Does Sup Forums like Doom 3?

Does Sup Forums like Doom 3?

Iv'e been playing all the Doom games in prep for D44m but i have never played 3 before.

I heard they fucked up the BFG version, how?
Do i need any mods? I think i'm just gonna get the duct tape one.

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I love the real Doom 3.

>playing all the Doom games in prep for D44m

That won't help. D44m is literally just Halo but with gore.

It's a bad horror game and a mediocre shooter. With really repetitive maps, limp shooting, and awful monster designs.

I thought Final Doom was the real Doom 3?

Doom 3 is good as a sorta horror shooter. Dont expect "Doom" 3

I played regular Doom 3 with no mods, it's fine.

now that doom 4 comes out and Doom 3 has been mostly laid to rest Sup Forums likes Doom 3

Doom 64 is a direct sequel to Doom 2 and Final Doom was fan-made before becoming official.

>awful monster designs
Visually, only cacodemons are bad. Most redesigns are pretty good visually, some are even fun to play against.

I agree with the rest, though.

Ah. Interesting.

>Sup Forums likes Doom 3
Most people here were 8 years old if not younger when Doom 3 came out, of course they wouldn't understand how disappointing that game was to people expecting a new generation of fast-paced shooters, only to get a glorified 3DMark.

This game should have been called Doom. as it is a straight reboot of Doom 1 in terms of story.

I enjoyed the game and consider it to be better than Half Life 2, however it is completely different to Doom 1 and 2 as it has a much larger emphasis on the horror aspect and less about running and gunning.

The standard line when referring to Doom 3; It's a good game, just not a good Doom game.

>Does Sup Forums like Doom 3?
It was all "ZOMG GRAPHIX!!" and "AAH! SO SPOOKY!" back in 2004, but everything else was mediocre at best, and it is a shitty Doom game. Too slow, too cramped and tame, too dark.

>I heard they fucked up the BFG version, how?
Pic related.
tl;dr: it is a console-port, reported back to PC, with casualization, downgrades, and CENSORSHIP.

>do I need any mods?

Fans even made a working "PC port" for it, the Doom 64 EX. Get it, play it!

I was already at highschool back then, and only thing I got kicks out of it at first was because I was a big zombie and general horror fan.

>>do I need any mods?
No reason not to play it with HD mod, the default textures did not age well.

obviously it's not on par with some modern games, but it really does not look bad.

The extensive use of bumpmaps and the stencil-shadows really make it still look good.

>but it really does not look bad
It does though, especially if you come close to some of the surfaces. It's not the worst looking thing, but if there's an option to make it better, why not?

Original doom 3 with graphics mods and something to tighten the shooting would be a better choice (and the ducttape mod)

BFG edition looked pretty bad considering it was a remaster, modders actually did a far better job for free; BFG edition also had vanilla shooting, which was fucking awful, if you're bored, go look up how the spread and damage on the doom 3 shotgun works, and then be horrified at how butchered it is when compared to doom 1/2 and even stuff like DN3D

although to be fair this guy has a point doom 64 was fucking awesome, you can get a sourceport that uses the n64 rom to run on windows with mouse and keyboard support (as well as graphics options)

I'm not stopping you if you wanna use them, but I think calling it a bad looking game is quite exaggerated. It definitely has aged very well for a 12 years old title.

Literally the best Doom.

not even memeing.

>however it is completely different to Doom 1 and 2 as it has a much larger emphasis on the horror aspect and less about running and gunning.

when you play with the flashlight always on, it actually plays rather similar to doom 1, which is really weird
don't forget doom 1 quite liberally used monster closets to ambush you when you picked up items; and when you aren't hampered by the darkness, you can make use of accuracy and speed

3 biggest mistakes were the sprint meter, the claustrophobic level design, and the weapon mechanics, and the latter is particularly damning

It's a great game if you don't compare it to the previous titles. I've always been a huge Doom fan and although I was disappointed at first, I still loved the game for what it was.

BFG Edition is easy mode and the MP is laggy peer to peer mess. Just grab the original doom 3 and use the console to set it to whatever and resolution you want, the hud stretches a little bit though.

Absolute HD streamlines the process and makes it look as good as it can get

Imagine walking barefoot on that floor. Ouch! Poor imps.

I got Doom 3 when it got released over a dozen years ago. I tried replaying Doom 3 twice by pirating the BFG edition. I got so fucking bored that I uninstalled it both times.