Nintendo Showing One Game at E3 is Embarrassing

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Nintendo doesn't need E3 anymore. Journos just shit all over them and ignore their games in favor of the latest cinematic garbage anyway.

The Directs are a thousand times better than E3, because they're targeted to customers instead of journos, and because they can't be overshadowed by other companies.

E3 is falling apart.
EA, Activision, Disney and some other company wont be there this year. It seems like it's dying.

I can see it end up being people either holing their own conferences or digital events instead and E3 ends up nothing more than a memory of videos to laugh at on the internet.

>everyone tunes in to see how shit the presentation is for one game
>they turn around and announce a couple of games and tease the NX
>no one is disappointed since they only promised to show Zelda
Also they always show cooler stuff in the Directs after E3 anyway.

>Nintoddler on full damage control

EA and Activision are going to be at E3 twat

And yet directs are only watched by a couple thousand Nintendo fans and get NO coverage. Enjoy NX being a bigger flop than wiiu

>>they turn around and announce a couple of games and tease the NX
Every single time they've said they won't be talking about the NX or its games, they've kept to their word. Why would they change that now?

Not on the show floor they're not.

Because this is the biggest public audience they're going to get all year and the show is solely about a game releasing on the NX?

Different guy here it's true

EA is having a competing event across the street that's open to the general public

Like it or not E3 is being phased out. It was originally meant for retailers to decide which games they'd be carrying in the coming year. This is more and more irrelevant as digital publishing becomes mainstream, and the big companies have big enough clout to host their own events.

Nintendo will probably have its own summit for the NX reveal, similar to how PS4 was announced at the Playstation summit or whatever it was called. PS4 was not revealed at E3 and neither was Xbone.

I love how it's been reported since January that many big publishers were pulling out of E3, yet E3 remained relevant to this board until Nintendo announced they're only showing Zelda. Now it's completely irrelevant, despite everyone anticipating Nintendo 'winning' E3 with a big showing of NX just weeks ago.

>E3 bigger than it's ever been
>Sup Forums genuinely thinks it's "dying off" because nintendo won't be there

>b-but journos shit all over them!
>even though they gave nintendo games positive reviews last year, they didn't this year so there's an anti-nintendo conspiracy!

Sup Forums is nintendrone central.

I love how E3 matters all of a sudden to you when Nintendo says it doesn't matter, when EA, Disney, and Activision pulled out as well.

EA still doing a press conference and Infinite Warfare is still being shown. Oops! You're a faggot.

How many people are googling it and how big it is are only tangentially correlated

E3 is not a consumer tradeshow, it is industry people only. Do you honestly think search activity has more relevance than huge industry representatives pulling out? E3 could be cancelled today and search activity would go through the roof. It means nothing.

>Because Nintendo wont be there
Are you fucking blind? I said and I quote
>EA, Activision, Disney and some other company wont be there this year.

That shit is going to have an impact on E3 regardless if Nintendo had shit to show or not.

>Assumptions: The post
Only found out about EA and co not showing shit in the show floor today. I'd think the same thing even if Nintendo had a metric fuck load to show.

>Infinite Warfare
So you're an underage faggot?

If E3 is not a consumer tradeshow, how come they tried forcing it to be an industry-only event in 2007-08 and had to change it back due to low attendance and low publicity? And again, if search results don't mean anything, how come 07/08's "Business and Media Summit" are the lowest searched E3s?

One game? I'm still hyped for E3 but geez

Have those companies ever mattered though?
Disney releases Jack shit, they only make mobile trash.
Activision never has a conference because Sony and Microsoft will showcase CoD front and center for them anyways.
EA is the only real big presence leaving. And even then, they've only ever had sports sports sports which people constantly shit on and maybe one or two core games like mass effect and mirrors edge which like CoD could easily just be out into Sony and Microsoft conferences.

>Activision, Disney
Have they ever had a conference? Chances are that other conferences will announce their new games for them.

They have their own show that's still really close to the E3 location. It may cause E3 to lose viewers, but it won't leave a huge impact since big shots like Microsoft and Sony are still around.

>Fag can't deal with his blatant misinfo being proven wrong and has to result to ad hominem

EA is doing their shit outside of the trade floor. And you shill Infinite Warfare like it'll save E3.

You're an underage faggot, period. Plus a Sonygger.

I apologize, this was meant for

>nintendo doesn't have a conference at e3 just like last year
>this somehow means e3 is dead

delusional nintendrones it's time to fucking accept that your favorite company is becoming irrelevant.

EA is still doing a press conference at E3. Call of Duty reveals are always the top viewed E3 moments
>4 million views:
>2 million views:
But everyone who posts concrete facts (like E3 isn't dying) must be a sonygger right? Amirite nintenbros?

E3 will NEVER die! It's my Christmas! It can't die!