What is your honest opinion on Undertale? I bought the game about a week after it came out on Steam...

What is your honest opinion on Undertale? I bought the game about a week after it came out on Steam, and I really loved it.

The game is great in my opinion, but the fan base can be a bit much at points. What are your thoughts?

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I didn't like it. Way to many battles, dull humor, music was alright, but most of it was taken from others.

I don't want to play it because all the fans spoilled it on internet.

> uuuur duuuur don't kill people in the game !

Went into it without any bias, loved it.

I liked the gameplay, the script (overall) and the music is pretty good

The fanbase is absolute dogshit though, but i guess you could say that happens with everything that gets popular

I'd recommend it because it was a fun experience, but i don't think it's nowhere near the GOTY 2015 BEST GAME OF ALL TIMES as some make it out to be

I went in expecting a rpg maker tier game with good music and besides the easymode bullet hell battle system it's exactly what i found

It should have won Best Indie though

It's a tumblrshit game with reddit-tier humor

its the kind of game where if you can't get into the world of a game then its not gonna work. game was a hell of a ride in the neutral run but everything after was pretty meh.

also don't look at the fanbase for ANYTHING, not just undertale. they are always children and people who want to fuck the characters and thats it, you don't get anything out of being part of a "fanbase" you don't need a title to like a game.

I played it fairly recently.
I played through once with pacifist neutral I guess is what it would be called, because I didn't want to fight as much as possible because frankly I didn't like the "combat"
Primarily because of that I felt absolutely no desire to replay it despite the game blatantly telling me I missed content afterwards.
Besides my distaste for the combat, everything else just kinda felt "alright"
Music, story, humor, all of it had some hits and misses, but nothing really consistent or amazing to me, quite frankly I can't actually understand the hype.

>but the fan base can be a bit much at points
I haven't seen ANYTHING bad about the fanbase anywhere but Sup Forums.
I guess Sup Forums bitches more than tumblr and neogaf combined.