In terms of skills against other people, are you a Goku or a Frieza? Are you one of those people that start off shitty but have huge development potential to overtake people or are you one of those people that starts off immensely strong but drop off due to others overtaking you?
Or whatever other DBZ characters suits you.
William Price
I'd say I'm chi chi. Impressive base strength but never tried to get stronger or better.
Jeremiah Adams
Goku is so fucking sexy, holy shit.
Hudson Richardson
So you're also best girl?
Luis King
I'm more like Hercule.
Luis Cooper
I'm more of a Yamcha.
Nicholas Wilson
You defeated the three strongest opponents in the world?
Jack Watson
I'm a Krillin.
No matter how much I try to be the best there will always be someone who's just naturally better than me.
Caleb Young
probably a frieza, I hit my plateau a long time ago