The Beta is slowly ending

The Beta is slowly ending.
How much do you guys should Overwatch cost?
What should be changed,improved,etc.

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>How much do you guys should Overwatch cost?

Considering it's a tweaked TF2 that's better in some aspects and worse in others, no more than 20 bucks.

>What should be changed,improved,etc.
remove ults

server browser
reset ults on dying

They should improve this 5

Bumping with best girl

Anyone saying anything above 20 bucks is a blizzard shill cuck. There are more contentful and even better free to play games and low budget games.

Looks like blizzard did something right once

Should be like $20 since there's no fucking content at release

>half the votes are $20-$40
>game is $40

Then I guess everythings fine?

I just wish paying 40 dollars for this game gave me access to all the customization options. There are SO MANY and yet after hours of playing I get to use maybe 2% of them

Where's the master race 15 - 30 bucks option?

Also, those voting for "Free" and "5 - 20" are delusional.

your four is lacking, but fives need no improving, look at how perfect this one is

>no fucking content


its more than tf2 had on release

Probably not going to buy into it for 40. I'll wait til xmas when it maybe goes on sale for 20.

I'll be glad when this FOTM is over.

It's only good for porn, nothing else.

>implying the game wont be dead within literally 3 weeks

It needs at least double the maps it has

Then I wont buy it and will have still saved myself 40.

After playing it, I believe the game should be $15. There is barely good content and almost no replay value to it. I wouldn't be suprised if it goes F2P within the year

Wasn't the game announced as f2p like 2-3 years ago? I played the beta for like a day and I'm already bored, would probably work as a game that you can boot up every now and then but I don't see it being worth 40 bucks.

>a turret builder who can just build with no penalties and has no resource to manage like metal to build.

It's day 2 of my beta experience and I'm already getting bored. This is a fucking knee-deep tf2 with awful balance.

It slowly changes

>What should be changed,improved,etc.
map editor or the game will die off

This, at the moment it lacks content and I've got plenty of little gripes that prevent me from enjoying it
It's a TF2 clone so chances are it'll still be alive and kicking for years to come, even if the community turns to shit

>What should be changed,improved,etc.

Too much to count. I canceled my pre-order.

The only reason TF2 stayed alive is because it was a "free" surprise game like Portal that came with EP2. They did not ask $40 for a single, now generic and highly feature limited game. The whole bundle retailed for $35.

I just want Blizzard to take more than 10 seconds thinking of ultimate abilities that are just aim bots.

>class based MP only shooter with low content

Where have I seen this before?

$20-$40 is pretty good

>What should be changed,improved,etc.

Honestly just fucking make Basition less OP, add more game mods, and a content creator.

Based off the demo I'm going to buy it anyway but it should have more shit

Also Torb's turrents have insanely long range.

I been playing this game for a day and it's boring. Barely any replay ability and it's only fun if you play with friends.

I love playing symmetra on defense and just spamming like 40 turrets all over walls and ceilings

If it was $30 I'd buy it in a heartbeat
If it was $40 (I'm a consolefag) I'd be seriously considering it
The fact that it's $60 means I won't be buying it until a sale or secondhand prices dip

You can't have more then 6 turrets at once

I might get Overwatch in a year once the price drops

...if anyone's still playing it in a year.

have fun never breaking through defense

There's overlap in the answers. What kind of shit survey is this?

If I think it should cost 20$ where do I put my vote? 5-20 or 20-40?


B-but it's different this time! Blizzard made it and from that you can tell real quality.

The difference is this Onlywatch is made by Blizzard, and is therefor going to be a huge success regardless of quality or quantity due to the sheer amount of Blizzdrones playing it anyway.

>2 modes
>few and poorly designed maps
>no SP

Oh boy, the game is literally overwflowing with content.

I like the remove ults on dying, but I think I'd prefer lose a percentage of your charge like 30 or something.

>unironically voting for 40-60 or 20-40
i'm disappointed in you

now less shitty

Honestly, the characters in Evolve were so much more fun to play than the ones in Overwatch. I can barely stay awake and focused when playing overwatch because they require so little thought and skill to play.

Full game is going to be $40 but the Origins Edition is $60, so 20 extra bucks for 5 skins and some worthless shit (Tracer in HotS, Mercy's Wings in D3, etc)

>I'm a consolefag

Fun game, really enjoying it. I think it would have been better off as a F2P game where you can unlock heroes...if I had to put a price on it, I think 29.99 would have been fair.

full game on consoles is 60 for some reason

>paying 40 bucks for overshill

I'd say the game is worth around 30$

I think the paywall should be even higher just to keep all the shitters out. This free open beta just shows how stupid most people are.

>It's real
Good job charging people more for an inferior version Blizzard

>Paying for a TF2 clone

Do you guys really think it should be $20? You do realize that the cheaper it is, the more poor people will shit up the game.

This! im no overwatch fan but after TF2 became F2P it went downhill way too quick

aren't blizzard games notorious for not dropping in prices? Like nintendo..

>You do realize that the cheaper it is, the more poor people will shit up the game.
And this is a bad thing... where? You can't shitpost on Sup Forums about poorfags?

$0 and $20 make a huge difference to most niggers.

>This free open beta just shows how stupid most people are.

If you expect the game to have an intelligent community you're in for a rough awakening.
The game is tailor made for low brow.

But thats not mei

>there will never be a yolandi skin for tracer ;-;

Why even live?

>wanting poor people to shit up a game just so you can complain about it

Why do you want to ruin games user? Poor people ruin every game they touch.

Can't argue with those 0s

Its $60 due to there being a middle-man taking out a chunk of the revenue for console versions.

Its $40 direct from blizz since all that goes directly into their pockets.

Not a crazy concept.

I'd say $30, but honestly if they had that $40 version on console I'd be more likely to buy it, instead I'm just not going to because it's 60 fucking dollars and I don't want to play with the shit awful PC community.

Whats wrong with the PC community?

>poorly balanced asymmetric shooter built from the ground up for esports and DLC
We've officially gotten to the point where people have forgotten why Evolve was dead on arrival

>inbred south african white trash

when i say "20-40$" it doesnt mean im going to buy the game from battlenet for 40€. Non-origin edition on cdkeys fucking when

Did you ever play TF2 before it went F2P? Bonus points if you played before the Scout update.

Having something cost more, or anything really, makes most shitters ask themselves if they really want to be a shitter in this game. Whereas games like TF2, Dota, LoL, etc have no paywall and everyone is free to be retarded and not feel bad about it because it's free.

Nothing, he's false-flagging

I've been playing on PC all beta. People have been friendly, competitive, etc.

Played on Xbox the other day:
>Spanish everywhere
>screaming 12 year olds
>people blasting rap music over their mix
>they all are terrible
>no one plays support

Truly the worst community.

i submitted free even though i never played the game. because i know OP is actually a viral marketer trying to get feedback.

>doesnt know die antwoord is a parody

Honestly, I think the game is really solid but I've just played too much TF2, with work and University and stuff I can't justify 70 dollars for what is pretty much just a timewaster I'd play for 20 minutes a day or something. I'd rather put that time towards a long RPG or a multiplayer game with some good weighted Ranked modes.

If they add some new heroes and a good Ranked system I'll probably buy it, since it'll no doubt have a huge population.


You're confusing poor people for developers intentionally sabotaging the foundation of their game by adding dumb bullshit cosmetics and pay2win functions.

haha fuck off

EVOLVE is just a good thing to bring up when you want to, without basis, say something is going to be dead on arrival. It's gonna happen lads, Blizzard is going under! WoW is totally gonna die this time! T-Then we can get good MMOs like Vanilla WoW that totally ev-everybody wants! R-.. RTS will come back, now that Starcraft isn't cornering the market.. right? We'll get more ARPGs now that nobody likes Diablo 3 (d-don't listen to those shills who said they fixed it!) .. right?

This shit happens everytime and it never comes to fruition. I wish the points made on this shithole board didn't degenerate to OMG NEXT TORTANIC DEAD ON ARRIVAL GAME COMPANY ON SUICIDE WATCH CONFIRMED when it's guaranteed they're going to move at least a million units.

1. Dedicated servers
2. More game modes
3. Alternative weapons/skills for characters or a skill system a la Heroes of the Storm that offers slight variations on abilities
4. More maps and characters in general

I'd pay 40$ if it had that stuff, as it is now it's not worth more than 20

Only things I would change

>Add damage recap
>Lower Widow charge time
>Increase time for Bastion's transformation in/out of turret form
>Lower D.Va's spread in mech
>Remove LOS requirement for Zenyatta's orb of harmony
>Change Lucio's E skill
>Nerf/buff assorted damage numbers

>Did you ever play TF2 before it went F2P?

>all of these poorfags and f2p foreigners are getting forced out of OW after open beta ends

Yes let's have less content for no reason at all.

Meanwhile games like Uncharted 4 has both solid SP and MP.


I feel there should be a more significant damage/distance drop off.

Looking at you Bastion and Torbjorn

Can't wait desu

singleplayer is worthless trash in a game like this where multiplayer is the main focus and what the game is entirely built around

literally all it needs is bot matches which I'm pretty sure it has

If the problem is that it needs more content then adding a shitty singleplayer campaign that you'll waste five hours on and never touch again is not the solution

I keep forgetting this game is 60 dollars, it's not worth it. Especially since I know there will be a way of obtaining currency through real money, this is basically TF2 with more characters.

Before you shit post you should do more research.

>forced out

Mate, I got in on tuesday. I stopped playing and uninstalled on thursday, along with canceling my pre-order.
It was that big of a fucking dissapointment. Complete trash snorefest game.

Who gives a fuck if you can obtain currency through real money you stupid coon? It's for cosmetics shit.

But I like the game you idiot, how is that shitposting?


>singleplayer is worthless trash in a game like this where multiplayer is the main focus and what the game is entirely built around

Too bad the MP is shit then.
Also too bad you don't care one fucking bit about the world or characters in Overwatch, especially since their VA and script is fucking horrid.

>he doesn't have a badge from the year 1900

Giving false information you retard.

I would agree it be great at 20 but I do feel that it is worth the 40$ considering how many hours I'm putting into the game.

I don't want to say goodbye, but good riddance. Now there's another containment game for the mentally handicapped low brow crowd, so make sure you stay there so you don't contaminate other games.