Mirror thread

Mirror thread.

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Who wins?


707 because he has two guns

>two guns vs no guns

but Russixissur has two girlfriends

OOO clearly doesn't need any guns because he wields power beyond that of an average mortal, just look at his fucking face.

Also he has has 2 bitches.

>tfw you plan making a website of "who would win" where users could upload images and people vote on the winners
I for one will enjoy profiting from exposing Sup Forums culture to a wider audience.

No one gives a fuck about your shitty ideas. No one is going to visit your shitty website either.

Hell, you probably won't even make it because you are just a lazy meme-addicted NEET seeking attention and trying to socialize on an Zimbabwean basket weaving website.

Kill yourself.

Cool bruh, thanks for the idea can't wait to make tons of cash off this

Fuck off cancer


People can't see be this autistic.....

.mirrorS arE morE fuN thaN televisioN


>People can't see be this autistic.....
>People can't see

>vagina mouth
Ah shit


>inb4 that one dumbass (not me) replies with "dex build vs strength build kekkekek"

Sup Forums (or Sup Forums for that matter]) isn't the "super seekrit club" you think it is.

If you genuinely believe that you're fucking stupid.


Is this deliberate? Has Sup Forums uncovered secret brainwashing in videogame covers?




fucking KEK


Wow literally an asshole

More Hot Pockets!!!!



>Double dirty dancing while squatting



Those are some big tiddies.

Disgaea spinoff looking great there user

>Quarter squat

The weighimping champion still reigns supreme.



>abiba toot
why is this so funny

>now kiss


people couldn't see be that autistic either, but then you came along sempai :3


>CIA vs Jotaro


yeah I went there manga boy


to where
s-shut up! ok?!?!


I don`t know man, this 0000 dude is hiding something.

Leahael, the Reklawalker!
king of the aliens from Egdiridge!
Micicim, the jackal moonman from cartatrac, who will win this duel and rein supreme in the space duel!