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Make me
I was actually surprised. But nonexistent mod support ruins it for me - love me some Doom RPG.
>Le Weilard and Jewtani uninspired setup
I hope sci-fi locations are ruled out of existence, literally made illegal.
Doom didn't have mod support either. If it's popular enough, there's nothing the devs can do to stop mods.
Actually i forgot about that,fucking map snapmap bullshit
Damn it i didnt expect that, going to google how to delete it
DOOM 2 did though, we are taking a setp backwards...but the same shit happen with DOOM 3
>Doom didn't have mod support either.
It allowed you to make custom maps that aren't just a bunch of prefab rooms stuck together.
>look mom i posted it again XD
>there's nothing the devs can do to stop mods
So that's why Battlefield 4 has so many mods :)
top kek m8
u wot m8, havent seen this posted before and i been here since the afternoon
>If it's popular enough.
>They had to double the FOV to make it look fast
not originally. The first mods were made with fucking hex editors.
It may surprise you to find that Battlefield is a multiplayer focused game. Please don't talk shit if you know nothing abut the modding community.
>It may surprise you to find that Battlefield is a multiplayer focused game.
So is Counter Strike, a game with many mods.
As game complexity increases, so does the complexity of modding it.
The original Doom mods were made with hex editors. You could not do that with modern game maps, unless you were going to sit down for a few decades to make one map.
People modded Fallout 4 before it got mod support.
Games like Counter Strike and BF2 are anomalies, most popular multiplayer games don't get many if any mods.
Apart from CS:GO, a valve game that has ALWAYS been based around map making and skin making because it started as a mod, what other Multiplayer games allows mods in this time?
Doom was designed from the getfo to facilitate easy content creation in the form of WADs. The community had to make the tools, yes, but the functionality of loading the WADs was always there.
John Carmack has talked about this at length.
Maybe not recently, mods were commonplace before devs decided that consolized matchmaking is the way to go.
Jacking up the FOV != fast game
>Put haste (A limited power up) on
You're a fool
Nobody really sits down and makes mods using hex editors. They were quickly replaced by proper tools
>Doom didn't have mod support
o i am laffin
Well, we all agree in this:
Doom > Doom 2 > Doom 3
i will give a chance to Doom 4, but I have no hopes.
I feel like its sped up, considering how they opened up the map for less than a second.
>Doom didn't have mod support either.
-file command line option was there since Day 1.
John Carmack literally talked about designing the game to be expandable using WADs because he knew people were modding Wolf3D by directly modifying its assets, so he made the WAD format as a way to keep them separate from the original data and make it easier to load.
tl;dr literally made for modding
Will the final game be optimized though? The beta was pretty shitty for me and I have a 980 SLI setup.
You got system issues m8, I had full 60fps with a single 970 and an AMD Phenom II x4
Did you upgrade your Windows in place by any chance? Don't do that. Fresh start will cure your issues.
even non popular at one point
I remember the autoshotty in SF2 1.0 had a mod that turned it pink with polkadots and had someone shouting FAGGOT every time it fired
>People modded Fallout 4 before it got mod support.
By using the tools made for Skyrim, a game which is nearly identical under the hood.
>Did you upgrade your Windows in place by any chance? Don't do that. Fresh start will cure your issues.
Nice to see an user give actual good advice, and one that's apparently not well known to boot. I am amazed and equally disgusted at the number of family and friends who do operating system upgrades, and sit on it for years. Just from going Windows 7 to Windows 10 on my girlfriend's system, I noticed quite a few random under the hood glitches and bugs all over the place. Wiping the thing clean, deleting partition and starting from scratch completely resolved them.
Never upgrade the OS. The Windows 10 free upgrade was a unique situation that demanded it be done to solidify the motherboard's unique ID in Microsoft's servers. But I doubt I'll bother doing that again and just go back to buying retail licenses for future OS versions.
Nobody gives a shit about BF4 because it's just a rehash of BF3.
dead in two weeks
Yeah. Before I did that I had FPS issues, even in older games. Fucking GZDoom ran at 20fps. Doom 4 Alpha ran at 10.
Reinstalled windows, suddenly 60 across the board
>first trailer of Doom
>waa it's so slow whole game is ruined
>devs make game faster
>waa they only sped it up whole game is ruined
You guys just want to complain about everything.
People made porn mods for Dead or Alive 5, a game that is otherwise unmoddable with no tools or documentation because the Japanese gonna Japanese. GTA4 was once believed to be unmoddable, until it was cracked and made Rockstar get into a patching war with the modders. This carried over to GTA5, even.
You don't need official modding tools to make mods, just determination.
preordered it played the originals, douk 3d and quake for most of my childhood I think this new game looks fun. All you born in 1998 Sup Forums faggots are just trying to be elitists and think you're hardcore or something kek
its a single player focused game m8
this is going to bring in all the autistic call of duty minecraft kids cause they can make their little autism simulators in minecraft and they will love it. I look forward to baby sitting in multiplayer
I'm unironically looking forward to this
I wish they could have given out review copies so I don't have to wait long for reviews before deciding to buy it.
This, I even preordered the collector's edition. No matter what Sup Forums says, I'm gonna enjoy new Doom and play the shit out of it.
no one knows what you are talking about
The fact is positive opinions dont make threads. If there's a long running thread here its because everyone is being incredibly negative or arguing.
I'm still on Windows 7
Maybe it wasn't optimized for SLI in the beta?
I think he's saying it's just a rip off of Alien.
Weilard and jewtani = Weyland Yutani?
That looks like literal fucking garbage.
Doom 1 was made specifically with modding in mind. You shouldn't talk out of your ass, user.
I agree. Sup Forums should really modernize their layout.
>Carmack literally resigned from id to work at Oculus VR
Creating the next level of virtual worlds make his dick hard.
I think the quote is that it's a "moral imperative" that we create the Holodeck.
>Doom was originally conceptualized as an Alien game
>nuDoom is an Alien ripoff fucking REEEEEEEE
I'm just translating what he said calm down fedoralord.
Well the guy obviously always wants to do something new and push things forward.
game engines were too small time for carmack, dude could work at nasa if he wanted
Original also didn't stay an alien game.
nuDoom doesn't really look like one either but I wouldn't say it looks old doom either. It's a marriage between old school and new school. Reminds me a lot of Hard Reset.
Whether that's a good thing or not remains to be seen.
>he's too retarded to use the settings menu.
wasn't aimed at you, muh lady. I'm merely retarded and meant it as a general statement.
That actually doesn't look too bad.
I am cautiously optimistic.
Kill yourself.
Doom 2> Doom>>>>>>Doom 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Doom 2016 MP demo
Here's your 5 cents.
>menus are hard
>Doom 2 > Doom
Into the trash
Yes? If you don't want kill animations just turn the thing off. But no, go ahead and play it with those settings on so you can continue making threads on Sup Forums how they ruined your game.
How much does Zenimax pay you?
This is the same shit every fucking MGSV apologist said
And just look how well that game turned out
No different then people who bitch about FOV defaults and are too lazy/fat to open an .ini file.
You know what I hate?
film grain.
You know what I do when a game has film grain?
I don't spaz out and cry, I just turn it off.
Fucking easy see?
>the very best gameplay in the series (outside of Revengence)
>won dozens of GOTY awards
>Doom 2> Doom
go to sleep, you're drunk
Game had great mechanics and was generally fun to play. What's the problem besides slightly repetitive and weak story?
In my defense--Doom II was the first Doom I played after my family got a PC is 1995. That's why I hold it in such high regard---and John Romero's head will make you his bitch.
Man the monster designs look god awful. Look like they belong in a Marvel comic, not Doom.
Thanks so much for shitting on the industry. The generation has been one disaster after another and it's a real pleasure to see other people supporting the trend.
Fuck video games. Fuck quality. Let this Halo shit ride. See where it takes you.
MGSV had many problems, but the OPTION to toggle Reflex Mode and Chicken Hat were not one them.
MGSV is also panned on Sup Forums and it's still has great gameplay. Yes, it gets repetitive after a while, but it's still really good.
>video games are ruined if the default settings aren't catered to my taste
I guess you also spend thousands of dollars on gayming pc's and then whine when your games don't look that special because you can't change video settings.
Doom 4 should be released as a playable wad
>won dozens of GOTY awards
please don't use that as an argument, even if you're shitposting
>giving players options is bad
Literally fuck off back to neofag or wherever you came from.
i bet people will port it later once the game is out, i'll give a year after release at most
Doom 2 for gameplay
Doom 1 for level design
Prove me wrong
>It may surprise you to find that Battlefield is a multiplayer focused game. Please don't talk shit if you know nothing abut the modding community.
Yeah, sure.
>Thanks for enjoying games for gameplay and not flipping your shit about small features
>ruining this industry
>Halo shit
What are you even mad at exactly? Do you even know? Because you sound like a gigantic faggot.
This can never be posted enough:
I'm not that user, but I understand where he's coming from.
Check it out, user. MGSV is built around Reflex Mode. That's undeniable. In the previous MGS games if you got spotted the guards would have to run off and call the rest of their dudes and then you'd go into Alert Mode. You had a brief chance to intercept the guard before everything went to shit. That's not the case in MGSV because Reflex fills that void. If you return Reflex off you're basically going to get a full blown alert the second you get spotted every time, which is not how the older games played.
Now look at the original Doom games. Naturally they didn't have cinematic kills that replenished health and ammo. This new game does. If you turn off the cinematic kills you're going to miss out on all health and ammo you otherwise would have received. On top of this, there's iframes involved with the cinematic kills, making it a central gameplay mechanic. The chainsaw itself is a cinematic kill that drops a boatload of ammo and health.
They're actually very comparable issues.
Am I personally worried about it? Nah. I'm more concerned about
>painkiller style arena levels for SP
>level design for SP looks to be streamlined, not like the original games at all
>DLC guns for multiplayer
>DLC demons for multiplayer
>DLC perks for multiplayer
>no mod support (although unofficial tools will probably happen)
It's a solid rent but I wouldn't go any further than that at this time.
>Reflex Mode
I have never played this game or Ground Zeroes with reflex mode on and it felt perfectly balanced/challenging/fun
This is actually really funny.
>If you return Reflex off you're basically going to get a full blown alert the second you get spotted every time, which is not how the older games played.
I never said anything about balance. I said it's not how the older games played, so I can see why someone would be concerned. It's a valid concern when a dramatic change occurs.
>People actually liked the multiplayer
This board's finished. The millennials have taken over
>battlefield 4 not popular
It's more popular than BF2. Try harder.
>It may surprise you to find that Battlefield is a multiplayer focused game.
What is CTF, TF Classic, numerous Quake, Half-Life, UT, UT2004 mods e.t.c. Don't talk shit if you know nothing about the modding community, faggot.
BF3 has so many mods :)
>buying doom for multiplayer
>cries about millenials
Just look at yourself.