It's like poetry. It rhymes

It's like poetry. It rhymes.

Only bad thing about the Persona 5 cover is that the best girl didn't get the largest piece of art on the cover like Persona 4 did.

The best girl get the largest spot on the cover. Unfortunately they Soejima'd up her neck.

Please lord don't make it the exact same thing as p4 I have had enough of that cast and writing.

When can I pre-load on steam.

my lads?

Fujoshi chick confirmed for gay


That blue on black ruins the cover. Get cucked faggots by a superior cover.

>meme hacker girl
>annoying talking cat sidekick
>Yousuke 2.0
So far so good.

Hopefully the story isn't as sunshine and rainbows.

So, its mirrored

Im gonna ignore morgana to equalize shit

Ryuuji is teddie
Queen is chie
Adieu is rise
Generic-kun is kanji

Anne is larry
Yusuke is Yosuke (poetry)
Futaba is naoto

And hopefully its not CRAWLING IN MY SKIN

I just want a balance between 3 and 4.
>Not fucking depressing like 3
>Not no consequences 4

>mascot and support bitch are on the same side
What this actually means is Ryuuji is going to decide to run the family soapland.

>Not fucking depressing like 3
Don't be such a baby.

>Yukiko is best girl n 2 consecutive games

P4 was a huge fucking success that carried them for 7 years of course they're gonna stick with what works rather than remove it. Hell the mask awakenings is already a huge hint that its gonna be the same shit with P2/P4 with accepting one's shadow/true self HOWEVER what they do in regards to social links is the key to what will ultimately differentiate the two, I know people complained how the Social links didn't carry over to the actual game so it felt like nobody actually developed barring Teddie and that was mainly because his was mandated into the game but lets see how P5 handles it with whatever the hell its gonna be called now.

Are you going to play this CENSOR-NA 5

>3 was depressing

What the fuck is happening in my eyeballs?

It was a fucking normal story actually pretty goofy but with emo esthetics (which was the hipster look of 2006 if you still remember that shit)

I want Persona 5 to be actually depressing. But who am I kidding the franchise is for faggot normies and gaymur girls anyway.

Allow me to correct myself as it appears my exaggeration glad had temporarily taken over my brain.
>Not trying its hardest to be as dark as possible
I like 3 but I will admit it went overboard.

Hope its depressing as 3 , stuff you did actually mattered , there were stakes

This isn't Wii U.


>muh depressing shit
Go play Nier for the nth time, faggot.

>Anne is Larry
>Worst girl is worst girl


They're using the Persona 2 color, maybe it will be more like it.

Are you seriously suggesting Nier is subpar in quality?

Fuck outta here.


Holy shit the guy is a literalwho in the youtube world.

Fuck off.


Is that the fucking SPLATOON girl on the left?

Pretty sure Anne is marginally larger than the others there.

If anything Sakamoto is the MC because he's cool enough.

Why hasn't anyone drawn a comic of Sakamoto being a persona MC

>Not Harry Potter
He's called Potter-kun for a reason you ass. I hope you step on a Lego brand building block.

That name was decided back before they showed him being cool and only had him look like a fuckboy on screen.

How many Japanese dicks do I have to suck to get this game?

How dumb can you be. Protag should literally be Daisuke Niwa from D.N.Angel.


god damn, already?

>redhead with full fringe
Best girl located


Not really a split personality thing though.

Why is (male) Morgana's head so long on this edit? It doesn't need to be so stretched if you're just blocking some girl's cooch.

>the top left girl

Yes. Gameplay was shit, and lol everybodygetsfuckedintheass gets boring quick.

No bully Futaba.

Its not stretched

They have very meaty, hard vaginas

>High-schooler moonlighting as a master thief is less fitting for P5 due to split personalities, but Harry Potter fits perfectly.

What did she mean by this?

Nobody gives a shit about personalities retard, its about appearance,

Just Love Martin (Luther) King!

Go back to your boring life, Daisuke. You're a cuck and Dark will always be better than you. You don't deserve Rin.

Jesus Loves Mein Kampf

I recommended Sakamoto-san

>Persona: Chaosfag Edition

Justice League vs Mortal Kombat

what are you talking about, potterkun is clearly the biggest art on the cover

What the fuck is wrong with her neck?


>he hasn't offered his soul to Lucifer

That manga was super gay
I still liked it tho

Isn't this supposed to be a waifu game? Why are all the female characters so shit then? The guys looks better ever

I don't see Margaret anywhere.

Soejima. Somethings never change.

The girls are plenty cute.


You know the answer.

Another persona game with superior male S links than the female ones

Another persona game where shit ton of character arcs before we get to the real meat of the plot.

>2 years of fucking delayment and 3/4 of the girls look outright garbage barring one of them looking better with hat on

I am so only having 1 female healer in my party fuck the rest.

Have you never seen a neck in Persona?

I swear Soejima has been doing art for Persona in some capacity since like P1 or P2, you would think he would learn and get better with neck proportions.

I want Chie to give her a speeding ticket.

so what's her psychological issue going to be? Severe anger issues?

What if the brown-haired dude is not a battle character and instead a secondary navigator?

I hope so because Futaba is looking like my favorite character and not being able to actually have her in my party during battles is lame.

>Another persona game with superior male S links than the female ones
why not just say
>another good persona game

p3 and p4 >p1 and p2 and all of SMT

She said "I'm sick of all this money" in the PV and she had the briefcase full of it, so I assume she's from a rich family, and seeing as she's class president, she probably has to be composed and calm at all times. Considering the motorbike and her clear anger, she probably wants to be free from that life, and in her casual life she's most likely on the edge of losing it at all times.


>stereotypical computer nerdy girl
>top left away from the focus
>hand clutched over her heart pose as she looks away from the party
Sorry user, she'll be providing support over a cell phone or laptop. New Rise/Fuuka confirmed.

>placement of characters implies same status

Unknown Guy CONFIRMED trap
Biker and Adieu CONFIRMED lesbians
Ryuji CONFIRMED worst anything
Painter CONFIRMED pretty alright
Inkling-chan CONFIRMED best

Oh my god shes just an alternate mitsuru.

Why is Yosuke a cross-eyed retard?

>mfw I got my first (you) of the day

She was included with the others in the DLC costumes, so I'm guessing you'll probably get to see her in the battles even if she isn't actually fighting, rather than her just being a disembodied voice.

>no "Only on Playstation" on the cover

kek, have fun beta testing the game for the PC master race, filthy sonyggers.

Shit, meant to reply to

This game got MGSV levels of hype, let's hope it doesn't end up like it.

>Persona 4 got a PC release

I don't think many exclusives have "Only on playstation" on them.

>we will never get another story like Devil Survivor 1

On the surface sure, but she actually hates that lifestyle while Mitsuru was content with it. Their situation is the same, but their characters' and struggles' are entirely different. That is assuming I'm even right about what kind if character she is.

So far Ryoji is the only guy I like. Paint kid is never ever getting used and unless the unknown kid has a fucking badass persona, my party is locked in at Ryoji, Biker, and Adieu.

But during the entirety of mitsuru's it implied she wanted to leave as well.

>tfw other people watched DNAngel

Yukiko, you retard.

Adieu is cute but I can't prioritize her over Ann.

manga version was better

That character fits both mitsuru and yukiko.