Tfw no Civil War game

>tfw no Civil War game

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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 newfag.

It's called "a thinly veiled off topic non vidya thread", newfag.


Mega cancer.

I want a game about Captain America Iron Manning Falcon with BYcjcmn

>sjw capeshit

lol no thanx

>wanting a Civil War game

heard it was shit compared to the first one, is that true?

What are some good Marvel games?
Preferably something from PS2/GC and before so I can emulate.

It's worse, yeah. Still an okay-ish game with a friend.

Ultimate Alliance 1 has a PC port you can pirate.

>tfw Capcom will never make a Marvel vs game

Marvel Super Heroes 2
It's LITERALLY the perfect moment. And Disney's perfect in to get that esports audience.

Hulk. That's about it.

You can also mod it to add more heroes.

>tfw companies only make shovelware phone games instead of shovel ware console games
>tfw oldfag

marvel vs capcom

>tfw no game with art direction based on Jack Kirby's

>tfw no Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 that's not shit like 2 was

never played 2 but did play 1, what was so bad about the sequel?

Is this good enough?

Marvel Heroes is effectively MUA3.

>yfw the new Aunt May

That Vision looks like trash.
Is there a Scarlet Witch toy?

Why kill Iron downey jr?

I enjoyed Rise of the Imperfects. Fun fact: the PSP version of the game has Dr. Doom and Captain America in as bonus characters.

>Iron Man is supposed to be the careless man who never follows the rules
>Team Iron Man is the team of nerdy rule following and obeying orders from people above you

>Captain America is supposed to be a rule follower
>Team Captain America is the team of rebellious anti-authoritarians who won't follow orders

Character development, man.


No not yet. The newest wave was Vision, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Movie Cap, and Symbiote Spidey. I know this because I work at Toys R Us

I'm so happy I got spoiled on this because it wasn't true and made me happy

I got told that Cap was going to die and that Bucky was going to take up the mantle of Captain America. I was pleasantly surprised that this did not happen.


it's called the war of northern aggression shitlord

It's good that the movie is barely like the comic
Civil War the comic sucked

This movie was bad
And I'm not even being contrarian


Yes you are, faglord. It's fantastic and everyone loves it.

>Civil War the comic sucked
You can fuck off right now

It was alright
It is the kind of movie you just shut down your brain and let it do stuff

Fantastic is a gross exaggeration

literally the best marvel movie since Iron man 1

I wouldn't call it bad. Age of Ultron was bad. This had a lot of the same bloat problems as AoU not not to the same degree. I'd say it's just typical capeshit-fare. Not good, not bad, just another forgettable product in an extremely over-saturated market.

It was lame as fuck

I preferred the themes the comic talked about.
Movie was all about fucking Bucky.

It actually pretty much perfect achieved what it set out to do. The villain was pretty lame but the titular civil war was probably the best super power action sequence ever put on film.

I honestly can't imagine how anyone could pay to watch this movie and then come out feeling like they didn't get exactly what it says on the box.

post yfw Giant Man

>Bunch of nerds fighting in the airport
Go back in time and play GTA IV online

t. 15 year old suburban male


The moment I heard that part I imagined yaoi fangirls squealing


Nigger there's been like 15 of these movies now. Why do you keep watching them if you don't even like the genre. Just to shitpost on Sup Forums and feel like you're part of some kind of anti-mainstream movement of enlightened individuals?

Pure Kino

>"Civil War"
>a bunch of literally whos fighting in a parking lot over reasons that the audience doesn't even believe in



>Movie was all about fucking Bucky.
It only really became about him at the end, when emotions clearly overtook reason.

>Liking Superheros

You're probably the most retarded person in this thread, desu.

I always wanted to play a game where I am a psychotic belligerent insane man with a power suit who tries to murder his own best friend for no reason.

Eh I was expecting it, and to be honest I've found Giants in western movies to be pretty consistently lame. There's nothing cool about watching a really big thing move around super slowly. I know that's the more realistic way to depict something, but slow motion big things are just less exciting to watch that fast regular-size things.

>come out feeling like they didn't get exactly what it says on the box.
Well Civil War makes it sound like a pretty big deal and it just boiled down to some dudes in silly costumes beating each other in an airport for a couple of minutes for something that everyone was blowing out of proportion
It's even even sillier when they bring Spider-Man and Ant-man for no good reason even when they are not related to this whole mess

>bring Spider-Man and Ant-man for no good reason even when they are not related to this whole mess

how is there supposed to be tension in the fight when iron man's team is 1000x more powerful than captain america's team?

>superpowered battle suit #1
>superpowered battle suit #2
>purple superman
>big negro


>man with fancy shield
>man with fancy arm
>man with fancy bow
>man with jetpack

It was just giving the fangirls what they wanted
At least they know their audience

Ironically Wakanda goes against BET messages, it is a closed xenophobic society who has stated that other nations can quite fuck themselves, and the only pure race is the Wakandan race, and every other race, including other black races are subhumans, and they don't deserve their cure for AIDS, Cancer etc.

They frown down upon everyone, no exceptions, they are elitist, and have their heads up their asses.

T'Challa later became King of the Mexicans.

>It's even even sillier when they bring Spider-Man and Ant-man for no good reason even when they are not related to this whole mess
They were the aces for each team since neither side knew of the other.

To be fair, he was only meant to be a distraction. And everyone's reaction to him was hilarious.

>Tony and Cap
>best friends
>Tony constantly tells Captain how much he hates him and his 'pretty face'
>Captain would rather take a dick up the ass for Bucky than do literally anything for Tony
>doesnt even tell Tony that Bucky killed his parents.

Cap is the underdog

>tfw Winter Soldier and Civil War are best Marvel movies

Based Russo brothers.

The movie was fucking boring.

I wanted a Captain America story, not Avengers. Yes, I knew Avengers would be in it from the trailer, but they were practically given as much development and screen time as the supposed 'main character'.

Nigger did you even watch the trailer? The whole appeal with this movie was always going to be watching a bunch of super heroes fight each other from the outset. NONE of these movies has a deep plot or interesting philosophical themes. I honestly don't know why you even paid to watch the film if you didn't want to watch a dozen or so super heroes beat each other up for half the movie.

Team Cap loses, but Cap and Bucky leave to do the thing they were supposed to do in the first place.

Don't most licensed games, especially movies, suck though?

Which is even more funny because Black Panther was once written by Reginald Hudlin

>they were practically given as much development and screen time as the supposed 'main character'.
Not really. Maybe Iron Man, but he's the poster boy for MCU anyways. Captain America still had most of the development and screen time, and his main crew (Falcon and Bucky) had plenty of more moments than everyone else.

He said that once to cap.

Tony was a menace and a mad dog who needed to be put down.

You're reading that wrong, son:

>Battle suit
>Battle suit who jobs all the time
>Purple guy who jobs all the time
>Cat claw man
>An untrained child


>Guy who can grow and shrink
>Greatest assassin ever
>Second greatest assassin ever
>Flying guy
>Captain America
>Chick who can fling anyone like a fly or crush their skulls if need-be

Nextwave when?

Not him but Tony's point has some flaws in it when he brings a teenager to fight with them, I know that THEY don't kill, but shit can get awful with that much firepower lose, and fuck cap got a literal psychopath on their team, or at least Tony wanted the WS because he was accused of being a dangerous terrorist.

Scarlet Witch is on Caps team and is the most blatantly overpowered one.

Seriously she can reach Flash levels of retarded power if the writer wants.

He said that line specifically once, yes. But if you follow the MCU, and have watched every interaction between Captain and Tony it's easy to tell that they're not exactly friends, and Tony has a grudge against Steve.

Nigga, Cap was the one that was moving the plot along with his saving Bucky plotline.

Why would you protect the guy who brutally killed your friends parents?

*ex friend

Because it wasn't him. If he had no control then he is not responsible.

>Reginald Hudlin
How is that funny? I don't know much about that run.

Civil War actually got me to stop reading Marvel for a while.

it's a shame tony's such a fucking faggot because he's completely right otherwise

>Sup Forums would side with ironman
what a bunch of faggots

Bucky is Cap's best friend ever. They were pretty much brothers.

He is half right.
You just know people will bitch to a super hero that doesn't save 1 person out of a thousand. And will want his head over it.
Assuming that kind of responsibility is not worth it.

Because he knows that brainwashing was involved.

He also proved Cap right by ignoring Ross to help him and Bucky fight the "assassins".

>Imagine Nextwave
>But it is given to Whedon or a similar hack

It should never be made for the reason transmetropolitan can never be translated into any other medium. Comic only, read it, or go fuck yourself.

>Hey guys, you know all the superhumans, who have done absolutely nothing but help everyone since literally forever? Yeah, I think they should be regulated like this is Nazi fucking Germany or some shit
>and the people that do this regulating? I think it should be the U.S. Government- AKA THE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR:
>alien invasion
>giant death ships
>the attempted nuking of New York City
>the loss of a highly-advanced robotic suit into terrorist's hands
>the creation of Abomination
>the infection of the entire government by nazi hands
>and many more similarly wonderful events
>Please, pay no attention to the fact that this government just tried to murder a man without trial even though he was clearly fucking brainwashed, something that is common as FUCK in this universe, and had the backing of the world's most famous superhero
>Also pay no mind to the fact that we tried to murder this man for being an assassin- even though we have an equally notorious assassin on our own god damn team
>Actually, while we're on the topic of ignoring things: please ignore the fact that I brought what is CLEARLY A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD to help me fight a war, without thinking MAYBE this might not be a great idea, or, at the very least, consulting his legal guardian first
>And remember: Trust in the ME, the person who created an evil robot, causing the destruction of a massive city and the deaths of hundreds! And please, vote for me in the next election which will never happen BECAUSE I SAY SO

truly anyone who sides with Iron Manlet is nothing but an idiotic tryhard, or tragically misinformed like poor ol' petey

Reginald Hudlin served as president as the BET from 2005-2008.

His run pretty much turned Wakanda into what you just described

Because he's your bff. I guess you've never had any good friends before.

That said, I definitely don't have any sympathy for buckey as a character because he's never done anything heroic. Yeah, he can't control his actions or whatever but neither can like 90% of the villains in Spider-Man and you're not supposed to root for them. I think it would have made for a better cliffhanger if iron man had actually killed the winter soldier at the end.

That's LITERALLY what makes Tony even start the thing in the first place. The Accords were a middle ground.

How are they related? None of them are with the Avengers. Even Hawkeye's reason for coming out of retirement was not well explored and frankly didn't make sense

>They were the aces for each team since neither side knew of the other.
Maybe for Ant-Man I can buy it but Spider-Man makes no sense
Iron Man blackmailed a 15 year old kid who has been a small time vigilante for 6 months to fight with professional super powered freaks. They hadn't even met before
Don't get me wrong, if there is one superhero I truly like is Spider-man but his inclusion just was not well implemented

>Nigger did you even watch the trailer?
I know the movie isn't supposed to be super deep or anything but everyone acts as if it was anything more than just mindless action and fanservice, not that there is anything wrong with that, and call this movie excellent or fantastic

>Several thousand die in the process
>You're a monster!
>Oh I'm sorry, would you have rather I did nothing and the ENTIRE WORLD had ended?

The whole movie is about how normal retards have no perspective. They saved the entire world twice over. I'd let them rape my first born child to guarantee that.

GOAT movie spiderman.
Black Panther was surprisingly good.
Ant Man was great.

Didn't expect to like the movie as much as I did.

The thing is the entire civil war proves Tony right. Superhumans are emotional faggots who go off the handle at a moments notice for incredibly stupid fucking reasons.

They need some sort of check-and-balance on them. Just not an overly autistic one.

>we literally saved millions of people from dying
>the people that we indirectly caused to die would have died had we done nothing anyway

The entire thing was pretty ridiculous, even if the airport fight was pretty great.