The YouTube stream on 5/5 had 5 million concurrent veiwers

>the YouTube stream on 5/5 had 5 million concurrent veiwers
Has Atlus and Personsa finally made it big time?

I remember that first trailer that showed actual gameplay hit a million far faster than I anticipated. Those delays had everyone waiting for anything they were willing to show, not to mention the trailer in genral was dope as hell.

It's releasing right before FFXV. It's kill.

No it did not haha are persona fags this delusional?

Can we not coexist peacefully?

We can. The games cannot.

It'll take a hit no doubt, but imagine it'll do fairly well considering. At the very least it will likely dodge FFXV in the west so that should help.

>those reveal streams on twitch
good times

More like Versus is kill.
>auto battle the game

what the hell there's like 20 final fantasy games now
surely no one can still care

Quality is not relevant.

Please keep that gay road trip simulator away from my JRPG.


Having actually played 15 has dampened my hype for it. I have every intention of getting it, but not right from jump. Were I a Jap I'd go P5 at launch and wait on 15.

I doubt it, the FF namecalone carries more weight.

>Persona about to go the way of Souls and other normiecore games
Pls no

XV demo was ass, I'll wait until the PC release.

>Pls no

You have to be over 18 to post here.

We we're trending pretty hard that day. So yeah.

It's funny when people try and say Persona is irrelevant.

Persona was always normie shit.

If you want Sup Forums hipster shit, play SMT and pretend it's not boring. Go ahead.

>implying you know anyone outside of this shithole who played any Persona

It's not though

I love demon fusing and the press turn system in 4 and nocturne is great too

>Persona was always normie shit.
If you're definition of normie is shitters from deviantarts and cosplayers.

Not him but

>implying i dont
A couple of my homies loved 3 and 4. This ine nigga I know is a huge Chiefag.

Persona 4 did that for atlus.

Talk to any girl who's somewhat fond of anime, they all play Persona.

They all have mental problems, but many of them are really damn hot. Feels good to talk about JRPGs after sex.

Ha I understood my problem.
It has never been translated so no one played it.
I'm going to a con this summer and I hope I'll do what says.

My neighbor (12 yr. old girl) played all the Personas and comes to my house to play Ultimax

It don't get more casual than this

But how? How can it be normalshit when is a Japanese high school simulation?

don't lie on the internet user.

So what is SMT anyway?
Is it literally a game that consists of the most boring part of Persona (the fusing)?

She's a future fujo.
>comes to my house to play Ultimax


It definitely isn't normalshit. It's still 100% weebshit territory.

But it's mainstream weebshit territory. Like watching NGE, GitS or K-On. You won't have to be ashamed in the autist community for your tastes.

>12 yr. old girl going over to user's house
Called the police

>Went to Micromania (French Gamestop)
>Asked if they had Persona 5 in preorder I know they couldn't have it, but just to see if they knew
>The look of the guy
>Nobody in the store knew what was this game
Truly a normalshit game

So how many times have you molested her and tell her to keep quiet and she can play more Persona Ultimax?

It only had 5000 you retard.

>5 million

Try 5 thousand.

It's the only way it will survive.

It's already the case since 4


Well its not, The studio will def. benefit from the sales of those flavor of the month and fad kids.

As OP for ,
No, its just flavor of the month kids and streamers getting their fad filled in. They will move on to FF once its out and forget about P5.

They are too stupid to play SMT let alone Per. games. They love easy controls so they can focus on their stupid dialogue.

>My neighbor (12 yr. old girl) played all the Personas and comes to my house to play Ultimax

I swear there's a doujin with this exact plot. Art imitating life, or the other way around?

this'll probably the first game i ever import

Not in Japan.

Do we have another of those yet?

That pretty much confirms a PC release.

inb4 futa

>inb4 Square moves the release date for FFXV

Atlus is asserting their dominance.

I have been reading the comments and some are normies whining

It should happen eventually.

A significant amount of the 'fanbase' are people who emulated P3/P4 in the past 8 or so years. Sup Forums made Persona games one of those must-plays and pirates just pirated it.

A similar thing happened with Rune Factory 4. Tons of fans from emulation bought it.

Hard to convince Atlus that pirates will buy the game and I don't think Sony will give up one of their only worthwhile exclusive so easily

You don't have to convince them, they only have to look at the market right now and we know they have.

Dozens of Japanese games have been coming to Steam in the past 3~ years and that's never happened before. And most of them are making money.

It doesn't take a lot of market research to know that the fanbase for Persona is larger than the pool of people who actually bought the games and that's because it wasn't on the correct platforms. P4G sold a lot because it was on an uncrackable portable with no games, the others didn't sell well because of piracy or deprecation(P4 game out on PS2 after that gen ended for instance).

I dunno how to cement in my point but a PC release would make them some money. If only because a lot of people don't want a PS4 and don't want to play on an old system.

Where is Velvet?

If they don't announce a PC version by September I'll simply get myself a cheap-ass PS3 and might even play some older games I missed out on during the last gen while I'm at it.
It baffles me that people genuinely think that the lack of a PC port is some impassable wall when in reality it's only a minor inconvenience.

Wait and make sure they're localizing the PS3 version first.

Doesn't matter. I'm importing anyway.

Most won't want to play with jaggies. I'm waiting for emulation personally.

Persona is the Fate series to Atlus it prints more money than the other series. Doesn't hurt both are funded by Aniplex

I wouldn't be surprised if SMT didn't make better profits due to its significantly lower budget.
Heck, that 05.05 audition itself probably costed more than IV and IV Final.

Where's that Xbox 360 and PS3 emulator senpai? Aint going to happen.

lol pretty hard FFXV and Sqaure enix were trending during uncoved both with 100k and up.

damn the comments on this trailer
Persona will never belong to normalfags

What are the comments like? Wtf is this weeb shit?

>buying consoles

>Persona was always normie shit.

yea basically

even Kanye West loves persona

Reminder that that's only in the Japanese market, and if weebs are still a sizable market as they would seem to be, they won't be getting English copies for a while anyways. Most of the world will not get P5 at the same time as FFXV

Its picking up pretty fast now Japan has a reason to buy a PS4.

Motherfuckers should stop browsing Youtube's front page during school and work.

No in terms of preorder alone Persona 5 is topping in 1-5, FF is dropping pretty fast.

This is literally one of the greatest ecchi pictures that exist.