Daily reminder to boycott this shit if you are Australian
If you buy this you are allowing Blizzard to set a precedent that it's acceptable to steal from customers
There is LITERALLY no excuse for this.
Daily reminder to boycott this shit if you are Australian
If you buy this you are allowing Blizzard to set a precedent that it's acceptable to steal from customers
There is LITERALLY no excuse for this.
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That's what you get for shitposting
You shouldn't want to play a shit game anyway you fuckin bogan cunt
You do know that there is a 10% tax throw on the game, and an additional 10% thrown on that because of a law paced last year for all inbound products in Australia?
Yea that's right, You have two sets of 10% tax, one on products and another on imports.
Blame your shitty government.
>if you are Australian
Who the FUCK would be Australian in this day and age?
It costs a lot of money to ship all those bits and bytes all the way to Australia.
Australia does not tax any digital purchases under $1000 in any way.
>blames blizzard for AUS rules, tax's, laws and inflated prices when the min. wage is double that of the US (and the game is also double priced to match)
its almost like your stupid.
>under 1000$
You fucking moron, It's 1000$ worth of imports.
Meaning, any shipment of games that is total of 1000$ or more. Meaning any distro outside of mom and pop shops are hit with that on physical media. So the prices are set the same for digital.
>thinking minimum wage is the same thing as discretionary income
>calling anyone else stupid
Pro tip cunt.
Just buy it directly from an America retailer/re-seller, that's the brilliance and freedom of region free Digital Games.
>thinking minimum wage is the same thing as discretionary income
Different user, but I take it you don't know how inflation and fair pricing works.
>government takes everything you have
>somehow hate blizzard for it
>game costs 60$ in the US. Min. wage is 7.50
>Game costs 120 in AUS. Min wage is 15
Your literally paying the same price we are, just at a different number. And again, none of this takes into account all the shit the AUS goverment does to keep games out of their country.
Exchange rate isn't the only thing that matters when comparing things like this.
I've been playing overwatch all day and it is worth no where near that amount, i'd give it $15-$20
no more, its a shit TF2 clone for even more inclusive for casual players.
then how do you explain that we pay the exact same price as you do for virtually all steam games + the exchange rate
buy our games goy
seriously, look up the price on the ps store if you want a good laugh
>pay the exact same price as you do for virtually all steam games
you don't
hence this thread and your butthurt
ugh I hate when things are inclusive, am I right Sup Forums?
Very nice.
ayoub approves
you know its 60 bux right
You do know this is 2016. We all know about the taxes other countries pay.
>aussie shitposters are suddenly nice
nah mate, this is for all the shitposting you've been spewing for millennia, eat it up you cunts
we do
this isn't a steam game
You dont?
I see people bitching ALL the time about AUS prices of games. Like, ALL the fucking time.
>not purchasing a key from G2A for $18 off
18+ kiddo
They also bitch about games that are either out right banned or banned from retail. Or are old as fuck and hard to find.
it's dead here anyway
barely any games here during open beta, wouldn't waste your money.
you should be used to this shit. Australia gets fucked with prices for everything.
Gotta agree with this.
This is a reparations fee for all your shitposting over the years.
Probably has to do with distribution services. It's pretty cut and dry that imports, physical or digital, have fees.
>virtually same price on steam
Eh? I'm pretty sure most games are hiked up for your region via steam.
Just don't get it if you don't want it. If you do, you pay the price and deal with your government taxes.
>spending $56 on this shit
>purchasing the origins edition
enjoy your $20 skins goy
Steam is operated in the united states, so technically you are using an american account to buy american products on american grounds, valve and australia are fighting about this loophole right now
blizzard decided to say fuck the loophole altogether and play ball with australia.
>giving blizzard money
Surely someone will buttfuck you for free, user
>descendants of the scum of the British Empire think they deserve to be treated like real people
So basically, OP is saying boycott blizzard because its actually following Australian law, and that valve should be praised for abusing AUS law.
australians...seem kinda retarded
Your literally trying to bait bait, it's almost like the internet equivalent of talking to a wall, a very stupid wall at that, what are you hoping to achieve here?
valve literally have an entirely seperate pricing region for australians
how in the fuck can they argue that they don't do business here?
My what?
They can argue it just detects the location of your ISP and changes the store to your local currency.
It's not unheard of, to have an ISP based in one country providing internet for another.
Unlike and improbably? Yeah...but that's loopholes for you. Kind of like how your IP doesn't necessarily prove you pirated something, you are guilty as fuck, but you cant be prosecuted because of it.
it doesn't change to AUD, though.
we pay in USD, but with different pricing to every other region.
Our min wage is higher which means ALL of our products gernerall cost more. We have a higher cost of living compaerd to US.
Disposable income is what you should be looking, not min. wage.
>So the prices are set the same for digital.
See that last part is what doesn't make sense to me....
You got me there, honestly I don't know the specifics, but that's part of valve's case.
They were also fighting about the return product policy and used that exact defense against Australia.
>Disposable income is what you should be looking
This famalonsky. Living in norway is all nice and dandy until you have to spend 80k euros on a fucking shitbox
Digital content still takes on physical form. one, it needs physical real estate. Data centers, wired connections to homes (satellites), your personal hard drive.
Them being physical and not just floaty bits means it can be taxed just as much as the next thing.
Blame your shitty government or move off that prison/penal colony island.
>pay more
>twice minimum wage
>10% at most increase in cost of living
Why do australians always bitch and complain about shit they don't understand.
thats bullshit. It takes me 3 seconds to get in a game
and they'll be 200ms+ and played on NA servers 95/100 times once open beta ends
isn't every fucking australian games expensive in the first place?
i think you gotta boycott someone else
>There is LITERALLY no excuse for this.
>Australian minimum wage is nationally $17.29
>Australia has a VAT of 10%
You expect the world to sell you games under those circumstances? Fuck off dumbass.
>boo hoo even the most pimple-ass teenager has to work 4 hours at maccas to buy a video game
This would only apply if you were a fucking pleb actually working the minimum wage.
Minimum wage is irrelevant outside of mcdonalds plebs.
It's never like that with hots. There's also a command line that let's you only match with ausfags.
>a few aussies make total asses of themselves and the rest of us have to cop it
We're not all shitposters, please just understand.
As an aussie I shitpost 80% of the time. Don't try to break the stereotype because you can't, cuck.
>le minimum wage maymay
every time
And you're a pleb who is only considering the side of the equation from the wageslave.
Businesses pay their employees more when there's a higher minimum wage. This means they offload the added expense in one of three ways
>robotic automation
>eliminate positions and pile duties on the other workers, stressing them the fuck out
>offload the price difference on the consumer so that they pay more money for products
And guess which happens to you, Ausfuck?
Ever wonder why Poland and Russia have cheap as shit games on Steam?
>being human
>BUYING games
Refer to sunburnt subhuman
If you want to whine about international business, try not living in a nanny state
Holy fuck m8 how can you not know this
probably some logan cunt tbqh
>implying aussies are human
>tfw chicken nuggets cost 6x the amount in Aus than they do in America
kill yourself leb cunt
>all this asspain itt
It's amazing how non-Australians (faggots) are physically incapable of handling the bantz.
It's called regional pricing
Companies do it because
1. they can
2. aussies are willing to pay that much
3, the ACCC can't do shit about it
In EU wie had the nice 1 $ = 1 € bullshit conversion since forever. Sometimes purchasing from murika websites + fee is worth it.
I don't care where you're from but if you plan on buying Overmeme you should be shot.
What's wrong with Overwatch?
Truly we are the greatest country on earth
source pls
Its stupid it sucks I hate it
Why is their pricing so shit?
Who would ever buy from them when sites like Amazon and SimplyGames exist.
Buying it digitally off the PS store for like 30% more than you can get a physical copy is a sign something is wrong
most of you guys are forgetting that we have a high minimum wage because we have a high cost of living. Our ability to buy shit is usually quiet low, especially when we get priced higher because reasons.
>be filthy Brazil citizen
>Overwatch is 250 brazilian dollars
>250 for a fucking digital copy of a PC game
I thought only Jewtendo did this.
>High cost of living
>at most 10% higher
Get the fuck out of here dumb fuck.
This doesn't include places like New York where a small ass 800sq/ft apartment costs 3000 USD to rent a month.
Selling a game for $89 on pc is crazy. Judging by my enjoyment drop off in the hours I've played, I'm willing to say it is worth about $20. As experiences go, I'd place it aside The Culling, a game that is perfectly retailed at $15.
>6'1 Italian master race actually, senpai
>1 USD = 3.5 BZR
Do go on.
I'd be happy to get at least 40-50 hours of fun gameplay for this price.. anyone in the beta think it'll hold up that long?
all the people who live and are born in australia. are you fucking retarded user?
lmao no
He's joking, you dumb aussie.
>40-50 hours for this price
I already put about 40 hours in the beta and I won't be buying it.
You have to remember, Aussies just got the internet about 6 months ago. It's why there has been increased shit posting.
Fuck off Aussies, your wages are the highest of everyone, you don't get nearly screwed over as us Yuros do, and yet you manage to whinge ten times as much.
why? I didn't like TF2 that much and I still spent 200+ hours in it with friends
Daily reminder that literally every AUS game does this and boycotting it will make not a single bit of difference. It has always been like this and it won't ever change.
How can you not know this as an Australian?
It probably has to do with me not liking arena shooters a whole heap but I can just never see a lasting appeal with multiplayer only games like this. Like, I had quite a bit of fun with the beta but i can't see myself enjoying it for more than a couple of weeks at most.
Open beta's still going (got extended an extra day) so try it out and see how you feel
Just import your games dumbass
>always like this
It wasn't until the market crash in 2008, when the Aus dollar fell nearly 40%. No one readjusted the prices because they lost money and needed to make it back. And the AUD make it close to the USD again in 2012/2013. And just like everyone expected the value dropped 40% again.
>being human
>POSTING images
Canadabro here, I feel ya.
The situation is worse in Canada. At least the Australian have higher salaries to pay for the increase.
Doesn't seem like you guys had any trouble getting back on your feet
Some even would go to such length as saying it was the australians behind the 08 crash to profit off it in the long run
some jewery
literally just make it the first time and put it on a server for people to download
this "distribution" is so stupid, you don't even need to list it under any country. Just list it in USD and people will pay with their credit card/paypal which will convert the money.
>60 on consoles
>I play on PS4
>Have to pay 80 dollars if I want the game.
>software made overseas
pick one