
The Great Debate.

Just consider the core games. Not the molding comminities, not the add ons (Thy Flesh Consumed, Master Levels, etc.), just the two main games.

Which is better?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hell on Earth is great, but it's primarily focused on difficulty above all else, which is great, but Doom comes ahead slightly on enemy placement, aethetics, and level design.

Doom easily

Doom by a small margin.

The ideal game would be Doom 2's weapon sandbox and monster ecosystem with Doom 1's levels

Anyone that doesn't say Doom II either hadn't played it or sucks so much at Doom that they gave up on it.

This is the only correct answer

The second half of Doom 2 has awful levels.


this. is there a wad like this?


Doom 2, the level design isn't as good as 1 but the new enemies and Super Shotgun make up for it.

shotgun > Super shotgun

Basically this. Doom 2 has the great addition of the SSG and a couple of new awesome enemies that can be utilized very well, but there's a lot of maps that are bland with some being upright shit. Level design goes a long way with a game like Doom; you can fight hundreds of the same enemies and grab all the keys you want, but it's going to be a bit dull if the level isn't well designed with those enemies and keys in mind.
So yeah, D1 > D2. They're both great games, but D1 hits that super important mark that is good level design.

Doom 64 because it has the best atmosphere

I'll see myself out now.


>Spend years having to do perfect straferunning across the crates to get the red key in Industrial Zone.
>Find out yesterday that if you backtrack through a teleporter you just went through you'll end up right next to it.

Fuck me.

>Doom 64 because it has the best atmosphere
Playstation Doom has the same as to sphere as 64 except with better sound quality and the actual Doom 1 levels


>shittier looking Doom
>better atmosphere
>sound is the only contribution to atmosphere
Best be joking my man

Something interesting.
Pic related has both doom and Doom 2 on it. Not the main release, specifically the limited edition.
Anyway, this specific port of Doom has a unique level exclusive to this version only called "sewers".

Has anyone played it?

Super Shotgun is too much fun. It just feels so god damned visceral. Also greater enemy variety, including the hell knight. I know people complain about chaingunners, but I like the extra dimension of difficulty they add.

Doom 2 gave us great monsters that add a lot of pressure that the original game didn't give along with the super shotgun. The reason why I don't put it above the original game is because the mid game is just a chore to deal with, especially the city levels. I can play the 4 episodes of Ultimate Doom and never feel bored.
Did you hear the news? Danny won. He--

>doom thread
>no one posted this

What the actual fuck.



Shit man, I haven't seen this in forever


Doom 2 was strange.

Don't open this spoiler image.

This is the best Doom

Fucking fight me

Might download this for my 360 thanks for the info

It's a shame you have such a wonderful opinion, because now we must fight to the death!

*teleports behind u*

>doom 2
>better weapons
>a lot more enemy variety
>soundtrack is bad in comparison to doom 1
>level design is even worse because sandy can't map worth shit

*counters the strike from behind*

gomen, but you're no match for me

I'm surprised by the good choice in Hokuto no Ken tracks.

Whenever I play Doom the lack of enemy variety really bothers me, so then I go back to playing Doom 2 again. But I won't deny that the episode 1 level design is awesome.

>Rungo's Theme
>Based HnK tracks

pordontae has fucking A+ taste


>the actual Doom 1 levels

lol, they stripped out so much detail they might as well not be

where can i buy this

>tfw legitimately like The Pit

Except the rocket launcher room. Fuck that ambush.

Doom 1 is better, the levels are more cohesive
doom 2 is a mixed bag but still has a lot of good stuff

Except I replayed both in full only a month ago. Doom 2 is good but the quality of levels is too damn inconsistent. You have levels that drag on like crazy in the middle and some that are absolute garbage. But on other hand you also have some really brilliant levels like the last few levels excluding Icon of Sin. Doom 1 is much more consistent which is why it's better.

>implying the god tier maps in DOOM II don't more than make up for the not-as-good ones

>e1m10 - Sewers
Ohoho, oh no no no. That is not a map worth playing. It's basically the result of two of the devs fucking with a map maker and putting their first level in for who the FUCK knows why.
There's not going to be many videos out there of it, but this is the best you'll get I think (it may be the only choice, actually).

>Not playing Grezzo 2

I like the concept behind The Citadel (being able to teleport to the four corners and center of the map with that hidden teleport area,) but the level was a bit meh overall. It was fun, I just think they could have done something better with the design or the teleporting concept for it.

The only good thing about Grezzo is that trailer. Gameplay is shit.

holy shit that looks like total garbage

It does good things but it lacks the nice distinct enemy designs that Doom has.

Doom. Doom2 may have more modding potential because it simply has more stuff in the game to use but Doom has better maps, better music, better themes (as abstract as they are) and better story (such as it is).

That's exactly what it is.

Great, just ask me if Quake 1 or 2 is better while you're at it.

1 is better.

Jesus Christ that guy's voice is irritating

Does anyone actually prefer 2?

Quake 1 is fanfuckingtastic. I'd kill a man for a true sequel.

Quake 1 has immaculate flow. Quake 2 was enjoyable but the bullet spongey enemies and architecture in the level design got in the way of going fast.

2 was mad gay.

what is this webm, user?

Its killing floor, but it looks like its some cazy modded server

Don't you have to, like clip through the wall to even beat Doom 2? That's kinda lame.


Knee Deep in the Dead is just amazing

[*] tell me more

>There are people on Sup Forums that can't pistol start E4M2 UV.

I really like it, but the weapons drag it down. The damage is just too inconsistent and the replacement for the BFG is shit.

I'd give anything for a modern Heretic game done right though, we need more magic FPS games

3 (original not BFG edition) has a level that was broken at launch and you had to level skip to get through it. It involved a walkway and your ability to reach it. It was patched fixed, but it wasn't a 100 percent fix so it still comes up.

BFG edition is basically a walking example of how not to do a port, along with HD slient hill collection

You mean to kill John Romero? No, you just shoot rockets into the hole in the wall that you are supposed to believe is the boss.

What made you think the game was unbeatable without noclip? As if such a game would even be released.

So Doombros, a few questions...
When you first played Doom?
Games you've completed (or are trying to complete)?
Any shining memories you have from playing?

>Owned W3D as a kid, but not Doom; first played it when I was about 12 or 13 via 360 XBL arcade
>D1, D2, still need to finish TNT (m18), need to play Plutonia in full, have 64 PC-port but haven't started it
>Always play on UV, and most of the time I go for UV-Max runs
That first time I played through episode 1 was amazing. I came late to the party on modern consoles and FPS games, all the FPS games I had played by the time I found Doom were Halo, Half-Life 2, and maybe a few other lesser titles, but despite being use to a certain graphical level and story telling level, episode 1 fucking had me hooked. Playing through it for the first time was awesome; discovering specters for the first time, not knowing where the fuck I needed to go, getting the chainsaw, and despite the old '93 look of the game it still felt fucking great. Ep3 probably has the most "whoa" memories for me because of the great hell atmosphere, and Warrens and Limbo were a fucking wild ride. Playing with a controller was kinda ass, but holy shit did I get hooked on Doom. #1 GoaT.

this is the shit right here

Perfect Hatred is pretty tough by pistol start UV, but I've done it. That map is a perfect (heh) example of how pistol start can completely change a map.

First played Doom on the psx when I was about 6 or 7 around about
Recently went back and been though D1/2/TNT/Plutonia, slowly making my way through Scythe
Probably E1M8 when I first saw the 2 Barons appear. The dual cry of them aggroing pretty much resonates in my head whenever I think about Doom.

Visual style, which do you prefer?
1) Classic Quake with its low resolution and pixelated look, such as Devil Daggers tried to recreate
2) Remastered, with high-res textures and sharp edges to everything
3) Modern: up to date shaders and models, as the new DOOM or Wolfenstein had

What if it played just like the original Quake but instead embraced its Lovecraftian inspirations to a much greater degree?

Its on the Bethesda store. You can get them on Amazon as well I think.

>When you first played Doom?
A few years ago, give or take
>Games you've completed (or are trying to complete)?
I never really played it that much until a few days back. This has nothing to do with the launch of the new Doom, I was just playing through all the old games that I missed for the past year and decided to do them in release order. Choose Doom as my starting point, not really a fan of monotone wolfenstein labyrinths. Currently at e2m8.
>Any shining memories you have from playing?
Positively everything. The game is brilliant, and I'm not the type of person to be bothered by dated graphics. It's just a thing that doesn't exist in my brain.

The reason I missed so much games is that I was an autist and wasn't interesting in anything but racing/flying games until 2007 when I made myself play Hl2 and got blown away. My play order was botched beyond any imagination: hl2ep1 > hl2 > hl2ep2 > hl1

>My parents had the Doom demo when I was a kid but I barely remember playing it so I wouldn't really count that. I beat it two years only, but I really should play it again on harder difficulty
>D1 and D2, plan to beat the similar games sometimes, but I gotta admit I suck a bit at them so I need to git gud a bit more first
>Enjoyed the shit out of them even now that I barely enjoy games that much

I love the game as is, but I've never seen the cover art. Might buy the game just for my collection of subjectively good cover art games that I have.

>beat em all nigga
>that night my dad came home with a workmate's PC so he could set up a Doom LAN with me
Fragging pinky demons in one of the earlier levels with my dad is probably my earliest memory

So do you guys like H-Doom? Would you fuck a cute Cyberdemon girl? (Pic related)

Doom II no contest

The Pit is a great level. Don't understand why plebs don't like it.

Doom, better level design

I just tried this since I wasn't aware of it

that fucking sucked

On a scale of 1 to 10, how many barrels o' fun did you have?

I ran out of ammo in a cramped room fighting 4 cacos and if I jumped down the hole in the middle to grab the chaingun, I'd get killed since I couldn't look up

I also didn't look for secrets because if you pressed use (x button on the xbox controller) 3 times in rapid succession, invincibility would activate and I hated waiting it out

2/10 I got a laugh out of how dull it was

>if you pressed use 3 times in rapid succession, invincibility would activate
SURELY you must be jestin'.

Level design is much better. Balance isn't thrown off by the all powerful SSG.

You've really gotta keep an eye on your ammo when you pistol start it.

It's one of those maps where you want a berserk of chainsaw badly, but having those would basically negate the main threat behind pistol starting the map. I'd say UV pistol starting Perfect Hatred (with or without 100% secrets) is a testament for getting good at Doom.

Forgot I had this.
Anyone care to bingo?

Doom shareware, clean booted DOS to use all 4MB of RAM
All commercial releases on PC apart from D44M, not going to touch it. Doom 64 EX is pretty cool.
Pre-internet era, found Doom cheats in magazine, IDCLIPped behind the icon of sin and scared the shit outta myself. Had no idea Romero's head was there, and the noise was too much for headphones in a dark room.

It actually had better graphics.
But it ran slower.

I'm pathetic.

Brom painted that as well as the world famous Doom 2 boxart.
Big fan of Brom.

mitzi went down to chinatown (well first the animal shelter)
apart from that i never finished doom

Could be better.