ITT: Most powerful female video game characters

ITT: Most powerful female video game characters.

Fight me in ULiL you nerds.

this bitch


>no one has posted Christopher Robin
for fucks sake

>no Fiolina Germi

Wow user, the shame.

>Christopher Robin

>OP wants to make a Touhou thread
>utterly fails at that
>now it's full with people who don't understand the purpose of this Touhou thread

Good job faggot OP.


oh fuck. i just noticed female in the OP


>Wanting a Touhou thread
>When 99% of them are full of shitposters who hate all video game related talk except for their favorite game and go as far as to attack people for hosting games they don't like.


I want Reimu to sit on my face

Sexy Nemissa is best Nemissa

SHODAN is the first thing I ever fapped to

That wasn't the intent though.

i dont care whether this was meant to be a 2hu thread or not
i want it to be one

But can she beat Superman?

I'm sorry OP but you're wrong

But can she beat Cosmic Armor Superman, who transcends the multiverse, exists as the concept of a superhero, and can manipulate the plot to win?


Oh hello there.

if you insist

Are you the European?

I can do it if you can handle a bit of delay, amigo.

In fact I can't.

Lag is really hindering my abilities to fight.


Actually, the moon bitches are more powerful because immortality and shit.
Also Suika beat Reimu.

wriggle is like the polar opposite of powerful
c'mon dude


Dumb futoposters

Dumb rapesharkposter.


you heretic

Is Euro Sanaeposting better?

love this immortal plate


is this a futo thread?

Stop that.

That's my thing.

Don't steal my thing.


One condition, you have to dump all your Euro Sanae.

rude picture!
of course!!

why ask?



You got it wrong!!


Oh boy, it's that retarded Reimu guy again.

Well, futo time it is.

Hard to beat this

Why do you touhufags derail every thread you're in?



This is for powerful female characters.

AKA not Futo


I want Futo to be playable in an official 2hu shmup

Futo is no better than le awoo meme character

You can't bully the bully.

Kosuzu is STRONK!
F-futo is female! I swear!

Is there a better paring than Futo X Tojiko?

Delete this rigiht now

can she bully me with a spanking?

Suck my cock buddy.

That is NTR.

Well fuck you then

But she isn't strong.

That's the Thought Robot you nigger. Who the fuck is cosmic armor superman, some matel bullshit you had when you were a kid?



Cosmic Armor=Thought Robot

At least she's not as autistic as you are!

How did your wife have a son if she's a man?

I hate you


That was uncalled for...

For a second I thought you were insulting Kagerou but then I realized you meant Momiji.

So whatever.


nothing wrong with futo

please understand

Kagerou is a bully

Pic related could probably give Reimu a run for her money.


kagerou was bullied at school for being a slut!
Now she bullies others to hide her mixed human guilt and wolfish passion!

How can she be the most powerful if witches are not real?

Leave Kagerou alone, she is a lovely girl.

All Suguri really has is speed and some peashooters. Even Saki would do a better job fighting Reimu.

>finally start playing StB

This is actually pretty good practice

Lovely for getting FUCKED


From all the girls you could have chosen, you chose the worst.


The Futo rate in this thread is getting too low.

WAS a lovely girl!
Until she turned 13, then she "became a woman".
What a blasphemer! What a heretic!


Yuri is for homos

46 billion year old Suguri's pretty damn strong. I don't even think she uses any guns.

>Saki worse than Nanako
You what


What's Satori's take on human-youkai relationships?

Nothing wrong with Saki.

Nothing wrong with Sumireko.

But Reimu's not gonna wait 46 billion years for Suguri to git gud.

You heard me.

How often do you get to post this? Aside from trap related topics

You are homo

There's nothing Reimu can do against Saki's Homing Master Spark Spirit Bomb without cheating.

>nothing wrong with sumireko
