I see absolutely nothing wrong with there being 2 big arena shooters competing with one another

I see absolutely nothing wrong with there being 2 big arena shooters competing with one another.

This is the LoL vs. Dota2 of Arena shooters.

Overwatch got great waifus so it won imho desu senpai.

>This is the LoL vs. Dota2 of Arena shooters.
So one is infinitely inferior to the other but owes its success TO its inferiority because it means casuals and children can run them on toaster laptops at school and can have immediate fun because of their relative lack of depth?

So Overwatch wins despite its shitty gameplay only because it has more waifus? Hmm makes sense

Yeah, just like that.

>Arena fps

holy fuck I hate you fucking faggots

one dead game and one soon-to-be dead game

Its apparent you're a bitter autist.

Because you can't pick up on social ques ill fill you in:

Normal people dont care what game you play.

Hey man, go easy on tf2.

Mad cuz Overwatch bad

People are more or less getting tired of shooters. It's like in 2005-6 when people by and large got sick of collect-a-thons or 3D platformers in general, and only a couple of dedicated companies make them anymore.

I have no idea what's going to be the next big casual genre, but I hope to God it isn't "adventure" games that have 0 depth.

well that confirms it.

its gonna be the big 'cinematic' 3rd person games like Life is Strange and Beyond 2 Souls

Porn websites are better than Overwatch. They have even more waifus, both 2D and 3D. Also, isn't DoA and Senran better than Overwatch too?

what do you prefer?

How much do I owe you for the online psychological analysis?

I gotta admit. Despite waiting 2+ minutes on a game mode that only lasts on average 6, having "Auto-win" Q abilities, and even a fucking auto-aim ability...

The Waifus make up for it.

when did dota2 compete with lol? kek
they were only a stone in their shoes


literally nobody plays dota except for that asian boy that sleeps in class

anyway overwatch is objectively better simply by being almost a decade older than its spiritual predecessor, with a lot more unique characters and gameplay styles instead of "this guy has a rocket launcher but half of them get shotguns"

not to say tf2 was bad, it's a process of evolution in the game industry and it's great to see that honestly

what is bad about tf2 is it becoming valve's shill-bot and releasing tenfold more hats than weapons and never fixing those weapons visually/functionally and destroying the aesthetic it was going for years ago

Only the poorest of the poor still play TF2.

>There are still Russians scamming Brazilians out of hats.

I for one am happy there is a place these people can fuck each other over.

One is a classic game that has grown somewhat tired with its sheer age that gets crapped on by shills for other games.

The other is a shallow attempt to casualize the former by trading good gameplay for a cheap waifu grab.

TF2 is not competing with overwatch though, TF2 is not making any major moves in response to the existence of overwatch. Only blizzdrones will imply valve gives a fuck, TF2 has been milked for a decade or so by now, valve is going to keep treating the game as they always have. Overwatch is a non threat.

>People honest to god think Overwatch is going to last even 6 months

The maps are horrendous, the characters are unlikable unless you really want to play the character you masturbate to for no reason other than the fact that you masturbate to them, certain characters are so horrendously unbalanced (Lucio) that they invalidate everyone else which you should have seen coming with the "A GORRILION HEROES! XD" bullshit, and to top it all off they're trying to force another Mannconomy with skins and sprays.

I expect to see this game go the way of Diablo 3: Forgotten, with 1 tiny booth at Blizzcon while the main stage is dedicated to desperately attempting to convince everyone that WoW isn't dead and that Hearthstone isn't being run and balanced by absolute fucking retards anymore despite the latest expansion doing nothing but making it more frustrating to play.

Face it, lads. Blizzard is dead.

Neither LoL or Dota2 cost 60 bucks though.

I legitimately thought you were talking about TF2

>6 months
That's my estimate, too. We won't be seeing Overwatch topics in as little as three weeks, and we'll probably only hear a peep from the devs when they push out their first update to whatever two players are still left.

I see something wrong with a brand new game who's fans feel the need to compete with a game that's nearly a decade old.

Overwatch draws far more from MOBA's than arena shooters. The reason TF2 does not have more classes is because the game is designed around the classic arena shooter paradigms, whether that be rocket jumping and airshotting or sniping or bunnyhopping and getting close with a shotgun, working together. There's a few new classes that accommodate the aspect of the game being team based, but only so far as to create a feasible structure for a team game to work with arena shooter paradigms.

As you've said Overwatch introduces far more playstyles into the mix, which is exactly why it's not a spiritual successor to any classic arena shooter or TF2. It takes most classes from TF2, but adds far more, and the game can be played without any TF2 class present. None of the classic paradigms in TF2 need to exist for Overwatch to exist, which lets it add more. Which is exactly the opposite of the point of TF2 existing, where every piece of the puzzle is vitally important to maintain the whole structure, just as much as Quake without a railgun or rocket launcher would be fucked. Overwatch's format is designed around the MOBA philosophy of different roles, specifically tank/healer/support/dps/etc. with as many different classes or gameplay styles you want to fulfill each. It is clearly inspired by MOBA's and not arena shooters.