What does Sup Forums think of JonTron Lite™?

what does Sup Forums think of JonTron Lite™?

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I wish I was attractive enough or charismatic enough to be popular. I'm so miserable.

You're also a fag, so you really have nothing going for you.

>Doesn't ech

He isn't jontron in any way.


ich hab richtig schöne dicke eier

>watch JonTron and ProJared
>they are fun
>they start streaming on twitch and lets plays
>"quality" content (a.k.a. video reviews, stuff with though and comedic timing put into them) becomes less and less frequent
>main focus are now thier lets play channels


Danke Mohammed für deinen Input.

Jontron top 10s were better and it makes me sad that he basically elected to "give" them to PBG.

Also the latest episode of Jontron was worse them anything PBG has done in his career. It was unironically 1:1 Irate Gamer humor.

I watched a few of his videos and he is massively unfunny.

Truly deserving of the title Bootleg Jontron.

He's alright. Content is pretty consistent.

He looks like a retard, so I don't watch him.

Doesn't he write a lot of jontron's material?

geh mal nach hause du deutsche kartoffel

Jared started out mainly streaming, even after he got fired.

please don't that guy gives me headaches

Rate mal, wovon ich gerade aus poste.
Ihr Scheißhäute seid nicht die schlausten

Zelda content out the ass.

Does he not realize people get bored of this shit?

I don't normally fit l follow the ongoings of internet peoples, but what happened?

Why the fuck did Jontron delete his Kings Quest V video? It was a great video and I see no reason why he would do such a thing.

In fact, I dunno why he deletes his videos at all. Like, come on, what the fuck?

The irony is that while everyone calls him Jontron Lite, PBG actually started first, with Jon taking a lot of influence from him.

It's like how people don't realise the "knock-off Oreo" came first.

My girlfriend likes him a lot and he seems like a nice dude. I heard he gets really down when he reads posts where people talk shit on him. Keep your chin up pbg

>it's a "Arin is noticeably irritated with jontron" game grumps episode

Arin was right

Owner of Screwattack, Craig, Didn't like how Jared was getting popular outside of screwattack.

He says there was no drama in this video, but he was fucking up and depressed for weeks, and took it out on social media, forcing ScrewAttack to make a statement.


>a Arin
>a arin

Doesn't matter, who ever does it better is the only thing that matters in the end.

I hate the guy. Unfunny, shit jokes, totally stole his schtick from Jontron. I know they're friends, I don't care.
Fucking hell even Jontron is turning to shit now, going after shitty movies instead of doing games.

Nobody fucking cares about some talking skateboard movie from the early nineties Jontron. It's not shocking or astounding to have a talking inanimate object in a fucking kid's movie.

If I recall correctly, he doesn't swear in his videos.

I feel like he aims for a younger audience than Jontron and the rest of Normal Boots do.

Don't listen to him user. I bet you're a wonderful person, and much better than the other dude who's belittling you for no reason.

>tfw you're a literal hydrox brand cookie

Arin was a whiny bitch in that eps.

All of the Normalboots guys aren't great. They all have too much sponsorship and not enough actual content nowadays.

I want to destroy his boipucci.

TV Stars
>Put out 10 to 26 pieces of content a year
>Makes Millions
>Ads everywhere

This is ok.

Youtube Star
>Puts out 52+ pieces of content a year
>Makes around minimum wage
>Few ads


Damn, did he gain like 500 pounds? What a fatass!

loved old PBG

>52+ pieces of content a year
>minimum wage

But he's always been like that. Nothing has changed. Everyone in Normalboots follows the exact same formula

>something happens
>slap text on the screen stating what they just said but spelled wrong

Someone post that video of him fucking his wife.

ne man geh mal richtig nach hause, das hier is mein land du deutsche kartoffel alter

I guess so, maybe because old PBG was just the first time I encountered that type of humor... After years of it, i get a little bored.

The story goes like this: Jontron peaked around the time that he was starting Game Grumps but before he stopped making his own content because of Game Grumps. I'm talking about Space Ace, Nightshade, and Banjo Kazooie. Those episodes were his best work in terms of production and jokes. Obviously, the episodes leading up to those ones were very funny with charmingly crude production. He was also very funny on Game Grumps. After he quit doing let's plays and took his whole fugue state in NYC, he started putting out over-produced content with the help of the Continue? squad. These episodes were lacking in humor and had an oddly sterile vibe to them compared to the golden age of Jontron. The jokes in these episodes felt formulaic and unnatural (prop comedy, etc.) compared to the candid, organic style in GG-- probably a retaliation to the ease of production in let's plays.

I didn't even watch Starcade and I can't make it through the episodes after that.

PBG is like Jontron for more hardcore autists and gamers. I personally think that he's really talented and graceful. He's given me some laughs, but I personally can't fully enjoy his videos because of his voice... the throaty "rrr" thing has pissed me off since I was a kid, so yeah.

I would say that PBG is ultimately in a better place than Jontron today. He has created something much more sustainable than Jontron with far fewer bad career choices. And he does it all from his home without a studio set and a team of nerds over-producing his shit.

Did he really? That was one of his best. His few grump era videos were really fucking good. He's gotten A LOT less funny lately and I blame it on him hanging out with that 40 year old wash out and that faggot asian.

this is PBG's top then games of all time

10. Dead Space
9. Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
8. Super Mario RPG
7. Resident Evil 4
6. Animal Crossing New Leaf
5. Mass Effect 2
4. Super Mario 64
3. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
2. Oblivion
1. Majora’s Mask

>why he deletes his videos at all. Like, come on, what the fuck?
is this a complaint for the complaint box?

Well in his partial defense, it may have been content ID that took it down and he is still fighting it.

This is indeed a complaint for the complaint box.

Only during Zelda month

His comedy is a bit cringy to me but I usually watch him all the way, aside from Zelda month.

I mean, he's not completely wrong.

I remember when everyone hated the FUCK out of Zelda II and Majora's Mask in the early 2000s

I stil hate them. Zelda II is shit, and Majora's Mask is a 3D zelda game -Dungeons +more fetch quests.

He is a very impulsive. He has deleted a couple older vids, because they did not look as good as the new ones when he watched them. He is also trash now.

Yeah grump era jontron videos, as few as they were, were fucking amazing.

>Jontron top 10s were better
Well, definitely compared to PBG, but only because of the humor. JonTron has some of the worst video game opinions I've personally witnessed.

Arin was right but Jon made it funny. If Jon had consented and shown Arin how to play then the video would have been boring.

I'm the same way with a lot people on YouTube.

I liked it better when it was just some guy with extra time on his hand and some shitty webcam/video camera just talking about shit they like/don't like in video games.

Now it's these produced shows with writers and a team with shoutouts to Audible and Crunchy Roll at the end.

He dog shit. Isn't even 1% as talented as Jon and is far more like Pewdie than Jon.

They both went into a competition blind. They had to figure out how to do it on their own during the competition. You don't stop a competition to teach your adversary how to play after you learn it faster than them.

Also, Arin is fucking awful at games, and while I've never played the game, I wouldn't be surprised if it had less to do with any specific button you had to press, and more with just having the basic ability to play video games.

If I was a kid, I'd love him.

That is the demographic he's aiming for, its definitely not for people over the age of 18 and that's okay. People can make content for children

Funny as fuck, can't go wrong.
Not as fun but still pretty good, always thought of him as a more informative kind of guy
He can be funny, can't really compete with the other two , but he is a lot more serious than PBG and makes actual points on his reviews.
>Did you know gaming
Do those guys even make content? I don't know, all I see from them are a few participations from other big ytbers and screencaps with funfacts.

asdad i guesssss heasdas a cooooool?????

He's pretty shit tier. His mumbling like a retard joke gets pretty old.

Thank god Jon stopped doing the retarded shit and actually started writing and editing jokes into his videos.
I was sick and tired of shit like Sonic Colors.

>it's a "Arin dies to Dark Link three times episode"

He goes a litle too overboard at being below T rated, but still, he's okay.

His gameplay channel with that other guy is extreme shit though.

No matter who was right or wrong I think we can all agree Arin acted like a bitch about it.

>still watching game grumps

Ever watch the Jontron videos he took down?
Its funny how awful they are and how he realized it later.