Is it even trying to be a "good" game?

So how come every time I see/hear people discussing this fucking game series, the only thing EVER brought up is the difficulty?

Like, okay - we get it. Yeah, it's hard. Or "tricky" to the ones who got it down pat - but seriously: is the game GOOD? Or is it just trying to be hard?

Discuss with me some lore, characters or something riveting about the series. Seriously, I'm not even trying to be a dick, I seriously want to know what is good about this series beyond measuring my peener.

Every conversation about this game usually has a neckbeard scratch with "WELP YEAH I RAN THROUHG THE GAME TWICE ALREADY *sniff* SO."

Please, enlighten me.

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>look at me I can shitpost

good job, op

I expected these kinds of replies, so I'm not surprised to be honest.

Well when you come off as twat, you'll get treated like a twat.

I literally said I'm not "trying to be a dick", I GENUINELY want to know.

Like I want to know if there's more to it than the difficulty keeping the fans around. Is the lore nice?

I'm not trying to offend Sup Forums's favorite game, I just want to know what I'm missing out on. Apparently since everyone is snapping already, it's best I just try it for myself and see what all the fuss is about.

its satiafying to play because combat is designed where its punishing if you fuck up vs even the shittiest enemies, controls are kind of clunky though

map design is god like, the first game has a myriad of interwoven paths leading from one area to the next, this is some thing that you experience then just go "holy shit thats genius" and its hard to describe

art and over all design is god like, its highly grounded medieval stuff but with the armor and weapons but the enemies are giant grotesque abominations, and the juxposition makes you feel heavily under equipped and creates a sense of dread and despair where you constantly second guess your ability to win the fights

god like music

tons of implicit lore that is fascinating to try to piece together by yourself, everything is dark and depressing and the atmosphere persists consistently through out the game

The game is fun to play.

No ones "snapping". You're just coming off wrong. Clearly its a good game, it's talked about a lot. People have greentext stories about lots of good times. Threads of discussing the lore, etc.

If all you're going to do is pay attention to the 'git guds, if you summon you aren't really playing, i never died its so easy' posts then of course you'll seem confused like you are. The "its hard" is not the only thing that's brought up. Only people that don't play it talk about it like that. "I've heard it's the hardest game ever!".

It's a good game because it plays well, it's interesting, the mechanics work (most of the time), it doesn't shove it's story right in your face, you can try to figure it out yourself or just use the internet. It's satisfying, etc etc

Thank you for the good reply! I am seriously curious about this series and its appeal, and you gave me an answer I was looking for. I never thought about the intervwoven paths; I bet that's awesome to see firsthand.

>controls are kind of clunky though

its gotten better. Going back to Dark Souls or even Demons Souls, oh man they play clunky

I wish NG+ is a joke and once you get every achievement I guess there's just pvp left which isn't too amazing since there isn't any poise

This guys got it pretty much, you can also apply the "holy shit thats genius" experience to the lore and story you discover on your own.
For instance learning about Sif and Artorias.
Its a sad story.

I personally play it for interesting bossfights and the big arsenal of different weapons

i heard it does get a little harder in more ng++ etc. but i admit it is fun going through on ng+ kicking ass like it usually feels in other ng+ modes on games

There are lore threads, weaponfu threads, and fashion threads all over since 3 came out.

You'll always get the ironic shitposters that spew the epic hard game meme.

But in the end the weapons are awesome, the armors are awesome, the areas and bosses are awesome, the music is awesome, and the lore is pretty awesome.
Maybe I'm being too much of a fan boy right now, but I genuinely and thoroughly enjoy all of it to that extent.

It's okay. It's not hard either. Easiest souls game by far.

BB > DeS > DaS > DaS3 > DaS2

>BB is literally the easiest ever, every casul with a PS4 has played and beaten it


The Souls series wasn't and isn't about "lol difficulty" you fucking dumbass. If you think beating games using reaction, trial and error, and just plain logic is hard, then you haven't played many games pre GameCube era.

Dark Souls is pretty fun. Think of it as Zelda with more RPG elements. It's got a nice atmosphere, very good combat, a interestingly told backstory and a lot of unique locations that offer different challenges.

It's just an all around solid game, there's a reason it's popular.

>So how come every time I see/hear people discussing this fucking game series, the only thing EVER brought up is the difficulty?
Then you don't look very hard.

Even just in Sup Forums there is constant talks about lore speculation, discussions about the gameplay changes related to the previous games of the series, PvP, builds.

The thing is, there isn't much discussion in "Dark Souls plays well and feels good to play."

Love the menu theme, I always let it play at least once before I start the game

>muh poise
fucking kill yourself poise was always shit

The atmosphere, the level design, the sound design, the satisfying gameplay, the online interaction. All reasons people enjoy souls games.

I doubt there's a single person that plays it just because it's considered "difficult", that'd be fucking retarded.

Putting aside this most likely just being shitposting...

Honestly the difficulty has never had a big impact on me. I love the atmosphere, the world and exploration, the characters, the world, the ability to play however I want and fashion how I want, and the feeling that every inch of the games (bar DS2) feels like it was thought out and cared for. Ever notice how each item you find is placed with thought behind why it'd be there? How every enemy drop feels like something logical that enemy would drop (again, bar DS2)? That's what I love about the series. It just has a lot more attention to detail and passion than most other games I've played, and it's exactly the kind of gameplay I like in the first place.

A fuckload of people play these games 100% for the difficulty, and it's that massive section of the community that makes so many other people never try it because that's all they're led to believe it is. A series of games made for the sake of difficulty.

>the only thing EVER brought up is the difficulty
Hello? Is it 2009 again?

Has Demon's Souls just come out?

When am I?

>I seriously want to know what is good about this series beyond measuring my peener
The lore
The world
The gameplay

Like it's not even that difficult. It's not more difficult than the majority of its contemporaries.
Or, more punishing, at least. There's a difference.

The community centers itself around PVP, discussing and discovering lore, secrets, etc., and Fashion Souls

The story is for people who like puzzles and imagination
The world is for people who like exploring
The combat is for people who like to think about the combat

And the armor is for /fa/

I find that hard to believe. Who in their right mind would play a game through no other reason than because they find it difficult, while enjoying no other aspects? That's absurd.

They might enjoy other aspects in the same way someone will notice a texture in a game is well done or a character is charming, but they don't play the games for those reasons.

I've met countless people who skip all dialogue, read absolutely no item descriptions, never explore more than they have to, and 100% talk about how hard the game is and how it's so fun because it's so much harder than other games. A lot of them even kill NPCs the instant they see them just because "another thing to kill."

It's definitely not the entire community, but there is a huge section of Souls players who are exactly like that.

>I've met countless people who skip all dialogue, read absolutely no item descriptions, never explore more than they have to, and 100% talk about how hard the game is and how it's so fun because it's so much harder than other games. A lot of them even kill NPCs the instant they see them just because "another thing to kill."

Do you like games like Super Metroid?
The dense atmosphere, the sprawling, meticulously crafted world that opens gradually as you play, the creative enemies and bosses, the sense that the developers respect you as a human being?

That's Dark Souls.
Except Dark Souls 2. Dark Souls 2 is strictly about Git Gud.

As a long time fan of the series, I honestly don't get how people can say it has "godlike" music. Just like OP, I'm not trying to bash anything but this is the one thing I really don't get. I've been listening to pretty much everything from the three games and well, here's what I think

Pretty good or maybe even pretty fucking great
>Taurus/Asylum demon
>Gaping dragon
>Ornstein & Smough
>Old Dragonslayer
>Ruin Sentinels/Smelter Demon
>Iudex Gundyr
>Yhorm the Giant

Kinda ok, I guess
>Iron Golem/Stray Demon
>Skeleton Lords
>Executioner's chariot

Everything else is pretty much either ambient or kind of mediocre and uninspired. Not calling it bad or anything, it's just generic music to create some atmosphere, nothing else, mostly ominous trumpets and drums. While there are some nice tracks which I listed above, I haven't found anything really exceptional about the game's music. So could someone who really thinks the games have "godlike" music elaborate on this? Because I really feel like I'm being rused or something.

Ancient dragon:
Nameless song:
Cleric Beast:

There's tons more and everyone has their favourite, but to me, these games always have the most amazing soundtracks.

It wasn't how it was discussed originally, not in that obnoxious "le super hard elite gamplay difficulty difficulty difficulty" tone at least.
Then popularity happened and all that comes with it. Exaggerating, falseflagging, shitposting, hating, fanboying, all that jazz
You just have to be smarter and more understanding and not let those kind of posts get to you.
The lore is discussed quite often too, there were quite a bunch of specifically lore threads on Sup Forums, and often such discussion pops up elsewhere and grows into legitimate discussion
Just understand that when you enter another "literally impossible" shitpost central, you must expect all the gamefaqs downies and newfags flocking there to scream "LITERALLY EASIEST BOSS IN THE ENTIRE SERIES" about every single existing boss at each other and flinging shit for the entirety of thread

>Tower Knight
And yet I can't remember a single fucking track from DaS 2, not a single fucking one, not even Majula's which I spent countless hours in.

I'm having trouble remember tracks from both DaS3 and 2. Neither were bad, but none of the songs stuck with me.

You can't tell me this isn't fucking godly.

Also, DaS 3 did a lot more with the music than the other titles I felt. Sulyvahn's theme syncs with his sword lighting up for example, and Cinder's second Gwyn like phase has parts of Gwyn's theme.

It's good, but I couldn't remember it off the top of my head like other tracks.

It doesnt have DARK SOULS in the title so normies didnt flock to it.
Its only been played by people who really, really wanted to play it.
Since they did after all, buy an entire console for one game.

>poise is shit

Even in PVE its amazing, Tanking hits is the best and you can heal whenever because you dont flinch while trying to heal

>Since they did after all, buy an entire console for one game.
I did this
Though, to be fair, the exclusive lineup is looking pretty good to me, so I may have bought one eventually anyway

Yeah cant say I didnt do that either, but I've definitely gotten plenty of games for it.
Digimon and SKEV are great, and soon I'll have Odinsphere when that hits. Just to name a few exclusives...

As much hate as they get, I gave until dawn and the last of us a go and actually really enjoyed both of them. Getting rocket league as a free game with PSN along with grim fandango remastered has made me get more out of it than I thought I would. Even bought some multiplats, since the PC releases were so fucking awful Just Cause 3

I want to hatefuck the people who make songs like this. Beautiful melodies with some chanting in the background. The kind of chanting that lets you know that there's definitely some kind of text or at least some syllables being sung/spoken but you'll never know what they are because not even the maddest of all madmen would assume that there is any information on the lyrics to be found anywhere. Yhorm's theme is the worst offender in the whole series. I really want to know what they are singing.

It's Dark Souls 1 all over again with le ebin throwbacks.

At least Dark Souls 2 changed things up and introduced some sort of change. It wasn't entirely Dark Souls 1.2. This is just back to square one with bloodborne enemies and a bigger number on the end.

Also. Story a shit. Miyazaki confirmed for not knowing what he's doing.

Yeah I've got some multiplats just because my PC cant run shit.
Last of us is great I dont see people giving it shit really other than contrarian hipsters.
Earth Defense Force is great too, I should probably grab Valkyria Chronicles and Gravity Rush since theyre remastered.

>Times distorted I aint gotta explain shit

They translated one of the songs from Bloodborne and it actually had some Lore in it

I think they tried translating some of the lyrics in Sir Alonnes theme too

Look at how many replies this bait got. You guys are the worst.

Come the fuck on, this is just plain evil. These games are known for a fanbase that will assume details about lore because of random mesh placement and these motherfuckers just hide stuff in barely recognizable "lyrics" that sound like they might as well be just some random syllables thrown together for atmosphere's sake. I bet they think it's funny, too.

But that song is clearly being sung in Latin...

Which is even worse. They're throwing us a bone: "Look, our songs are actually in latin and contain some lore. Don't believe us? Here, have this rather clear one where you can reconstruct the lyrics. Have fun knowing this. We hope you like these other songs where you can barely hear the lyrics behind the bombastic music. You want the lyrics? What are you, a casual?"

Damn, even finding out about the lore is artificial difficulty

I'm thinking of selling it to be honest, the game was totally underwhelming and short.

maybe they like the combat? or the bosses? what they like doesn't have to be lore or character related. If they wanted just difficulty and not the combat mechanics they would be playing some bullet hell game instead

>god like music
eeeeh if you say so. There are only like 2-4 songs in each game that I feel are worth it. Most boss songs just turn into AAAAAAAA AUUUUHAAAHUUUUUUUHAAAAAAAA AAAUUUUU

>Dark Souls ost/boss
>Something something king


It has one of the finest level design you'll find in a modern video game. The cathedral of the deep by itself is a masterpiece. It has an excellent variety in the builds you can play and most weapons have different movesets, it is not a hack n Slash game in which the loot is the most important thing.
The enemy design is also very solid and and the enemies are memorable.

The hard meme is not that relevant actually.

The "story" has always been shit. They bank on the fanbase making shit up.

Biggest crime that they've done was getting rid of the cool dragon transformation from DSII and going back to making ugly ass chicken shit "dragon" transformations.

t. neverplayedthegame

I'm playing 1 for the 1st time now. I'm looking up stuff on the internet for every single "important" encounter/cutscene/boss, game explains literally nothing including the fact I'm killing everyone who's contributed to killing the dragons. Luckily a friend told the game will explain itself in the end of the endgame so I'm just looking up simple facts like who is who and not why I'm killing them.

t. notanonyourepliedto

look at item descriptions, most the story is there.

Some bosses didn't give me anything to read off of. Ceaseless discharge for one.

you get his ring later on, also he is protecting the black-hemmed rob so read that too i guess

I have played the games. I just do not think that these "stories" are very good.
Then that isn't really much of a story is it?

Charred ring tells who he is, he also overwatches corpse of woman that you pick a set from with more info

The "lolno story kek u made up shit" meme was stale back during DS1 and it's not getting any fresher

It tells just enough about who this faggot is and adds a piece to whole Izalith picture and them playing with fire and what came out of it.
Just what more would you need man? A 5 minutes flashback cutscene about him with infodump?

How can you say the "stories" aren't very good when you don't know them?

It's far far better than fucking cutscenes and mind numbing never-ending exposition.