I don't know if you guys heard about this...

I don't know if you guys heard about this, but apparently some folks on reddit thought it was wrong the steam workshop models of the overwatch heroes being used in porn so they contacted Blizzard.

Blizzard had Valve remove their models from the workshop.

I guess we won't be seeing all that overwatch porn we anticipated.

Other urls found in this thread:


I have better things to do in my life than jack off to cartoon porn.

>I guess we won't be seeing all that overwatch porn we anticipated.
Nigga you can download that shit from anywhere else, you must be really stupid.

Aren't the SFM models already downloaded? Can't someone who downloaded the models just upload it somewhere else?

oh yeah ? like what ?

Like shitpost on Sup Forums?



>some folks on reddit thought it was wrong the steam workshop models of the overwatch heroes being used in porn
please tell me im being rused

The people who create the adult content still have the models on their hard drives. OP, please cite a source or you're just baiting us.


No you don't faggot.

Looks like Blizzard is also going after individual pornographers using their content.

Fucking Blizzard. They are more jewish than jews themselfs

Uhhh, everything the animators are doing are non profit except by crowdfunding and fall under fair use. This is not an okay move by Blizzard.

I don't think valve have any porn mods in their official system. All porn shit is just downloaded through P2P. Why would you just make something like this up?

Children pls, once you grow up you'll also understand.

Nah I think it's fair. They spent a lot of time making those models. Blizzard always puts in a lot of effort to create great art. Why should other people get to use it for free ?

You're acting no different than a tripfag right now, user. Go away.

oh noooo this will surely stop people from making overwatch sfm porn!!!! we are doomed!!!

you're on fucking Sup Forums and you're trying to teach others about life

fucking hell this autism

i can feel im evolving to destiny right now

dank memes and pure fucking autism


porn always finds a way

They're reusing Blizzard's assets for their own animation projects they are not monetized. I am absolutely against any DMCA strikes against artists using the models for their own fun projects.

>files aren't on steam workshop so they don't exist
good one

>a tripfag calling someone pathetic


to be fair there are some animators with patreons where early access to their animations are a reward for donating.
They are technically making money off it, I don't know how that sits legally though.

Fuck blizzard

They been had that shit backed up

Reddit ruining a thing isn't anything new, so I'd believe it.


>They been had that shit backed up


I don't like the idea, but it sort of makes sense from a legal standpoint since there's people making actual money off SFM animations.

>i think you've been had

>They been had that shit backed up

The models were already re-uploaded to sfmlab. Ellowas edits are still around as well.

Don't worry, Overwatch porn is save.

>girl on girl futa

It has never been legal to extract models from a game and upload them for others to use. You can't do that shit on Nexusmods either.

I never understood why people make fun of tripfags so much, but your contribution to this board has been a very enlightening experience for me.


>i unironically fap to SFM porn

I want to marry Tracer.


So anyone has a mega or dropbox link with the most recent overwatch sfm models before they were pulled from the workshop?

I only have the old ones when they were first released and never updated them

You're oddly defensive.

Speaks a lot about your insecurities and your depression.
I'm sorry I didn't realize how me being busy with life could insult you and belittle your wrong life choices.

My will power has truly been tested these past weeks.

>i ironically fap to SFM porn

>Trip code
>name fag
>talking down on Sup Forums


The direct wording for Criminal Copyright Infringement reads:
(a) Criminal Infringement. —
(1) In general. — Any person who willfully infringes a copyright shall be punished as provided under section 2319 of title 18, if the infringement was committed —
(A) for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain;

The only way these people are gaining any money off of their work is through patreon which isn't a private commission or billing client. Crowdfunding a fan animation of a ripped model that hasn't been proven to be distributed for financial gain isn't illegal.

There's quite a few SFM animators who make decent money off commissions and Patreon.



Guys, I mean it. I really want to marry Tracer.

In the case of an individual using the model they didn't create for private commissions would be illegal. You mind finding a source of anyone who does this in particular?

Jesus, take a look at Judge Hardcasltle over here will ya.

doesn't matter. Blizzard can and will take people to court and bankrupt them by making them jump through legal hoops for years before having to address the actual legitimacy of their claim.


>being insulted just because someone said they are too busy
How about you realize how stupid you're being right now.

Back off from your computer, take a few breathers, reconsider your life choices them come back at me because you are LEGIT getting butthurt over someone saying they have things to do.

Why the fuck would those fucks do this

That practically kills any sort of SFM art for the game, plus any sort of animations

Do they want to literally have no animations/anything outside of blizzard's shit

What was difficult to understand about it? The point of the board is anonymity so using a trip just for the sake of it is unnecessary attention whoring. It's not rocket science.

Hopefully your ban is coming soon famalam

Dammit waist-cloth.

sucks since some are THICC

i think you fucked that gif up

sauce ?

We used to have tons of tripfags.

Look at earlier screenshots, stuff from like 2006. There are tons of tripfags and namefags and everyone talks like people on Reddit or tumblr do now.

Face it, man, the only people left are autistic retards who are too stuck on the idea of anonymity. We're in the wrong, reddit and tumblr and twitter are in the right. Sup Forums is shit because all of the actual people who care about video games left. Go to other boards, you'll see. People there are way less bitchy, it's great.

The one where she plays with the dildo and her kids almost find her is gold.

It isn't very tempting to adopt the anonymous name knowing full well people like you are using it.

Ban because of your butt pain?
Am I on reddit?

nigga youre on Sup Forums arguing with someone

C'mon guys, I'm serious. I want to marry Tracer. Quit it.

Oh no not my source filmmaker porn. Where will i get my low quality animation porn now?!?

>uses a trip
>talks shit on reddit

film maker, yes

gfycat /ReadySlushyHarpseal

get outta here shitter
there is no reason for you to have a trip

I like how there's two versions of that. one with a purple and one with a greenish dildo

you can have tracer. i'm going to marry mercy and she's going to sit on my face. and there's nothing you can do about it.

You think blizzard was completely unaware of the fact that the models were being used like this until some redditors notified them?

Also I'd love to see a source for your claim because it looks like reddit is one of the sites making great use of those models

>reddit and tumblr and twitter are in the right
Maybe you should go there then you fucking retard.

What will the Overwatch waifufags do now? It's not like the game will provide any entertainment.

Porn versions, as a result of being parodies are allowed.

user I don't know how to say this.....but you too have a name.
Your mommy gave you one, are you also from reddit?

There is no reason for your overreacting over me just being fucking busy and not fapping to cartoon porn.

How autistic are you shit heads that you are LITERALLY angry over me being busy?

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, off-topic replies

By being the tripfag, you already break like 3 rules. So it's more because you're a fucking moron.

>reddit's terrible! just look at this thing I claim they did!

post source, I can't find anything but people discussing the takedowns and linking the models outside of steam

It's a willing donation and you are not forced to pay to get access to it. It is completely legal.

No. I'm tainted. Those places are too good for me.

Sup Forums is the only place where I won't be overstepping my bounds. I know my place.

I'm currently writing a clickbait article on how ripping models and using them for porn is akin to rape, give me some ideas Sup Forums


Gotchu covered senpai









You break all those 3 rules with your nonsensical fucking butt pain.

At least my initial post was fucking ontopic, where is YOUR ontopic response to the OP???

Thought so.

Fuck outta here. Sup Forums is still the best place to discuss videogames. And that speaks VOLUMES considering how shit it can be sometimes. But if you ever go to reddit, or any other forum for that matter, it's a much shittier experience and I just end up coming back here.

People will find a way of making SFM porn of Overwatch somehow.

Unrelated, but I feel like if I ever make a game, I'd just let people make porn, you can't stop them anyway.


I mean, it's a shame. But the models ARE owned by blizzard and there are assholes making money off of the sfm porn. Who cares? It's just fucking porn there are literally a trillion other games, shows, and hentai out there. Jerk your fucking cock to something else.

He's not even trying, is this your first tripfag ever?
Filter and move on.

post more lewd Overwatch stuff already.

Ok, keep that trip, so the filter will actually be in use for the first turbo-autist I met in 6 years of Sup Forums.

You see ? Sup Forums has it's place. It's prevented you from becoming too much of a faggot.

I shudder to think how you would have turned out otherwise.

I guess you should consider yourself lucky.

>What will the Overwatch waifufags do now?
I'm an Overwatch waifufag and I don't care about SFM porn since it's literally trash. I believe I can live without boring low-quality animations.

You guys are both fucking retarded.
Namefag we don't care who you are, rulefag we don't care about his 3 rulebreaks

Go to sleep/work anons

Ontopic, can we get a source on this shit