Overwatch lore thread

overwatch lore thread

Garbage lore, amazing game.

Ape goes bananas XDDD

Why is there a dwarf?

so swecucks feel relevant

Can't wait for the game to be dead a few weeks after release

So does Lucio have legs in robotpants or did he lose them and have them replaced with space skate legs?

>5' 3"
>tfw you find out your main is a manlet...


Most of the cast have some sort of mechanical limb replacement or robots

He stole them and the sound gun from the India tech company Symmetra works for after they started fucking over his Brazilian people, then he used them to kick them out.

Probably just armour. What you can see of his ass and thighs reminds me of the Crysis nanosuits

It's only stated that he stole the sound technology used in his gun, not the skates.

Yeah that's what got me thinking.

When he's slightly crouched like third pose it looks fine but that first standing upright pose makes it look impossible or very painful for him to have knees.

I've also heard Pharah is a quadrapaleigic and the suit is the only way she can move but maybe that was just a joke.

I really wish they just made a fucking movie. They have shown that they can do some good shit in-house. They have the funds.

I hate how they built this neat back story, but we really won't get to see it whatsoever.

Honestly, I'd rather see the story then have the game.

Garbage game, AMAZING asses.

Why are known dickheads Reaper and Widowmaker working together with OverWatch?

She's not. She was an egyptian soldier that was contracted after her service by Helix who outfitted her with her suit.

Based on the cinematics we've got now it's clear they're making more. Possibly even a backstory short like Winston's for all or most classes and definitely more overall lore history cinematics. Then probably a few more for future hero, map, and/or gamemode releases.

So they're even stealing the Meet The... movies from Valve?

Bravo Stealzard.



I've got no problems with that. The Overwatch lore cinematics are much higher quality, they're at or above Pixar quality. I will say TF2's cinematics are funnier and more lighthearted however.

Look at him in the OP.

Look at the character lineup in the OP. Aside from Torbjorn and maybe Junkrat and Zenyatta because I can't tell, he's pretty much the shortest character.

>people actually pay for this cheap f2p game


Seems right when I see him with his party. Dva is even taller then him

Haha wow is that with the shoes on

Oh god he's JUST taller than Tracer and maybe that's just the bottom of the skates bumping him up.

They either reformed at some point and joined Overwatch after it's officially established, or it's purely for gameplay purposes

So is Tracer's harness a necessity for her, as in she can never take it off?

Soldier:76 is a clone. They were working to create super soldiers and soldiers 1-75 were all bad. Then Soldier: 76 was made and he was really fast and could aim good and stuff and then they didn't need to make any new ones.

Oh technically yeah I guess, or else she would just desynch with time.

If you create a bot team full of Soldier:76 it will start naming them "Soldier:76, Soldier:77, Soldier:78, Soldier:79, Soldier:80, etc."

Pharah = Mercy >>>>>>>>>> the rest

thats the extend to which I care about "characters" or "lore"

Height references:

Bastion: 7'3"
D.Va: not listed
Genji: not listed
Hanzo: 5'8"
Junkrat: 6'6"
Lucio: 5'3"
McCree: 6'1"
Mei: not listed
Mercy: 5'7"
Pharah: 5'11"
Reaper: 6'1"
Reinhardt: 7'4"
Roadhog: 7'3"
Soldier 76: 6'1"
Symmetra: 5'7"
Torbjorn: 4'7"
Tracer: 5'4"
Widowmaker: 5'9"
Winston: 7'3"
Zarya: 6'5"
Zenyatta: 5'8"

The 30 porn threads are over there in /aco/ and /gif/, you must be lost

>Mercy: 5'7"
Huh she always felt taller than that, and not just when she was hovering

>Lucio is officially shorter than Tracer and probably even Mei
Looks like I'll have to constantly wallrun above everyone to make up for it

>Junkrat: 6'6"
What the hell, I couldn't tell he was that tall because he's always hunched over. I always kind of pictured him as a Jockey from L4D.


Roadhog and Reinhardt are nearly the same height? In that picture Winston has of the old days where Reinhardt is out of his suit he looks just as tall as in-suit


>pharah: 5'11"
wew, she is exactly the same height as me, neat, makes her even hotter desu

what surprises me is lucio never noticed that he was that short

>Junkrat is 6'5" tall, and weighs 155 lbs


>Tracer: 5'4''
>Mercy: 5'7''

>Reinhardt: 7'4"


too bad he is genuinely bonkers

From the view on the left, it looks like the knees are 100% mechanical. I think it's fair to assume he lost his legs completely.