Are any of you retards actually paying $60 for a multiplayer game with 2 modes?

Are any of you retards actually paying $60 for a multiplayer game with 2 modes?

Blizzard out done themselves again, this shit was worse than Diablo 3.

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its an objectively good game tho

>$0.05 has been deposited into your account.

Of course you fag

I've put £2,000 into LoL and it only has 1 mode (that is relevant)

sure senpai

how can i be a shill just cos i like something?

Bait aside, how do I become non-shit?

The only classes I can play are Pharah (because I played TF2 a lot), Soldier 76 (because a monkey could play him), Bastion (ditto) and Mercy.

I really want to be good at Genji, McCree or Reinhart, but I seriously suck balls at them.

I just feel way too fragile as all of them, even Reinhardt.

Proud of wasting 2k on a sht game...

>Posting japanese minions

They're probably gonna add more modes/characters/unlockables.

They made a well polished game that is engaging to a wide audience and guaranteed to be popular.

The character designs are beautiful and everyone has a waifu on this board. Mercy4me

Blizzard blew out the SJW with that sexy ass tracer pose.

So yea i'll probably pick it up at launch, Also its $40 on PC where it was meant to be played.

I refunded it, 0 problems from Blizzard's part

Is pretty fucking limited design-wise, maps are mostly chokepoints, 6vs6 makes team composition more important than skill and all the instakills and flashy bullshit make it really frustrating at times.

Also, seeing how Blizzard has treated their other games kinda worries me about the future of this. I doubt any kind of competitive scene can be forced out of this during more than a month, and new maps will only be good if they add new modes, which I doubt.

It's still fun for the first 2 hours when everything's shiny and new and the maps are fun, but gets old really, really fast. I'm glad the open beta gave me a chance to try it and ask for a refund.

>free game with microtransactions versus full priced game with microtransactions arguement
>inb4 someone shouts "BUT ITS ONLY $40!"

its $40


I really, really want to like this game, because I love the aesthetic, but it's just not clicking with me. It's slow and plodding, yet it's also a confusing clusterfuck. It also seems like there's really no purpose in leveling up, aside from unlocking cosmetic shit. I played the beta for a few hours, and I'm already bored.

I don't know what it is with Blizzard, but I almost always like their presentation, but when I try to actually play their games, it puts me to sleep.


I actually like the paywall because it helps to keep hackers and afk shitters away.

Actually its 60

I wouldn't pay more than 20$ for this thing.

how can you compare unlocking cosmetics that you also get from playing with fucking heroes that are the core content of the game?

top tier retard right here

It just shouldn't have microtransactions. At all.

shut up u little fag u should stop ur micro trans act son

I wish I could exterminate all Bastion and Hanzo players from the face of the earth.

>tfw people who keep saying its $40 dont know the console edition only has the $60 one

I'd play this if it was on Steam but it's not

Yeah, just look at CoD and....

Dicks are omnipresent, user. You simply have to find a good way of dealing with them as a developer.


pcversion is 40€
console version is 60€
but honestly
who cares about console gaming?

>Not Tjorn and Reaper players too

Tjorn is just as bad as Bastion in alot of areas if not worse and Reaper is literally teleport in get 1 kill run/die the character until he gets his ult

There is literally no way not to hate Reaper because of his alt. He spins in circles and kills everything well screaming die die like a child hes shit.

I keep seeing people saying it costs 40€. But it costs fucking 60€. Stop lying, blizzdrones

Don't worry user, I like Overwatch too!

Roadhog is easy and pretty op
its 40€

we know and its been posted several times.

playing it on consoles is just a shitty gimped way to do it. the game was made for pc and its cheaper there so its a no brainer.

>he doesnt pay to unlock every hero

Does anybody else feel content not playing anymore after the open beta? I feel like I got everything I wanted from the game already.


>shit at reinhart

Hit a nigga with a hammer. Charge down hallways. Remember, you DO have a long range ability.

It's not that hard, senpai.

Nevermind, got tricked by bullshit webdesign.

They show the ORIGIN EDITION by default and the other options are blended into the background. Pathetic.

Is the beta all the maps?

yeah the games being released on the 24th, its not really a beta

>I cant navigate a website in 2016
>it is somehow someone elses fault

I immidietly was hooked, but after a while I realized the amount of low effort characters. I like playing Tracer, because the mobility and blinking is fun as fuck, but its much harder to play then something like all those turret type fucks.

I'm done with this game

>he actually purchased Overwatch

bastion is best
dwarf is for shitters

Open betas nowadays are really just demos with a bunch of bugs

So its all the maps, and all the characters?

It sounds like the only thing not in the beta is the option to choose what playlist you even want to play

>I don't think companies try to trick people into buying bullshit "special editions" that don't add anything to the game

What a gullible little shit you are. Keep sucking that Blizzcock maybe you'll get an bonus pet or some other bullshit

it's fun but not $60 fun. It gets kinda boring after a while too. I'm only level 10 and I've had enough

Yeah, but they dont tend to have all the maps and all the characters

yup, uninstalled already, it was fun for 8 hours.

I had fun with the beta. But as with Evolve and Titanfall, I feel like I've experienced everything the game has to offer already. I don't really feel motivated to buy it at all.

>I've put £2,000 into LoL

Fucking hell I'm ashamed to be on the same landmass as you, you stupid fucking twat.

Mcree is just a matter of headshotting, and right clicking when someone gets in ya grill. You should always be aiming for people's heads in a shooter.

there are people that donate more than a 100 dollars to a streamer so "it" would notice them

What the fuck could they possibly add post launch?

>tfw game is shit but you already pre-ordered

>who cares about console gaming
I think you fail to realize the number of primarily console players in the world

More maps (with new objectives)
More characters
More cosmetics

new heroes, heroes are somewhat fun
maps are all the same their map designer is an idiot
cosmetics? don't think so, it only interests 5-7% of players

You can get a refund

Bought the Origins Edition for £21.99 (That's $31 for you ameritards)

>implying it needs to be added post launch

i can see blizzard making porn games in 20 years for asia market

>Game is a failure
>Blizzkids DDOSing private servers during the open beta just to drum up business for this game


>don't think so, it only interests 5-7% of players

Wow, those numbers are interesting. How far up your ass did you have to go to find them?

Former data analyst at Ubisoft here. Protip: if you're a gamedev, do not underestimate how much people are willing to spend on bullshit cosmetics.

serious question, did they fire you because you predicted downfall of ACs?


For Genji, don't be stingy with the dash as any kill/assist resets it. Use it as soon as they'll start shooting at you, use it to close the gap, whatever.

Reflect is reflect, you either get a nice reflect kill out of it, or it stalls for time on your dash cooldown.

What most people forget is

This game is shit. Like really shit. Yes it can be fun for the first 5 hours or so but then it becomes shit like any class based multiplayer fps in existence. If I wanted to play a mobas (which I don't) I'd play a mobas.

It's only fun if you are winning and that's why is shit.

>Pre-ordering games in a post-scarcity video game era

My main two are reaper and mccree.
Mccree is really good for attacking and reaper is good for defending.
Learn to rely on health pickups scattered around.

holy shit you just hit the nail on the head with what umaru is.

Nah, didn't work on AC

I quit because the salary is terrible and less than 1% of the employees actually care about the games they're working on. It just felt like a massive waste of time

You're objectively retarded




>Soldier 76

He is very good if you get in the groove, you just have to remember timing for his abilities and RUSH, strafe like madman, dash a lot, don't forget to retreat.
I'd say he is more fun than tracer in that aspect. The only hero i enjoyed for real, maybe i just love the playstyle.

>not buying the standard edition
>paying €20/$20 for cosmetics in other games and a bunch of skins no one's gonna use after they get drops
There's absolutely no reason to get the Origins Edition. If you want to waste your money you can buy Hearthstone packs instead.

Also Overwatch is fun so get over it, nerd. I paid €40 for it and I'm a poorfag.

>potg is always a bastion camping in a corner in turret mode

or Torbjorn

Theres a perfectly good reason to get the origins edition if your a console player

Does anyone know if the console version will be stuck waiting for months for updates like D3 or had Blizz decided to actually have more then 3 people translate code this time?

Yes it will be the same.

Not that I know of. I have an Xbone and I still prefer my dated PC with a GTX 680 over it.

Valve charged 60$ for the Orange Box to get TF2 back then. Now its F2P, and all I got was this shitty hat.

Orange Box was $50 and had four other games in it.

Ima keep playing dirty bomb til it drops in price.
Its fun but not worth 70 cuntbux

>It also seems like there's really no purpose in leveling up, aside from unlocking cosmetic shit.

As it should be, multiplayer progression is the biggest cancer of the last few generations.

>objective: attack
>doesn't say anything useful like payload, king of the hill, or assault
Jimmies rustled

this item is a disgrace


>win the game
>vote for whichever teammate contributed the most or the guy who got PotG if it was good
>lose the game
>too salty to vote for enemy team
What do these votes do anyway?

that feel when 3rd world country get 29.99$

raise xp i guess

>Rate the game
>3 stars
>1 star
>2 stars
i love making this game worse

>lose the game
>vote for whoever pushed my shit in the most
Don't be a sore loser.

Game got stale after one day, what kind of cuck is going to pay money for it and play it every day?

you seem like you're a cuck, boyo.

I've had a lot of fun with it during the beat, but yeah; don't think i'll spend 60 bucks on it, unless several of my friends also buy it
Especially since tf2 comp is coming

>buying the console version of an FPS

FUck I remember seeing only the top part and being aroused but now that I see the full image it's fucking shit