Has there ever been a game where the Bard class isn't complete fucking shit?
Has there ever been a game where the Bard class isn't complete fucking shit?
Lucio in Overwatch is actually super fun
Bard (not the bard class, a guy literally named Bard) is pretty strong in league.
Every D&D game ever. They've never been bad.
Blades (bard class kit) in Baldur's Gate 2 were OP
Ragnarok Online I guess
In a dead MMO called "Rift" the Bard was like the best healer in PVP for a while
I know this isn't vidja, but in 5th edition Bards are fucking great. And they took a bit of one of the good ideas from 4e, the Prescient Bard that was more of a fortune teller that would rewrite people's rolls
Pillars of Eternity, for all its flaws, has really cool bards.
South park stick of truth
>Want to play as a bard in D&D
>DM is a gigantic faggot
>Ah..ah...ahh..... user. You have to ACTUALLY sing a song.
eat my shit.
5E's Bard is by far the most powerful class in the game. It's a skill monkey that is also extremely good at combat and has shitloads of utility on top of being able to steal the highest level smite spells from Paladins several levels before they get them, the spells that make Ranger into a good archer, and anything else they need to fill a role in a group.
Bards in Mabinogi not only had the ability to write their own song or even copy-pasta well known shit, but after some level up, they could actually cast spells by playing a song.
It's used to be my favorite thing to do in the game, but then it's went to shit when the Devs decided to break what was a perfect balance between learning skills, traveling the world and making buddies and left bots to rule over every towns so you had no true chilling areas due to spam
You can still do your own music and cast shit, but the game became a casual no fun allowed tier shit mmorpg
That's going to be my next character, right now in 5e I'm multiclassing Druid (7 levels) and Monk (5 levels) and it's broken as fuck. I'm essentially unkillable and do serious amounts of damage, while still having some utilities to protect my allies.
>Mabinogi is older than WoW
Jesus what
Name a game where bards have been shit? I cant think of one.
>play a Fighter
>you have to lift a fridge
I wish there were more games with Bard like characters
I miss Mabinogi. I recently started playing the ccg though.
1st edition D&D. Weren't Bard and Paladin the original prestige classes?
nwn bards packing a huge sword and maxing out their perform skill and charisma can get obscene bonuses in combat. mix in four fighter levels for weapon spec and the extra base attack, or one level monk for a fucktonne huge amount of kama attacks because of the monk multiclassing glitch.
pop your bardsong, throw haste on yourself, you are now a god of war.
The jester in darkest dungeon
Everquest. Bards were OP.
>ywn chill at a random bonfire with a bard ever again.
Mages were better, archon could buff equally and then you could choose crowd control or dps.
Paladin was a subclass of Fighter
Bard was a prestige class, a character had to be a Fighter/Thief/Druid multiclass with obscene stats to qualify.
Literally my go to in any game that has them, which is always few and far between.
>bards are always high cha fruits
>never represented as sound wizards