What was so bad about this game?
>it fuses all of the endings
So? That's just the premise it begins on. What about the rest of the story?
What was so bad about this game?
Short answer - it was made for consoles.
It's bad for all the reasons human revolution is bad.
I have to confess.
I played this game on Xbox hueg and I enjoyed it.
Its not bad, its just worse than original
Also tiny levels, and it was horribly un-optimized at launch
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
> Pic related: the face of a REAL gamer
the game itself isn't that awful but it doesn't quite stack up to how good the original was and has a bunch of shitty ideas (universal ammo, etc) and a fucking horrendous pc port - it literally restarts the entire renderer and throws you to desktop on every load screen/zone change
i played it on xboxhueg when i was a kid and enjoyed it a bit, but i wouldn't give it a much better rating than "it's okay".
Invisible War has always been considered shit-tier. Not even that guy.
Dale Gardner ?
> the game isn't that awful.
Yes it fucking is.
Universal ammo was a bit lousy
The game levels are extremely small due to the engine limitations
The overall game isn't that long
Gunfights feel extremely simple, you basically stand toe to toe with the enemy trading hits
Sound quality and voice acting is absolute garbage
Skills system was removed and you only upgrade augmentations
Melee combat is an absolute joke
Fuck off, Invisible War was a fucking awful game. Not only did it disgrace Deus Ex as a franchise and ensured there wouldn't be another game in years to come, it was an awful game overall. Fuck your universal ammo making all the weapons basically useless, fuck your godawful UI where I couldn't see shit with all the clutter on the screen and the locked fov, fuck your small as shit maps where I couldn't move a few meters without a loading screen getting in the way because the game was made for fucking consoles in mind, fuck your shitty ass story which felt like a bad X-Files episode where you get to talk to fucking aliens and most of all fuck your protagonist who sucked dick, was a bland as fuck tool and wasn't even able to come close to JC Denton. Oh, and fuck you too.
You couldn't make a worse sequel to this game even if you tried.
i mean that's entirely subjective desu, i really wouldn't say it's fucking awful but it's not really good either, it's bearable to okay tier and probably worth sitting through about once if you have an xboxhueg sitting around.
wouldn't recommend playing the pc port at all though.
>fresh off the presses redditor is shocked to realise that his meme opinions aren't popular
I don't remember the game being super terrible but I do remember the game suffering from being a console game. Then again I played it when I was a kid. If I played it now I would probably stab myself in the eyeballs.
>shitty ass story which felt like a bad X-Files episode where you get to talk to fucking aliens
Why? It's still a well written story
But he was acting like a faggot on social media, so I took his face and turned him into a meme.
Ironically, he isn't so different with an user shitposting as him on Sup Forums,
I think the idea of the game was good (no inmortal plot essential characters,choosing between factions,based Leo joining you at the end if you helped him before,black market,deciding to fight or let go your longtime friend,JC actually having a personality...) but it needed to be developed way more,especially the bland combat system,it had potential but ended up as average and the only memorable tracks are the club and maybe Liberty Island.
that'd explain why google only thinks he's 1980s astronaut Dale Gardner
Tiny levels
Every important character is behind glass all the time so you can't kill them
Stupid merged ending that ruined JCs "character" (I realize he only had character in the players mind, but still)
Buggy as fuck and had long ass load times
Stupid decisions like a universal ammo system
Lots of decisions that showed console was the main development platform
Characters weren't very memorable, can quote tonnes of deus ex lines, but the only real lines I remember from Alex is stuff like "I would love to be your chamber boy"
More stuff I'm probably forgetting
I still liked it though
>An invisible weapon, for a Deus Ex: Invisible Warâ„¢.
Jesus Christ, really?
>each time you left the area the game had to erase the data of the level you were on and once that was done it started loading up the portion you were going to
Or something like that. It's why the loading times were so painfully long. No one knows why they chose to do it like that.
It's shit for exactly the same reasons ME2 is shit, its' watered down completely different game with the story of the last game shoehorned in.
Fuck DudeSex 2
Fuck Ass Effect 2
>real life NG resonance was a total bitch
Dreams crushed.
Wasn't it because they rushed it out the door and couldn't fix some bug that caused data to snowball and pile up the longer the game was played, so as a quick fix they restarted the EXE every single time there was a level change? At least that was the version I remember hearing.
Mass effect is just watered down SCII anyways.
>At least that was the version I remember hearing
Yeah, sounds about right. I remember reading something like that too.
The tiny levels and fuckhuge load times are the biggest killers.