What video games did you play today Sup Forums?
What video games did you play today Sup Forums?
Star fox 64.
Thinking about playing Metal slug 3 next. See how far I can get with one credit.
Age of Empires 2
I suck
Dragon Quest 2
Is Hitman just fucked on PS4 or something? I keep getting disconnects and I'm on a wired connection. I don't have online troubles in other games.
Kirby planet robobot. I died in the last battle of the true colliseum
None, I was going to play Crusder Kings 2, but then I just shitposted all day.
Xenoblade chronicles
inishing up a few sidequests and then moving on to makna forest
Arkham City
Didn't progress in the story, just fucked around getting Riddler trophies
Sorry to hear that, bro. It's not even the hardest final True Arena boss in the Kirby series, but it's one of the most annoying for the sheer number of fucking phases. But it's doable! And you can always cheese it with amiibo, if you have them to hand.
Anyway - I've been playing Overwatch and Dark Souls 3. Played the former with a friend who's a TF2 nut, played the latter with a friend who needed help with Pontiff and Aldrich. Exciting times.
Pocket Card Jockey
I hope I'm not wasting my money buying these puzzle panels.
dungeons and digimon
gonna do it
Same here. I played my first game with my friends who are hugely obsessed with it.
They toyed with me first, before the real tragedy unfolded
Magic Duels
I fucking hate this game but I can't stop playing it. I wish I could, I really do.
Also overwatch beta (fun but not $60 fun) and estival versus (kinda sucks that i'm finishing up the singleplayer content since it's still pretty fun)
I love lammy
The new control paladin deck is everything I hoped it would be.
UT4, then a bit of Warframe. My friends are all playing Overwatch and I don't have fun playing it anymore.
Waiting for one of my buddies to get up from a nap so we can start our first session of Shadowrun on Tabletop Simulator.
doin' it
Fuck that, we need a Lammy thread.
Don't play that garbage, my man. Play MtG or nothing as far as card games go.
How is Warframe? Never bothered with it, but it looked like what would happen if they made Mass Effect 3 multi into a full game.
Persona 4
dayz mod, ow, hs
Trying to figure out what I want to play.
It's a toss up between Dark Souls 3, Second Son, or emulate something on my phone. I don't have a drive lately.
doin' it
See you in the last levels.
PAYDAY 2. Met someone who told my friend to turn his turrets to "bullet mode" (normal mode)
I asked whatever modes does a turret have
He said "Turn it to normal/Bullet mode"
Both told him that AP is a bullet
He said it wasn't because bullets are made of metal, and AP is made of lead. Then he then said lead wasn't a metal. My friend screamed so loud you could feel his pain. Then I kicked the guy.
I love PAYDAY.
doin' it
yeah, shit's tough.
Dark Souls 2 because I've taken time from playing Dark Souls and Demon's Souls and now find it okay. ADP is still retarded.
Oblivion and Civ V
doin' it
Warframe is a big grind fest, but the shooting and movement systems are very solid and fluid. Conclave, the PvP mode, has a pretty bad netcode though last I remember, but I haven't bothered with it much.
It's, for me, the kind of game I pop on every now and again since I have little to do aside from an event now and again.
Overwatch and Lollipop Chainsaw and Pocket Card Jockey.
I want to play lammy's game!
I beat Paper Mario, what a great game.
I wanna move onto Bloodborne, but god dammit that game stresses me out from what I've played of it so far. I dropped it months ago, I got to Old Yharnam.
Yeah. Best girl, fagget.
I streamed Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 in hopes to give some Nintendo Wii U codes out.
But eh....I only gave out Runbow. Now I only have Freedom Planet to give and thinking of Streaming Freedom Planet on Normal to complete it within 60 mins. Either that or Attempt Classic Megaman Challenges.
Mario Party 2
Mario Kart 64
Smash Bros Wii U
Story of Seasons
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
Life is Strange
i played 'dick your mother in the asshole' a little while ago LMAO.
doin' iiiiiiiiiiiit..........
MGS 5 Online for the first time since I 100% awhile back. It was fun
>He went to two different threads to say this
Played a little Grim Dawn earlier.
I've gotta complete Meta Knight's mode before I can unlock the True Arena. I'm 2/5 through and it's not enjoyable at all.
>Pocket Card Jockey.
ye nigga
Game isn't half bad.
It was fantastic all the bastions let me reflect kill them
didn't even manage to get to the good part. need more practice.
I'm working my way through bravely second. it's a pretty decent game, but I feel drowned by choices regarding classes, especially since some classes are much less viable than others, and unless you know beforehand you have to grind to catch up
>mfw I corner a noyan with 60+ buttery knights
several games of overwatch
Pretty fun game
Enjoy the comfiest soundtrack and the most annoying town, navigation-wise.
I played Cave Story from start today, I'm already in the near-end story. Can't beat Misery and the Doctor, two bosses in a row is way too much of a difficulty spike to my weakling ass.
fucking ffxiv i hate my life, i can only play it drunk, helping a friend with the stupid relic crystals. once i'm done, it's trails in the sky time.
Ratchet and Clank reboot.
I do hope they continue with the series, it seems the game did well but the movie most certainly didn't, and I hope Sony isn't going the let that get in the way at all.
i think im going to quit soon
I've got this, weebling.
None, I had to wake up at 7 to pick next semesters courses then go to work
>trying to stalk *anonymous* people on the internet
time to take a big step back and look at your life you creepy weird faggot.
borderline personality disorder
This one.
Red Dead Redemption for about 3 hours
Holy shit I hadn't had this much fun in months
>Hunting for wild animals
>Wandering about in the desert and being shot by criminals
Radiant Historia.
It's okay. The combat is really fun at first but so far there haven't been any boss fights that do anything neat with the system, and random encounters are just tedious with more than a few enemies. Controls on the overworld generally feel really awkward, too, though at least you have some sorts of overworld actions.
At least Marco's a cutie.
That one ending where Marco goes bananas because you killed his Girlfriend when you accused her of being a spy. Proceeds to kill all of the team except the MC only wounding him.
My sides went out of orbit.
PSO Episode 3 as part of my Phantasy Star kick
It's actually way better than I remember it being.
I remember being like that the first time I played cave story
have fun with Hell
Animal Crossing
My town is almost 3 years old.
It's gonna be hard to leave it for a mobile version.
Holy shit, me too.
That's fuckin' rad.
>Two bosses
oh boy you're in for a treat user
also Misery is best girl.
FF7. I just got to disc 3.
Trying yet again to play Final Fantasy Tactics. Remembering all the gameplay flaws which turned me off the first three times and struggling to keep playing. Also the translation is even worse than I remember it.
>Dragon Quest 2
Embrace your anger. Thrive on the pain. You can make it to the end.
Dank souls 3. I think I'm near the end. It has been a great month.
Crypt of the necrodancer
I was mostly studying for and taking my Spanish final, that i'm pretty sure I bombed
I just hope I did well enough to hold on to a C.
But user that's wrong
A Curly is fine too, but I prefer my girls with more sass on them.
Weird. Haven't had those issues yet. Game's not perfect by far but ~15h in it's fun.