Lara Croft triangle tiddy

who like that polygon based jugs

AoD Lara>Everyone else

They were great for there time.

Fuck no man everyone back in the day was jacking it to the pre-rendered official art of her mmmmmmmmm gurrrrl

I liked her model and animations, still like FF7 polygons as well though

Can't be the only one right?


>tomb raider reboot didn't include a storyline where lara gets breast cancer

wasted opportunity. new lara doesn't even have front-loaded anvils ffs

that handstand make my dick stand

>The feminists finally got me... avenge me Sup Forums...

In the boob physics department sure. But for me Underworld Lara will always be my Lara.

thats TR3 retard

This vomit inducing whore

Over this seamen demon

I think I spent most of my time playing that game staring at her jiggling tits when I first played it.

Pretty sure pic related led to my sexual awakening.

Mah nigga.

>I play shitty janky games because tits because apparently I am mentally twelve with no taste in anything

What is nostalgia?

Anyone else looked forward to game over?


A destructive, stupid aspect of the human psyche

that image is from TR2 or higher, where her chest used considerably more polygons than in the first game

Where the fuck did that image come from? There must be more

Fuck off Crystal. Don't you have another """""Tomb Raider""""" game to rape before release?
Tomb Raider 3 actually, Lara was never in a jungle in the second game or expansion game.

Dunno, just found it on google images.

You fuck off you shitty waifufaggot you wouldn't have given this franchise the time of the day if it wasn't for the breasts, women protags are the bane of quality and harbinger of waifufaggots

I don't remember, never cared much for these games. TR1 is where it's at

Kek thanks for those salty as fuck tears senpai.

>you wouldn't have given this franchise the time of the day if it wasn't for the breasts
Actually I started playing them because I like Indiana Jones style games and movies. If Lara originally was a flat chested fridge shaped witch of a female I wouldn't care, because that's not what I play them for.

Is AoD worth playing? I remember trying to play it and wanting to throw up because the controls were such ass. I've been meaning to give it another chance since it's the only main Tomb Raider game aside from Rise of the Tomb Raider that I have yet to play.

It's a true shame, really.

I actually really enjoyed the gameplay in all of them. I even liked the tank controls of the originals.

Angel of Darkness is hell of a lot better then Rise and more of a Tomb Raider then that game. People complain about the controls, but I never had that issue when playing on the PS2. Never really saw any bugs either.