ITT: Worst Castlemania

ITT: Worst Castlemania

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It's not a bad game but It's not a castlevania,really.


Why is it not a Castlevania game?

Japanese protag more than likely

Well that's a dumb reason to say it's not Castlevania, especially since Soma is Dracula's vessel for returning to life(?).

Sup Forums, everyone.


He's not japanese

Did someone say worst Castlevania?

Why did you start with the best one? Aria & Dawn are the best in the series by miles. It shits all over Castlevania 4 & SoTN

As time marches on I am starting to realize how much I miss those classic/metroidvanias on portables.

Sometimes I catch myself replaying Dracula X Chronicles or the Sorrow series and I wonder what sad state of affairs is that Konami doesn't want my money and IGA is taking his sweet time with Bloodstained.

Nah its good, a little strange at first, but its a good game.

All DS castlevanias were good, the only thing I cant forgive is the retard draw gimmick of dawn, why is that they always try to force some dumb gimmick in games? Sony also did stupid shit with that sinaxis bullshit that killed that dragon game and made the devs go bankrupt, all because of some retarded gimmick.

Castlevania Adventure or any of the IGA 3D games.

Now now, let's not throw rocks at the classics, 4 and SOTN were perfectly fine and fun games.

What did you just say about my favorite Chippy Skippy McWhippy?!

Konami isn't gonna prevent the PS2-vanias from being on PS4, will they?

wrong as hell

ill accept this one because this game is basically worthless to play in 2016, it was a graphics over gameplay early launch title so it was cool then but not anymore

this is the correct answer (although I feel curse of darkness could've been pretty awesome with way less padding and more work put into it)

>PAL version

agreed, PAL games are the worst

If it's your favourite then you're not a Castlevania fan. SCB has nothing in common with Castlevania besides the whip and some music. How could you like such an easy, dull, and boring game?

Lords of shadows was good, a decent try at making a good 3D castlevania.

Lords of shadow 2 was killed by a incompetent manager who did understand anything about what made the first lords of shadow good.

Lamment and curse of darkness were fun.

All the ds launch titles were full of touch screen gimmicks

Hey australia, stop shitposting from your cellphone to avoid your ban, be a ban and stay silent for 3 days, jesus christ.

the problem with lords of shadow is twofold

- it wasn't castlevania in 3D, it was god of war

- 3D castlevania was already made like a decade previously, it was called devil may cry

What made Lords of Shadow good, exactly?

I was never banned. What are you on about this time?

>shotposting alone on a saturday night on Sup Forums because people on /vr/ cornered him

Your life is sad, man.

Yes, you were banned from /vr/, you got banned twice the same week, in the same thread, lol.

The Lords of Shadow games weren't done by wanna be Indiana Jones. But they were also not true to Castlevania.

IGA fucked up Castlevania so hard it needed a reboot. Then the reboot fucked it up again.

No. I think you're confusing me for one of the many other posters you call 'Australia'.

You're so cute trying to defend yourself.

Castlemania XXX

I was never banned, so I guess you're just confused. What would I have even been banned for?

Out of the castlevania games people give a fuck about it's easily this one

>Lets remove the exploration of the last half dozen castlevania games and replace it with linear levels. Lets not actually make the linear levels interesting like the OG castlevania games though, lets just have literally straight lines with hordes of fodder enemies slowly walking towards you
>For variety we'll add a couple straight line rooms that have moderately threatening enemies, but we'll make sure to always have it so you can just stand on a ledge out of their reach so you can pelt them with your unlimited amount of magic/axes that can hit anywhere on the screen
>In order to hide the fact that by removing resource management we more or less completely kill the metagame of castlevania, lets introduce button mashing to melee attacks so players can still feel engaged
>Hey you know how players have been complaining about the stupid grinding for enemy item drops over the last couple games? Lets make the chances of stuff dropping much smaller AND make the rewards way less interesting
>Since we arent reusing assets we can only make like six levels, so to pad the game out lets throw in lots of MMO-tier side quests, bosses with tons of health and magnes "platforming" which is so simple someone with parkinsons can do it but eats up time.

If the game didn't have an anime babe for a main character and didn't go back to the gothic artstyle instead of the generic anime of the previous couple games nobody would've given this game the time of day.

I don't understand why this is hated so much. Yeah, the Death Note guy doing the designs was questionable, but the game itself is solid with good controls, lots of things from throughout the series, a lot of characters, a fun adventure mode, and really good music.


Anyway, besides that, it's also cute how you try to seek refugee on Sup Forums because on /vr/ you always get shit on, but on Sup Forums nobody cares because people here are more busy discussing the newer castlevanias for DS and such, nobody gives a shit about your 4th gen console war shitposting.

the game itself runs poorly (especially in two player mode), the combat is really unbalanced and the voice acting/character designs are actively offensive

I'm not looking for refugees at all. How was I chased off /vr/? I'm still there, but there hasn't been any meaningful activity in over an hour.

I never noticed any performance problems or large imbalance between the characters.

>the voice acting/character designs are actively offensive

Stop overreacting, they're not that bad, especially compared to some other designs like Lord of Shadows.

no way

I'll go for castlevania 64, that sucked


CV64 was awesome.

LoS sucked.

64 was good, stop spreading memes.

>LoS sucked.

that too

Julius vs. Soma was pretty bad, just a cheap rehash of Julius vs. Dracula at Castlemania 99 if you ask me.


>it's a, "lets ask for the worst in the series and only pick stuff as bait", episode
Actual worst coming through.

this user knows

next are pwnchinkas machines?

>picture unrelated
>obvious bait
>master trole 2016

Actual worst.

OK plebs, stand aside.

Actual worst Castlevania coming through.

prepare your senses for AMIGAVANIA

Hold up: lets step back for a moment. How did IGA "fuck up" the series?

Portrait really was shit. I tried so hard to enjoy it but the long empty levels got boring even before you had to do them a second time. That said, Harmony of Dissonance was poorly designed, generic, and boring enough to be a contender, too.

What's bad about it?

It's a grotesque recreation of the original NES game.


This was pretty bad, yeah. Honestly, it was just meant as Gameboy's version of Castlevania 1. It works for that purpose.

>What's bad about it?

Are you blind, deaf, or both?

What the actual FUCK

What the hell happened to Dracula's final form

Nice opinion. Stop posting if you have nothing of value to say.

I think they did well, actually. Simon's a bit choppy but I like it.

Castlevania was an amazing game bogged down by a wonky camera. Legacy of Darkness greatly improved on it.

>they did well

>Complaining about drop rates in OoE when they were way better than the ones in DoS which actively required you to get souls to make anything

He 'decanonized' past games that he didn't like the story (Adventure, Legends, 64 games and Circle of the Moon). Then proceeded to make his games even more story focused. Eventually leading to shit like Lament, Darkness and Judgement, which were more stupid than anything he cut out of the canon.

IGA lost sight of what made Castlevania great in the past. Story wasn't meant to be the focus. And Castlevania games were made by a dozen different teams in Konami who used the series to try new things. While IGA basically kept remaking the same two games over and over again with worse results over time.

Basically, once IGA left, Castlevania was in a worse state than when he took over.

This piece of shit just for the horrible jump physics alone. Also the stupid card gimmick.

So what I am getting is that most Castlevania are shit.

It's not like the sprite design matters, kid.

I forgot this even existed.

Sorrow duology, PoR and OoE all tried new things, though. As did the PS2 games.
Are you mentally handicapped?

That is. One hell of an opinion.

Where to start?


>all tried new things

Exactly. Doing new and different things is the worst thing anyone can do.

>guilty pleasure alert (or just plain shit taste)

I really liked Curse of Darkness

yes, it had shit level design
yes, innocent devils sucked

but I still love it for some reason, combat is just perfect for me, not too complicated like devil may cry

I enjoyed all the games on GBA & DS but I give Circle of the Moon the nod for the worst. Shit was fucking gay as aids to play on an actual GBA before the GBA SP's came out. Dark as fuck and clunky mechanics.

Wha... WHAT?!?!
What part was that in? I skipped around.
That's hilarious! I still think the port's pretty good, honestly, but man that was a bad design choice. Dracula doesnt look great either but then he didn't in CV1 anyway

Curse of Darkness and Lament of Innocent and pretty good. Best Yamane soundtracks too.

In terms of content, Dracula X Chronicles was the best of the series, this is an objective fact

>Sorrow duology, PoR and OoE all tried new things, though.
Sorrow games had a new mechanic with souls, but in many ways it was a step backwards from SotN. Many of the skills you got in SotN were limited to souls. The worst example being the ability to double jump tied to a soul. Whereas in SotN, you got it from an item. You weren't limited to having double jump or a summon. You could do both at the same time. So while it was trying a new thing, it wasn't exactly an improvement.

Portrait of Ruin was literally taking the party switching mechanic of Castlevania III and putting it into a Metrovania. Outside of that, the painting gimmick wasn't really that new.

I grant you that jumping, hell, moving felt stiff in that game but it worked pretty damn well aside from that. Have no clue where this works, story wise, though


sotn is worst metroidvania
not trying to be contrarian, but it's worse because it was first

they didn't have the formula down yet, it was the easiest of them, and everything after it (including hod) had a shitload more polish, which made them better games

sotn isn't bad at all
but of the metroidvanias, it is the least

It has the best version of SOTN for sure.


anime ruins everything, no pun intended

Dracula X Chronicles had the original game and SotN as unlockables

played it for the first time a few years ago and just played it and beat it again a month ago. it's a great game.

Portable shovelware doesn't have any more polish that a crowning achievement of all the staff that worked on Castlevania until that point.
And even then, you don't want more polish on a game like SOTN that is supposed to be speedrun, you want to left all the anomalies and strange coding in the game because it gives the game more replay value, which SOTN has through the roof compared to anything that came after it.

>a game like SOTN that is supposed to be speedrun
when the base game is poor, you make your own ruleset to compensate for it?

That's not bad. They mey have fucked up the music and the graphics are obviously pretty shitty but on a technical level the gameplay is still good.

No, SOTN takes Super Metroid with all the branching paths and variables and both intended and unintended sequence breaking...
Why do I even have to explain this to you? Are you retarded?

Kill yourself

>Why do I even have to explain this to you?
it's extremely important to tell people the rule modifications you make yourself
nobody is going to know them otherwise

don't fault people for knowing rules that aren't in the rulebook

>the gameplay is still good.

it's completely broken, the jumping physics is completely off, the stair walking animation is too fast (it just looks like Simon is sliding upwards instead of walking through them).

I'd like to defend this game because I love the Amiga, but nah, it's a disaster. The problem wasn't the Amiga, it was the fact that Konami (like many other japanese publishers) didn't help the european devs at all in the development process, it was probably just 2 guys on a basement in eastern europe trying to figure out how to copy a NES game on the Amiga by watching some video footage or pictures.
In some cases, they didn't even had the source game to play themselves. It's a known fact that many european and american PC developers back in the day had to actually go to the arcade and record footage from the actual arcade screens to watch later and try to copy from scratch on PC.
It's like, they got the license to work on a determined IP, but that's all the help they got from the companies, everything else they had to do it themselves.

Play good games.

>Series full of great game
I don't think I'll ever understand this sort of mentality, specially towards dead franchises.

>SOTN that is supposed to be speedrun
The best defense for this shit game is "it's supposed to be broken for speedruns!"

Name 3 good Castlevania games.

Pic unrelated? Because that's just another indie pixel "le prepare to le die xD" Dark Souls wannabe.

Is this your first time on a Castlevania thread?

it's not about posting the actual "shittiest" ones, it's about posting games other people possibly like and call them shit.

Castlevania threads are 100% pure shitposting.

Except for Amiga CV, that one has no excuse.

Why? You are just going so say they are shit?

New Generation, Vampire's Kiss and Akumajou Densetsu.