So my autistic friend says Skyrim is better than Dark Souls.
In my opinion Dark Souls is superior.
So please explain to him why Dark Souls is a better game series than the Elder Scrolls.
So my autistic friend says Skyrim is better than Dark Souls.
In my opinion Dark Souls is superior.
So please explain to him why Dark Souls is a better game series than the Elder Scrolls.
if you cant objectively look at something and explain it yourself then fuck off
If you're going to be that annoying friend that shits on everyone else's opinion, you might just aswell go up to him and tell him he's an autistic faggot.
This, but OP shouldnt throw stones in the 'tism department because he sounds like he has some spergbergers as well.
My friend and I are monitoring this thread. All I wanted was just opinions about Skyrim and Dark Souls 3.
you've come to the wrong place
Skyrim isn't even the best Elder Scrolls game, and it's definitely worse than any souls entry.
Neither is Daggerfall.
Unless you're going to suggest Arena, then you are absolutely wrong
>needing Sup Forums's help to argue that dark souls is better than skyrim
Skyrim is better than Dark Souls.
Souls games are boring as fuck.
Nice shitty contrarian opinions. Morrowind is the best game of the series by far.
Skyrim is way bigger than Dark Souls. Skyrim has modern mechanics, Dark Souls pulls from 1998 n64 games, that shit is so retro. Skyrim also has save states, dark souls couldn't even figure out a modern game mechanic, it has save points. what is this, final fantasy 7? skyrim is also way bigger.
they're both awful, fuck off plebian
It's chalk and cheese dude, people play Dark Souls and Skyrim for very different reasons.
it honestly depends on what you're looking for in a game.
I'd say that dark souls is a better game than skyrim, but skyrim is the better rpg.
They are different games, sperg, you don't know jack shit about videogames for even thinking you can compare them
They're completely different games and youre both idiots for comparing them
Skyrim Combat
>click click click click click
Dark Souls Combat
>roll roll roll roll roll roll
everything that went wrong with elder scrolls started with Morrowind
Such as?
Dark souls makes you find the place where you need to hit to not get fucked. Skyrim is just click spamming until it dies
if they're autistic then they have obviously done the sums, Skyrim is better than Dark Souls.
I mean, he's not exactly wrong.
Sorry OP
pregenerated worlds, structured questlines, no buying of houses/ships/horses.
Skyrim and Dark Souls are two very different games and it would be a mistake to label either of them as RPGs. They're most certainly adventure games that happen to take place in a very popular setting for RPGs. The most readily apparent difference between the two are how they reward players. Dark Souls rewards players for learning mechanics, exploring, and conquering challenges inherent in exploring and learning mechanics. Skyrim on the other hand rewards you for doing everything really. There is no 'wrong' way to play Skyrim and that is where much of its appeal comes from. Skyrim gives you the participation trophy while Dark Souls rewards you with the skull of your enemies to drink from.
>pregenerated worlds
What exactly is wrong with a handplaced world?
>structured questlines
Why would you like Daggerfall's radiant quest tier quests?
>no buying of houses/ships/horses.
Kind of shitty but easily fixable with mods.
Elder Scrolls has a more interesting lore, and lewd mods with high-quality animations.
>What exactly is wrong with a handplaced world?
That's literally the opposite of what those words mean.
How can you even compare the two? Dark Souls is purely a combat driven RPG, where as Elder Scrolls is driven by however you feel like.
>my game is easily fixable with mods!
this is how desperate Morrowind fags get when defending their shit game
He obviously meant in opposition to Daggerfall's logarithmic generation.
Both are good ideas with bad execution.
you two are retarded
It can be improved, and it's not like you need more mods than game like Oblivion or Skyrim. You can stop shitposting now.
>So please explain to him why Dark Souls is a better game series than the Elder Scrolls.
It's not
>What exactly is wrong with a handplaced world?
In Bethesda's case, their games have this huge flaw of everything seeming small.
>I like X more then Y
>Pff! Ha! What are you stupid?
>Watch, let me type this up and let this forum tell you why you're wrong!
you're fucking weird dude
what the fuck
>I like A but my friend likes B
>explain why I like A
that's supposed to be your fucking job you lazy faggot.
now go suck his dick so you can greentext about it and get banned
You sound like such an underage faggot.
Morrowind is 4/10, worst in the series
Oblivion is 8/10 , solid game in every respect, vanilla is the best experience
Skyrim-6/10 very tame and lame, only fun for mods
>vanilla is the best experience
You need bugfixes and something that changes the potato faces.
My sides. Please kill yourself. Vanilla Oblivion is literally trash tier.
He is right tho, Bark souls techincally could have been released in something like PS2 or even N64 EASILY, while games like Skyrim are only possible thanks to modern technology.
They're not even comparable. Skyrim is something to play to kill hours fucking around doing mods and trying out the different classes, Dark Souls is more of the "i'm going to sit down and put some time into this game". It's more "serious" without sounding like our ebin friends across the way.
I agree, without mods the game is way too shitty in comparision to other elder scrolls vanillas
>it's another pathetic morrowind nostalgia fanboy.
miss, miss, miss miss miss miss < Based oblivion main quest.
>Based oblivion main quest
Nigga, the only good parts of the main quest were Paradise and the siege engine.
It was under King's Field. But for the draw distance Dark Souls goes for and how connected shit is it's p. great. DSII, with its scaled down graphics, could conceivably be put on the PS2/GC/Xbox in multiple discs with tons of loading screens, but cloth physics would have to be gotten rid of.
I really hope this is bait
I think they're both shitty games famalam.
Mankar Cameron sealed the deal for Oblivion being my #2 Elder Scrolls
They are extremely different games, but at the end of the day DaS is the better one, while Skyrim is a piece of shit.
>EVER mentioning the mainquest in any Bethesda game
They are the single most awful part of them.
West > East
Skyrim > Dark Souls
Morrowind's main quest is great though
>Oblivion is 8/10 , solid game in every respect, vanilla is the best experience
The neo-Sup Forums experience. Should have left when people started praising gears of war.
Say whatever you want about my generic cover shooter but that multiplayer was the shit.
>interesting areas
>requires skill and timing
>good boss fights
>good music
>leveling up doesn't just give you a perk with %more damage increase
>make normies cry when you kill them in PvP
>god tier lore
Skyrim is a cultural phenomenon that was widely praised. Best game of the last generation. 30 Mil copies sold, 96 metacritic.
Dark Souls is a 6/10 game used as a standard of "hardcore" by loser faggots who probably identify as "gamers"