What weapons and vehicles do you hope to see in Battlefield 1?

What weapons and vehicles do you hope to see in Battlefield 1?

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So why call it Battlefield 1? It's such a dumb name.

Just "Battlefield" would have been enough. Not like this hides it being a reboot.


they only had a handful of bolt action rifles, few knives, gernades. the germans had a prototype smg but it was shitty.

other than that 2 types of very slow moving tanks and arty

if they add a bunch of fantasy weapons im going to be pissed

Rocks, maybe a big branch, keep it realistic

>So why call it Battlefield 1?
World War 1 = Battlefield 1
>Just "Battlefield" would have been enough.
that would be pretty dumb and hard to look for
>Not like this hides it being a reboot.
reboot in what sense? and reboot of what exactly?
each BF game has been different, there's nothing to reboot

will there be an ak? was the ak in ww1?

Shit game, OP

Does the name "AK47" tell you anything you fucking inbred retard?

looking forward to cavalry charges with sabre drawn

tail gunner on a bi-plane