>game has a cool looking spell
>it's shit
Game has a cool looking spell
Other urls found in this thread:
>game has a cool character with cool moves
>you either can't play as him or you can but get none of his cool moves
>64 damage
Fucking pathetic.
>every megaman after 1 ever
Thank fuck romhacks exist
Someone else said it best about MM1: The best part about getting an RM's power, is that you ACTUALLY got their power, and not just one attack or a shitty downgraded version.
That said
>imagining an MM where you can get an RM's entire moveset
And no, ZXA doesn't count, because you were still held back by limitations.
>game has magic
>it's shit
Literally every game with magic.
>visually great looking ability/spell
>takes ages to cast
>does like 50 damage compared to some shittyass boring fireball doing 900
>game has dozens upon dozens of amusing skills and spells
>it's easier and more efficient to just hit Attack with a full party
Oh Hourai High School, you were so close to being a classic.
>Weapon with 0.000001% drop chance from late-game enemy
>Is objectively worse than one you find on the ground at the start
what is Dragon's Dogma?
all the cool looking nukes are good though
*sigh* another Dark Souls 3 thread I guess.
>Comestion and High Comestion
>Not Good
>Not Good
>Not Good
>game has a cool looking spell
>it's your best spell
>can snipe people across the map
>its shit
your shit.
>game has enemies with wicked cool armor
>they never drop them
>high maelstrom
Oh, I meant the game as a whole is shit.
>game has a boss who had deep involvement with the protagonist in the past
>he gets killed by the literally who final boss
Pope fight, right?
Damn, that one had a great ost though.
But why user, DD is great fun.
Also BBI
>enemies have small chance of dropping cool armor or weapon
>they don't respawn until NG+
>there's like three of them in the entire game
Fucking Dark Souls.
>weapon makes the biggest explosion of any weapon in the game
>this means it downs you every time you use it
>downs you every time you use it
As in recoil damage or just falling on your ass?
>Fucking Dark Souls II
>Game has summons and/or pets
>They can't even stand up to mooks
For fuck's sake
>death flare
>game has a weak looking spell
>it's a weaponized poison cloud of rape
stupid sexy skeleton
it's the flashiest spell in the game
No, I mean the explosion is so big that it's tough to use it practically without getting caught in it.
>game has a cool outfit or some sort of accessory
>you can't get it without cheating or modding
I know you shouldn't care about cheating since it's purely cosmetic but it still doesn't feel right
>weapon requires you to grind hours upon hours because it requires extremely rare materials from extremely hard optional bosses that have a low change of dropping and also requires other hard to forge weapons to create it in the first place
>its worse than some weapon you get from completing a required boss
Monster Hunter
>game has high ranking abilities and spells
>but because of their mana costs, there's no reason to ever use them over low/mid rank abilities and spells
>decide to specialize in fire magic
>later get to a part in the game where everything is either very resistant or completely immune to fire
>find a neat looking weapon that would fit your build
>swings around great
>stat requirements are not too high
>scaling is garbage
>damage is shit
>cannot be buffed
>upgraded with rare as fuck materials
every time
I'm just butthurt that I couldn't get the armored boar helm at the beginning for three playthroughs in a row when I had 10 Humanity and didn't wanna wait till Anor Lando for another shot at them or Sen's Fortress to get the ring. I wanted to be the Pig Knight for most of the game god dammit.
>specializing in fire
You're a pleb and you deserve it.
Lightning masterrace reporting in.
>not astral/arcane
>he fell for the fire cheeses the game meme
Lightning > all
This fucker right here is so great, he can even make assholes immune to lightning WEAK against lightning, which further boosts his damage output.
>love faith spells in DaS
>get SOTFS and do a faith build
>learn faith was nerfed out the ass
why u do dis from
>Not being master race summoner
>Dark Souls 3
>Summons insect swarm to feast on foes.
>Its not a large cloud of locust
>Just some shitty slow ball of black dots.
>no resistances, but no weaknesses
Fuck that.
Those spells always do shit damage anyways.
>Specialize in ailments
>Every boss in the game is immune to multiple ailments if not nullifying them all
>poison takes away 1 HP every second or turn
>out of like ten thousand HP
Meanwhile, in real life
posts more cool skeletons faggots
isn't it the shit those preacher bitches use?
Was it FFX that had every boss become immune to the next ailment you would reasonably unlock?
ow shit
>still no game that separates neurotoxins and hemotoxins
At least Meme Souls has Poison and Toxic separated.
Big boy from fallout 4 the post
>doing reprtitive basic attacks yields better DPS than chaining big skills together
>1.5 million bolts to buy the Zodiac in Ratchet and Clank 2
What a letdown that shit was. At least the RYNO II paid off.
>does 1600 damage in one cast at 70 INT
I think you've got that wrong, friend
>game gives you option to focus on critical attacks to deal fucking massive damage
>the enemies are so weak that normal non-critical attacks already kill them
>the bosses are either immune to criticals or immune to extra damage done by criticals
>even if you manage to land a critical attack, there is a damage cap for it so you can't complete go all out
>game developer continues to horseshoe in critical items, critical weapons and party members that focus on criticals anyway
>their reasoning is because of balance issues
>they continue to completely break everything else so hard on other methods of attacking that don't even have a damage cap in the first place anyway so crit builds barely matter anymore anyway
I feel bad for people with shit taste that don't know how to have fun
>enemies get spells that can hit more than once
>you only have spells that hit once
Fuck DQ9
What a goddamn cocktease that was
holy fuck this is how i want to be displayed when dead
>Diablo 3
Nigger what the fuck are you smoking that shit's OP as fuck. Just the other day got a triple kill because the host + 2 phantoms were running down corridor and I blasted all 3 of them.
>Character that you fought before as a boss joins your party
>None of the abilities it used against you are there,1/1000 of the health than as a boss battle and its not even the most powerful character of your party
>Magic has spellcast time
>Mages are immobile and can be interrupted during this
>90% of battles are over before they can even cast
>Mages are dead weight in the other 10%
>Weapon / armor you want is dropped by a common enemy with a decent drop rate
>Enemy literally never drops it for you no matter how hard and long you grind for it
Fucking Balder Side Sword man. I'll never get to use it.
>lightning spell
>does 1-1000 damage
>while in wildy
>does 500 damage on average
>equivalent fire spell does a flat 300 damage
>game has magic
>95% of the attack spell are colored projectiles
It's fucking nothing.
>Yo Olde Lightning Spell of Faggotry
>Ye Olde Lightning Spell of Greater Faggotry
>you can't instant cast spells
>spell called ultima
>terrible waste of mp
>first time getting maelstromed by the corrupted pawns
>mfw they made the RYNO in UYA a Zodiac 2.0 on its final upgrade
Replace critical by sneak attacks and it sounds like any D&d video game I've ever played
Fucking Icewind Dale,I have trouble even with a single spellcaster
>boss uses a particular spell
>you can also get that spell
>it's fucking garbage when you use it
Just fuck my shit up, DS3.
95 percent of dark souls 3
I've never played a game where fire wasn't shit
>dark souls
>more than 2 cool looking spells
>MC starts as a generic sword user
>ends the game with some crazy spellsword shit that summons demonic seals, rends the time itself, goes into berserk mode on low HP and has capabilities to completely block entire party from strongest attacks of final boss
>there's a secret boss fight against a swordsman on the same power level that forces you to use all your abilities or he will slaughter you
>fire storm is smite-targeted
>45% irresistible
>spawns fire vortices
>game has secret ending
>it's the bad ending
>game has a secret ending
>its the joke ending
>most efficient to level up just your stats and weapon proficiencies and ignore everything else
>Ultima's power is based on total skill proficiencies
>garbage damage
>game has secret ending
>its canon