I need to vent because I'm really butthurt, I do however want to have a thoughtful discussion about this.
It's useless to go to nintendo and give my opinion not only because I doubt they give a fuck but also because it's about "old" games
Alright, so, as the title indicates, zeldas (and also the metroid prime series) have really bad controls.
Now when it came to Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, I was willing to accept this simply because the games are old, they didn't know yet how to properly implement 3D controls because 3D games were new, okay, fine.
But then I played Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, The Metroid Prime games on Gamecube and after, their Wii versions and I'm fucking baffled, dumbfounded.
Number fucking 1: allow controls to be customizable / remap button layout. None of the above games have this, yet this is BASIC fucking shit right there, what the fuck
Most importantly, n.2: here's how you do proper control for a 3D game
>Left stick for movement; directions move the player in that direction, you DON'T make left and right rotate the player in place
>Right stick for camera; directions move the camera in that directions, you DON'T make up and down have inverted effects, it's not a goddamn helicopter where you need to pull to go up, you press up to look up, that's how you fucking do it, and you DON'T put inverted camera rotation on the "x" axis WHILE having first person view on up and zoom out on down, that's fucking terrible
>Main buttons on top of controller, so you can use both thumbsticks at the same time WHILE also performing actions
>D-pad to navigate in menus, NOT the thumbstick