Battlefield game set in WW1

Battlefield game set in WW1

>start as german infantryman
>fight trough Marne, Verdun, Ypres, Passchendale, Somme
>fight in trenches, in tunnels
>watch friends die around you
>gain sympathy for the character
>then its revealed
>you are hitler

instead we got this

Other urls found in this thread:

Hitler was a mailman.

>people care this much about the coverboy nigger
Fucking why?

>Asians invent multiple things and evolve warfare over centuries
>Whitey takes credit

>Middle-easterners create math and universities
>Whitey takes credit

>Blacks create agriculture and early architecture
>Whitey takes credit

>Meso-Americans create trade markets and discover the mysteries of the universe
>Whitey takes credit

Is there any other race as big as a parasite as them?

He still had to run around the battlefield to deliver messages. He even got an iron cross for it.

>That idea

I never knew I wanted this game, but I want this game.

Genuinely one of the dumbest and poorly thought out posts i've seen this week.

>>Blacks create agriculture and early architecture

That would buttblast a lot of people

>Asians invent multiple things and evolve warfare over centuries
Using =/= taking credit

>Middle-easterners create math and universities
Greeks created that you fucking mongrel.

>Blacks create agriculture and early architecture
No, basic humans created agriculture.

Take a history class you dumb fuck

Holy shit I want this game.

that was actually the most dangerous job because you had to fucking run between trenches with no protection, not to mention he captured 5 french soldiers and was wounded several times, they dont just hand out Iron crosses you nigger.

Always on the defense.

>set in WW1
>you can see arab dudes riding horses against fast tanks and an iron knight wielding a machine gun while WW1 era planes perform incredible acrobatics and zeppelins are somehow giant warmachines
Its not WW1, its full on alternate history.



Stop you're triggering me with facts!!

>this whole post

lol, go back to school you uneducated fuck

>Seinfeld image

What about le piramids

iam asian we created gun powder sure, but Europeans advanced warfare on a level that was on a level no one else did. there is a reason asians started mimicking european armies and tactics.


Forced meme advertising.

Yes a mailman back when every single soldier on the battlefield was in a combat role.

You are correct but you're on a board to discuss video games
Take your social faggotry to

>I'm retarded and I'm proud!

Is such a thing

So is the Fallout New Vegas MC, what's you're point?

White invented modern warfare, math, universities, agriculture and trade markets. Meanwhile other civilizations were busy squandering their potential. I'd say they've got what they deserved.


>basic humans

Pick two

Blacks never made agriculture because they were still nomads.

>they dont just hand out Iron crosses you nigger

It reminded me of that joke when Hitler tried to bribe Jesus with an Iron cross.

>asians warfare consist of setting things on fire and reading the wind, whites invented shield formations and catapults.
>Basic math was from Egypt, advanced math from Greece
>Blacks are hunters gatherers
>2013 wasn't the end of the world

Hey guys, did you know Beethoven was black? You're racist if you don't believe me.

>Discussion about race and superiority
>People having these discussions are pathetic NEET's playing videogames all day

blue and orange

[citation needed]

I'm not a neet.

This. When it comes to superiority, there is no need for discussion.

Everyone has black roots if you go back far enough. Cradle of fuckin civilization

Asians=white. Keep up with American liberalism, cunt.

>WW1 game announced
>want to talk about all the crazy technology and brutal warfare, and how it led into the modern age of war
>people too focused on the black guy on the cover

So uhh...not to be racist or anything, but is the campaign making you be a black person?


this guy gets it. now let's derail another one of EA's bacterial marketing threads into an /x/ thread.