What's harder, Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne?

Real talk. Your opinion will hold more weight if you post a timestamped PS4, thus proving you've actually played both games.

I haven't played DaS3 yet so I don't know.

Bloodborne - there was some bizarre glitch in development so every boss in DaS3 had its healthbar cut in half and its moveset cut down to practically nothing.

Bloodborne. NG+ is a joke in DaS3

are you serious? did they patch it then?

Why do you autists even care what is harder?
The better question is: what is a more interesting and enjoyable game overall and that's subjective
Difficulty != quality

I would say bloodborne. I found the bosses in ds3 really fucking easy for the most part. In contrast though I find I take a lot of damage moving throughout the level. Things like the instant shieldbash or lothric knights and dark wraiths just never flinching make it hard to not take damage. Luckily you get a bonfire roughly every 100 steps or so meaning it's not a big deal.

Both are great, I prefer BB.

i wanna know which game will kick my shit in harder and make me feel good when i finally kick its shit in uknowaimsayin


DS3 is just a joke.

Both game have challenging parts and easy parts. Want difficulty that kicks you in the balls and forces you to become really good - Defiled Chalises in Bloodborne is your way to go.

They're both equally hard.
Both have their cheesy, OP strategies and items that trivialize a lot of the game.

This whole boner for difficulty is fucking retarded by the way, difficulty is not a sign of quality.
Just play both you autistic donut.

Bloodborne took me longer to get used to than dark souls 3 but I think they're about equal in difficulty


You go play monhun instead then

First tried nearly all bosses in BB sans DLC/defiled chalice. Cant say the same for DS3 some bosses felt like they were anti str, while in bb everything was GOAT. kirk bros ww@

Fuck now I want a donut so bad ;_;

good job asshole!


eh, no thanks. i dont like pee poo or kiddie handhelds lol

Defiled>Old Hunters>DaS3>>>BB

In terms of difficulty.

Defiled literally is BB tho...

u retarded there m80?

Play both. All the soulsborne games have that pattern-based megaman quality to them. The first one you choose will be the hardest and every one after that will be progressively easier. My difficulty rating will be different just like everyone else because I played them in a different order.

Only some parts of BB count and the others don't

Defiled gave me less trouble than Ludwig on NG++. It's the only boss in any Souls game that I just gave up on.

Calm down you autistic chocolate chip muffin.

As far as difficulty goes:

BB > DaS2 > DaS > DaS3 > DeS

DaS3, especially after playing BB, was a walk in the park.

lol go away dumb mouthbreather


Does it automatically make me a sonygger if I said BB is harder?
The late chalice dungeons and dlc with certain builds absolutely stomp me. Meanwhile the bosses in dark souls 3 felt like they had 50% of their health stripped away before actually releasing the game. The damage they dealt was also never dangerously high, apart from a few moves easy to dodge

>I didn't care too much for Bloodborne playing it, it just didn't do it for me; all people praising it and saying it's their favorite are autistic sonyponies that shit up the board and we should gas them/line them up shoot them since they won't shut the fuck up

>Bloodborne ended up being my favorite, I've been playing since Demon's Souls, people are shitposting it unfairly, and I believe this because it was the single most shitposted video game in the history of Sup Forums up till it's release and people and pcucks enjoy the shitposting war it started and are still salty that anybody likes Bloodborne

>I don't care either way and liked Bloodborne, in fact it became my favorite game of the 5 of them, and people shitposting and calling me a sonygger for daring to praise it is pissing me off at this point and they are most likely pcucks I'd like to shut the fuck up for once

>I did not like Bloodborne, in fact, I think it's very obvious it's one of the weaker if not the weakest Soulsborne game and Dark Souls 3 is fairly better than it, in fact I think the only way people would prefer it to 3 is by having not played 3, started Soulsborne with Bloodborne itself and/or justifying their PS4 purchase to themselves as I prepare to buy the next Nvidia card for 400$ just so I can have 60fps+better draw

Pretty rude tbqh senpai

o i see what u did there

u made me hungry again


They just made rolling so good after the DaS2 backlash that it just trivialized the game for me.

I'm 200% certain a combination of these very legitimate perspectives clashing is cause for 99% of the Bloodborne and or Dark Souls 3 shitposting that is not trolling

Stfu you stupid nigger before I fill your chocolate hole with my white frosting

thats gay

Stfu you stupid nigger before I fill your chocolate hole with my white frosting.

sorry i didnt mean it

>BB is soniggers first souls game
>they need to get good in order to beat it
>now they think DS3 is easier

Loving every laugh.

>inb4 never ever

Already own a PS4, I have a job, so I can enjoy playing both PC and PS4.

Oh, is this a multiple choice question? Answer C is correct.

Why do people compare DLC bosses(BB) with a game that hasn't released a DLC yet(DaS3)?

>>BB is soniggers first souls game
lolwut? demons souls started on ps3 nigga. pcucks had to literally beg to get das1 on their cuck system. hell king's field started on psx

>mfw pcucks havent played the two best games in the series
>mfw they think theyre souls fans

Bloodborne's enemies are super easy to dispatch, but the bosses were fun to me and gave me a decent challenge. (Never found out how to get past Micolash's star burst shit other than to stay close) However, I have a harder time getting to the bosses in Dark Souls 3 than actually fighting the bosses. I think each of them have different styles of gameplay, but I think Bloodborne was used to throw a curveball for old fans who wouldn't expect the fast-paced gameplay.

TL;DR I think Bloodborne is harder for Souls veterans, while for newcomers Dark Souls 3 slow paced combat may be harder for the impatient.

Is this faggot just memeing or is he legit? asking honestly

>(Never found out how to get past Micolash's star burst
Dodge forward, into him.

Unequivocally Bloodborne. I remember my first playthrough, I couldn't get pass the first area for 6 hours. Then it clicked and slowly but surely I finally made my way to Gascoigne and got my shit wreckt. After Dark Souls 1&2, I figured I was ready and I was wrong as fuck. I'm playing DS3 now and I haven't had a single problem. I just beat Yhorm and The Dancer last night.

Meming but it sure feels that way sometimes. I killed half the bosses before seeing their full movesets.

Led to some surprises on ng+ though.

If you weren't a souls vet at the time of playing Bloodborne, you're really missing out. Everything was specifically fine tuned to catch the average Souls player. It quickly took away your feeling of being strong and fast if you did Souls things, and most bosses and aggressive enemies punished you for trying to run away and rewarded you more for getting behind them or dodging into them, it's hilariously subtle but ubiquitous how the entire game is engineered to make you play the exact opposite of Souls in a thousand tiny ways

>I remember my first playthrough, I couldn't get pass the first area for 6 hours
holy shit you suck. i was gonna ask if it was your first souls game but then you said
>After Dark Souls 1&2, I figured I was ready and I was wrong as fuck.

I got my shit kicked in the first time I played DaS1 in the burg but then the game clicked i was fine. that 'click' continued on into das2 and bb. sure bb required some tuning to its philosophy, but i got through the beginning just fine.