LGBT-friendly games

Gone Home

Corruption of Champions

Dragon Age
Mass Effect
Guild Wars 2

What the fuck is an LGBT-friendly game?

Life is Strange
any tumblr games desu




Battleborn? What because there's a bunch of different characters?

Drinking clorox

I think he ment Fez

The cast of battleborn looks like the BK Kids Club vs the Planeteers.

Focus-group-approved mandatory diversity out the ass.

Something trannies can play without being offended.

Are there any LGBT UN-friendly games where I can shoot trans people?


faggots and trannies are used to shield a bad game from criticism

A lot of JRPGs

wooo there partner watch that edge!

I think you're overstating it compared to overwatch which is LITERALLY the superfriends

watch dogs and hatred. also, you can ban trannies in dragon commander.

Any video game, because your sexuality should not impede your enjoyment of a good story and gameplay.

Nothing edgy about stopping the spread of HIV in the western world.


>lgbt friendly

New Vegas. You even get to crucify a homo for reasons other than him being gay

I'm gay, I don't see why we need to have LGBT friendly games, and hell besides the fact that gay people can still get fired for being gay, the LGBT movement is pretty much done. We won the right to have same sex marriage Nation wide in the U.S.

apparently anything by EA but they seem like they would actually come across as patronizing to most gays in my opinion.

That does NOT exist and it's impossible to ever create.

Maybe some sort of horse grooming simulator but you couldn't race the horses as that's oppressive. Can't ride the horses because they can't technically consent to it. No bits/blinders cause cruelty.

You get a brush, and you brush the fucking horse. Maybe there can be petting/feeding minigame now and then.

Just brush.

Shut up faggot.

Can we just have an Oz thread instead?

Battlefield 1

Overwatch characters don't openly communicate their identity politics as obviously as Battleborne though.

>you can tell this guy is from india/nepal because he's wearing monk beads
>you can tell this guy is norwegian because he's a fucking dwarf

>Two lesbian genderfluid black women

I want to do this to Brianna Wu

All of them if you're not an autistic self-inserting faggot who thinks everything in the world needs to be inclusive. If this is bait, I fucking took it.

Go fuck yourself.

guess which tumblr is playing and drawing queersexual art of though?

>dragon commander.

That was the best cyoa game I ever played. Shame about the rest of the game.


Can we make tumblr hitler friendly so the SJW move to another place?

the lgbt movement is never over

i'm a fucking faggot but i hate gays

especially dykes since they're usually feminosts as well as she-fags

All of them.

Name one game that negatively references gays or lesbians.

Check fucking mate faggot.

>Name one game that negatively references gays or lesbians.

we actually need more anti-SJW games

Pretty much any game that isn't doax3 and even that one.
What a dumb attentionwhoring question.

SJWs have the mindset that if it doesn't reference or make prevalent the sexuality of characters at some point, it's automatically non-inclusive and toxic to their movement and existence.

give me a few years i need to finish mario and the search for the inner spaghetti party quest lol

SIms (with non-binary mods)

I know you're trying to make a point but the only person chimping out to the max right now is you and by the way heres one


But there are none to begin with.

All video games are LBGT friendly.

What if we pretend we are muslims and kill SJW and gays




TFW you're a progressive liberal so you're still able to enjoy vidya and don't get triggered because RREEEEE THERES A NIGGER IN MY GAME

I'm conservative as fuck and don't care about that. I care about you liberal idiots thinking everything you do is progressive.

Anyone crying about sjws or feeling a game is ruined due to diversity is chimping out way worse

Literally any video game, presuming they're a functioning human being and not a fragile piece of self-obsessed stupid.

genocide yourself

nobody gives a fuck about women or niggers in games

they care when niggers get thrown into games just to be niggers etc and the game is like 'look at this poor opressed gay / landwhale / nigger/

And I get sick of you retards forcing your outdated ideology on me but thems the breaks, carlton

>I don't care I just care
Nice job contradicting yourself. Caring for any reason is fucking pathetic

-You can play as either male or female
-Your pokemon can breed, but not if they are generless, or with polemon of the same sex

>forcing ideologies
>the left is literally

play to the end for a cuck simulator if you wish.

My ideologies aren't even outdated. You fuckers are just so extreme in how you feel things need to be done and then you whine about how we're bigots when we don't suddenly accept changes right out of the blue.

Extremism is a one way ticket to ruin regardless of which side you're on.

Aren't transexuals always in a state of offended since they have a mental illness?

you're retarded

i like playing as women but when the women are overplayed as 'hurr durr feminism. hurr durr sexist men' it's painful and retarded

niggers a qt, social justice a shit

That's a minority, user. Just like your types are a minority of conservatives

I'll take conservative ideology over the regressive left's ideology anytime.

Fun fact, people tend to become more conservative as they age, that's why most SJWs are 15 - 30 years old.

The Sims is and it never made a big deal of it. It was just natural.


The only winning move is to never engage them in the first place.

best post

>forced ideology

You can't be conservative and post on Sup Forums.

>first post
For what fucking purpose?

Being left is auto extremist? I don't find my beliefs extreme at all. I sure do think your fear of diversity and overall us vs them mindset is extreme. Also yes, "certain races are just better. Everyone should be isolated" is indeedboutdated

I hope you mean LGBT+

i guess

honestly we're just as bad but fucking hell if i going to bend over for fag dick


>my ideogy is mature
Nor ironic
Enjoy nuking people for not being white

all nintendo games

>do so and youll gain a lot more respect as an artist from a lot of people.
Yeah, a minority no one gives a shit about since they are whining but see themselves as some russian revolution tier people.

But that comment is very obviously sarcasm

Transistor is LGBT friendly, the mc is gay

progressiveness is the worst ideology ever, it's the cancer of mankind

ok the reason i sound like a retard is a. just back from work so fatigue, b. tablet typing

thanks for your support

Any game. Stop being a oversensitive fuckwit and letting your political agenda and oversensitivity be attached to an entertainment medium you piss baby.

Just play videogames and stop bitching about every single thing you choose to let tumblr tell you that you're [triggered] by. If you're that sensititive to everything get help or kill your self.

Jesus fucking christ.

>as one of very few women
I have such a hard time to decide how I'm supposed to take this in. It's like Ussain Bolt would "become" a woman and say "as being the world fastest woman in record, even faster than men". It just doesn't work that way.

Enjoy the rapidly growing Muslim population. You'll then be begging for conservatives to fight Sharia law. It's already happening to London with their newly elected Muslim mayor.

Besides all conservatives want is to keep illegal immigrants out. Liberals instead insist in letting these "refugees" into a country they disrespect by refusing to adapt to Western culture and instead want others to adapt to theirs.

Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3/Live, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Half Life, Shenmue, Panzer Dragoon.

So yes, good games don't need offensive, controversial shit to be good, only shity hipsters like those to be honest,

>Your games need more females!
Don't forget the part where they whine and complain if you include some, but they're too "sexualized".
>Waaaa she has tits bigger then an A cup
>Waaaa she looks cuter then me
>Waaaa why does she have so many curves

>progressiveness is the worst ideology ever, it's the cancer of mankind

Thats racism bro. Brave Americans died so you can sit your neckbeard ass to type shit all day while fighting Hitler and fanatism.

Phantasmagoria 2

seriously feminists are ruining androgyny

>your ideal qt is a flat chest punk girl, preferably brown
>your ideal qt is a fucking FEMINIST

it's like how gays made fucking hand holding gay
i read the complete sherlock holmes, bitches were fucking BROS. fucking holding hands

thanks homosexuality

Every single one
t. gay
They're not going to uninstall themselves if you fap to a hot guy

>>Waaaa she has tits bigger then an A cup
This is usually not the case. What they ask for is making them fatter to fit the cup they've been given. Still retarded though.
>Waaaa she looks cuter then me
Same here, make them fatter.
>Waaaa why does she have so many curves
Hourglass figure is the bane of their existence. More fat or give it a mans body.

the mc has a boyfriend, retard.

I hope your comment is troll because racism is the act of saying something against a race, I said bad things about progresiveness.

Leftist was born in Germany by a jew called Karl Marx

>piss baby

Opinion discarded.

He was clearly being sarcastic.

You give the goverment to the leftists, look what they do: sexualize young kids.

Futa are more woman than any tranny will ever be, they're literally 99% woman and 1% penis. They're also fictional, but trannies being anything more than men with mutilated dicks is fiction too.

Yes, having most subjugated by unfairness and a "might makes right" mindset is much better

call of duity

entire chat is lgbt friendly
>sup fag?
>hows it going fag?
>come on fag, going to capture this point?
>lets go camping

That was during the right party though. And I wouldn't call Göran Persson a modern leftist. The current government is a modern leftist group though.

No one killed more people than Stalin and Mao, still I have never seen Obama or other leftist cry for the victims.