few bits and determine exactly how and why it will fail. I'm really fucking good.

Other M

I kinda agree with you. Black and white were great. The modded versions of X and Y are kinda neat though.
I still remember finishing another oblivion playthrough and getting hyped for this, only to turn on the game, look at that butchered skill list, the skill tree, and the slow-mo kill cam suplexes and wonder what the fuck went so wrong. I was legitimately confused by the lack of weapon variety, and attributes, and wondered why you can only level up health, magic or stamina.

And out of a fit of denial and asshurt, I got Morrowind instead, and then proceeded to play that throughout the skyrim hype, only to pick up skyrim again years later, play through it, and feel cheated

hellgate: london

>literally the only next gen skating game

If Skate 4 isn't announced at meme3 I'm going to be so fucking pissed.

Killzone 2 has one of the best multiplayer experience of all time.

The Crew. Crashed like a mofo.

Fallout 4

xcom 2
dont know why i was exited after the last one was garbage too