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Video Games #3372
Video Games
How to make a [company] game
Japanese version is better than the NA release
Wednesday Sup Forumsolf: Enemy Territory
Could someone learn enough Japanese to play Persona 5 when it gets released in September?
Vidya cosplay? Vidya cosplay
What are your favorite downfalls in vidya history?
I like this game. Started playing recently
What was with this room? Years later and it still creeps the shit out of me
FUUUCK Sup Forums convince me not to buy this bundle
What's the current consensus on Capcom?
What are some creepy stuff in games?
Hey, Sup Forums
Predictions for best and worst class?
Gaming Notebook
I hope you're ready for this man's reappearance in Gen 7
Now that the dusk has settled, what's Sup Forums's opinion on this? Is it the next best thing...
So why exactly are healers such collosal faggots?
Should I buy this game on Steam...
Wow user, you have so many anime games on steam!
Can we have a PS4 comfy thread without PC cancer ruining it?
How's that game you're developing coming along, Sup Forums?
“The poise stat is working as intended and is not ‘turned off’ as some fans have theorized...
What game is as good as the first bite of a Little Caesars pizza?
I didn't notice a Touhou thread, so let's discuss the Touhou games. How are you progressing on the games?
Who was in the wrong here?
You are a game dev
ITT: casual filters
Who else knows this feel?
Would you be interested in a Shenmue 1 and 2 HD release?
Find a strenght
Oo, hello snek~
V believes blunderwatch will sell better than BATTLEBORN
How good will this game be?
Game we agree that Bloodborne is the New Vegas of the Souls series?
It costs 101,350 RP to purchase all the Champions in LoL, which comes out to about $779 USD
Where will the next Elder Scrolls game be set?
Hey guys, just started playing PSO:BB again on the Ephinea private server. Loving the small changes...
Now that the dust has settled can we agree Overwatch is shit?
The King of Fighters XIV
Can we get a fashion Souls thread going?
Best Case scenario
Have you ever been swindled in a video game?
What can we do to fix it?
Why is Sup Forums the best board on Sup Forums
How do you self-insert when the MC is a loli?
Somebody tell me what game this is so I can put it on the list of shit to play
Will we ever see another Metroid after this disaster?
What the fuck did I just play?
Dead Space
I need help killing this boss. I'm at Anor Londo's bonefire. Password: rage
Back in the day
Here is a diffirent kind of Overwatch discussion
Mario Party 6 is such an interesting time, the final few rounds are really what makes it a giant bomb of a time
Post kawaii trees
I just beat DS1 for the first time...
Is this game good ?
Hilary Clinton thinks video games promote violence and serial killers
MGQ thread
Are you over the hype, Sup Forums? can you finally admit that dark souls 3 is shit?
I'm buying it for her, Sup Forums
What makes you fuckin mad in vidya?
Garden Warfare 2 has more content, more varied and better balanced characters and faster paced gameplay than Overwatch
Shotgun becomes a pea shooter past 10 feet
Is Mei actually thick, or is it just the very bulky clothing giving her that look?
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Have you claimed your Murrican bimbo yet, Sup Forums?
Is Sup Forums enjoying Gundam Breaker 3?
Name 1 (One) reason why I shouldn't buy a PS4
Announced with generic cover
Hey people help me in Dark Souls 3 Xbone edition. I'm trying to fight Pontiff and would enjoy some assistance...
This game is coming out next week
Female tank
Where did it go wrong?
Do you think D.Va could beat you at Starcraft?
Sup Forums, what is your guilty pleasure?
Is this worth it if I mainly just want DMC4:SE? I don't have anything on there
I wish this had gotten the adaptation it deserves instead of the one offs
Industry leading chips
Favorite YouTubers?
Star Wars Battlefront is now an annual franchise
If this game had come out today on Wii U (with Wii U graphics but no other adjustments) instead of on Gamecube in 2002...
You ARE picking rowlet right?
Battlefield 1 will be digital-only on PC in North America
New DOOM pc gameplay
Collection thread
There are people excited for this to use cartridges
Post your favorite games
Why aren't you playing Battleborn with its awesome taunts RIGHT NOW?
NEW THREAD because some turbo nazis had to ruin the other one. Stay classy, guys
So we've had about 1 billion Overwatch threads today alone, and not a single one mentioned true best girl...
Post your idle animation, nigger
Eroge thread?
So, couple days ago, in a spontaneous Wolfenstein-themed thread...
Homefront: The revolution
Dear PC users:
Is Undertale as good as people say?
Is 2016 the goat year for JRPGs?
Why are PC games so hard?
I'm at work so I'll try to keep this short and sweet...
Thinking about playing this. Is it worth my time?
Ratchet and Clank 2016 was the best selling game on the Playstation store last month
Monster Hunter X
Alright! We rule!
Squad? Squuuuaaaad
Post the best game OST
It's time to apologize
(yourname) the hedgehog time
Is there a better competitive FPS on the market right now?
Nintendo Directs are now filled with more news about Amiibos than actual games
Which shota are you picking?
This is how dead video games are
Sup Forumsidya drawthread
Lose video game match
I am the worst and least picked character in competitive Overwatch but Sup Forums still want to see me nerfed
Overwatch Launch Event in my Hometown
Was it fucking necessary to have so many of these in the game? Literally 90% of chests in DS3 are mimics
Alright lads. I need some recommendations for my psp...
Oh boy I can't wait to plunge a fucking sword into the face of my dead future wife
Witcher 3
Is it not a masterpiece?
Yfw Overwatch posting won't stop for the next two weeks
Can someone please explain why people think this piece of shit game is so fucking great?
Are there ANY decent multiplayer shooters on PC right now?
Dub only
Gamer fuel thread boys, post favorite snacks
New Battlefield 1 DLC announced
What Went Wrong, Sup Forums?
Daaamn Sup Forums, I'm high as a mother fucker right now man...
Calling the Dark Souls "commmunity" a "community" is basically shitting on the word and all other communities...
One more Overwatch Thread
Nintendo level design
Ace Attorney
How would you do a MCU video game?
Got something you might be interested in Sup Forums
Nintendo's new slogan
Why don't you smoke Sup Forums? Big boss smoked and he was literally the coolest and greatest soldier of time?
How come vidya men never get as much attention as women?
God is this game easy or what? I've literally died less than 10 times, 0 times to bosses (1 time to stray demon tho)
Tfw photorealism is finally within reach
Name me one Pc exclusive game thats good
My child
Is Virtua Fighter dead?
Gimme some recommendations. I'm looking to pick up some games for my vita
1440p or 144Hz?
Do I get banned from current Sup Forums when I'm not liking this?
Fallout 4 writing
Gigantic gets a new publisher and is now allowed to release on ALL Windows 64 bit OS as well as Xbox One
Why is the Starforce Series so bad?
These are the biggest PC exclusives of 2016
Does anyone here remember when this masterpiece came out?
ITT: Villains that were actually right
If you haven't beaten at least four of these games you need to get off of shitposting and play more vidya
Civ 6 - Discussion
Magical Girl Game
Overwatch, Roadhog
Mario Party 6 is a great game. A giant bomb of a game, if you ask me
Will Atlus ever make another unique game like Catherine again?
Any of you think this game might actually be good?
Hey pretty boy. Wanna /ss/?
God tier:
Why did couch co-op games die?
What went wrong?
In your opinion, is this an attractive character design?
Let's talk about demons souls
This game is terrible
I challenge you to a duel * twirls naginata *
Literally impossible
ITT: Big-budget megabombs
How shit is the Dark Souls 1 pc port?
ITT: Post the TF2 update that was the last straw for you
Ok, guys
So the Metro Redux games are 75% off on Steam. Are they worth the money?
Is there anything I should know before playing this?
Mario Party Party 6 in 15
How do I stop losing
Guys, I thought this was dead in the water?
So why don't people like it? I just saw the trailer and thought it looked fucking great
Poisefags BTFO
What went wrong?
What are the most insanely satisfyingly gory games?
Spurdo Sparde the game
Tfw you won't get to play as for 2 weeks
So what's Sup Forums doing while we wait for the 24th?
Can we have a MAGA hat on video game characters thread?
Its literally Demons Souls 2
What games do you play when you're depressed?
Less than two weeks boys!
What should Steam do in this situation?
Webm thread
Why don't you fags main Zenyatta?
What do they look like under the armour?
Is this a third-person MOBA?
Let's talk DooM/D44M
Hey Sup Forums, can you recommend games that take place on feudal and pre world war japan?
Screenshot thread?
War game
Literally countless numbers of cycles have gone by
RPG game
ITT: Games only you like
Side character is infinitely cooler than the main character
Tfw no 4 teamspeak friends to tactically raid a house full of terrorists and rescue a hostage
Here is my Uncharted 4 Review
Shhhhhh. Lady Maria is sleeping!
Have you ever fell in love with a character you've made? I know I did. I feel bad when she gets hurt
I-I'm actually really hyped for this
This is a Genesis music thread. We post music from the Genesis while SNEShitters are jealous of our bass
The impossible is possible!
Now that the dust has settled it's time to apologize. Dark Souls 2 is superior to Dark Souls 3 in almost every way
That one guy in the chat uses smilies in ever sentence
What else to buy?
What games feature edgelord female characters?
$60 for Team Fortress 2.5
Fuck Overwatch. Can this board stop being Overwatch general? Who cares about this Blizzard-TF2 clone?
ITT failures
The single most popular videogame franchise was created by a woman
Uncharted 4
I love Japan, period
How do YOU keep up with all
What's the best looking Wii U game?
Wake up
For whatever reason, arena like moba infused "hero shooters" are going to be the next big gaming thing
Who the hell owns the crap? It's full of weebshit, requires over priced sony memory cards...
Why do black men prefer playstation above others platforms?
What vidya girl has the best tits? Vidya only
Miss Peach is for ________
Persona 5
I got a free key of Doom 3: BFG Edition if anyone wants it
Where were you when the best girls happened?
Keys Giveaway
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Localized DLC List Revealed
Liberal, single mother invited a "refugee" to baby-sit: 4 year old daughter raped
What do i do?
Why is this allowed?
The Wii U didn't get a proper 3D Mario
What say you, Sup Forums?
Post a pic. Recommend a game to others based on their pic
Thoughts and opinions?
A deal is a deal onii-chan! Now you gotta buy me geimu
Kill enemy
Paid reviews counting
Itt environments you wish developers would explore
I'm convinced the only people who like this game are goobers and Sup Forumstards (same thing really) who want to play...
So now that the dust has settled, how was it?
Says the Profaned Capital is a small/short area
Have you ever been banned from a game or server?
Previous biases aside, and assuming the game is actually released in full, would this be a good game?
Calls out shady practices like day-one DLC, and on-disc DLC
If you read a message at any point, you didn't really beat the game
Hey user what game do you got in your hand
Tfw its vidya announcement season
Your honest opinions on Undertale? Did you like it or did you hate it
ITT: Examples of "We want the Sup Forums audience"
If you summoned a phantom for a boss, you didn't really beat the game
Vanilla WoW
Console and overwatch fags will defend this
What are some Overwatch heroes you want to see added to the game over time?
Risk of Rain - Please host edition
Dear Sup Forums
Has Dedede even done anything bad since the first Kirby game?
After patch game became unplayable mess
Opinions on the new Nintendo slogan?
What game is this from??
No "Only On Playstation®" on the cover
Cheers love, the cavalry's here!
What went wrong?
What are some fun mobile games for wasting time. Not looking for anything amazing, just some good time wasters
Have you ever bought a video game because it had a cute girl on the cover?
E3 predictions thread?
ITT games that are genuinely difficult
ITT Rank the Main series Final Fantasy games
Filename Thread
Sakurai is calling you all out
Star Fox Zero Interest
So what are your thoughts on Overwatch now that the beta has ended
What genre will replace the shooter after its inevitable decline?
Rainbow six seige is saved
Dark Souls 3 Invasions
This is the finest JRPG I've ever played. I'm so loving this
Who is the cutest Overwatch character and why is it Dva?
So how exactly did this steaming pile of shit get better ratings than MGS3? Even PW is better and that game is garbage
How is everyone liking the real MGSV?
90s Arcade Racer is exclusive to PS4 and XB1, PC and WiiU cancelled
That one game that made you tear up like a bitch
Japanese interpretation of western fantasy
Little over 2000 copies sold since November 2015
How do I kill the people responsible for naming the new Battlefield game?
Admit it
Does it really deserve the "greatest game ever" title?
Hi res Famitsu Persona 5 scans
Tfw polygon did it again
Ann pleases teachers for good grades
Over 90 new quests
Find a flaw
Did I do good?
Look at this shit, i cannot believe they are going to make civilization 6 into a cartoon style mess
Do people still play Skullgirls?
There are 3 types of people
Only acceptable answer
Is this legitimately anyone else's favorite game of all time? I'm not even underage and it's not just nostalgia...
How do we stop racism in gaming, Sup Forums?
DOAX 3 thread
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
DOOM's preload is now available on steam for those of you who pre-ordered it, and I've already started mine but;
Will we get at least one good WW1 game by 2018?
ITT: Games that looks way different than it's reveal videos
Truly, the most pathetic fanbase of all time
Ace Attorney 6
So V are you buying GOTY 2016??
Is there a game where....?
Does anyone else find the current state of Nintendo tragic
PSP vs. DS
Civilization VI trailer out
So this game is about a dream man who travels through time to fight a whale that's his dad
Civilization VI Official Announcement Trailer
Civ 6 is a thing now
The prologue you played through happened hundreds/thousands of years before the main game
How did we go from this
Who do you pick?
Defeat the final boss
Now that Overwatch is out, do you still enjoy Team Fortress 2?
Zelda U
Thoughts on a few of the more questionable character designs-aside...
Find a flaw
What do you think of my hat Sup Forums? Too much? Not enough?
Muh strong independent woman
Someone is selling a brand new ps3 120gb slim near me for $200...
Duke Nukem VS Doomguy
Last remnant?
According to hearsay, Prey 2 may still be coming
Prove me wrong
Do you guys know any way to explore an steam library properly?
Literally everyone (youtube memsters) reviewing VR is saying it's god tier
Do I buy Battleborn to cope with the Overwatch beta closing?
Does Gamefreak even know how to design a Pokemon anymore?
How can anyone be excited for this shit?
What do you think he's doing right now?
So why aren't you excited for One Life yet?
What the fuck is wrong with Sonys fanbase? This is beyond pathetic
Out Of Touch
It looks like the Final Fantasy 7 remake is ditching the turn-based controls
Bloodborne better than dark souls 3?
If this was running on PS4 would this be the best graphic on the console?
Can we get a cheeky Warhammer thread?
Steam key thread
GTA I London: Anyone?
Assassins Creed thread
Difference is, Skylanders and Amiibo are selling great
What are the worst games, or worst game of your favorite video game franchise, Sup Forums?
Female cleric
Is this the Unhole Trinity that is killing gaming?
What will happen to western games when memes get banned?
ITT: Games that did more harm than good for the series/industry
Post your 'top 3' steam groups
Game tries to be deep
Why is the little Lothric such a little bitch?
Hello where is the pc port
Nintendo is dead
Are you guys excited for Tales of Flatseria?
Free Humble Keys Game!
Just unboxed
Are there any game that let you be really evil? Not meme Final Fantasy last boss evil, but real evil in real world
Battlefield 1 only digital in burgerland
Should i buy a ps4 just for uncharted 4?
This level of autism is over 9000
Remember how hype you were when you first saw this video?
DBZ video games
What was the real problem with this game again?
Is it possible for games make person more violent and aggressive?
There are no bad games. Only games you don't like
Why are whirlpools such a common vidya hazard? Its just water being spun in a circle
I'm I doing something wrong here...
There is no consoles
Is it true?
How's everyone finding Uncharted 4? I've just come out of the pirate's grave and I'm still waiting for it to get good...
How can I go back to regular vidya combat after experiencing CUHRAYZEE?
Try and dispute this
What's the best pokemon game?
Why do people think some people would change their mind because games like these?
This is indefensible
Do you miss me yet?
Fuck, Kiss, Marry, Kill
The success of Street Fighter 5
What is the best Zelda game and why is it Link's Awakening?
What's the best Zelda game, and why is it Link's Awakening?
When was the last time you enjoyed a game for what it's worth? You know...
I want to get into Serious Sam but i don't know where to start
Joins a server
I bought one
I want Overwatch back
Remember our queen, Sup Forums?
Ape Escape
ITT: Glitches
Name one Capcom character that isn't a shameless ripoff
After all these years she's finally coming home to PC
Have Japanese people ever made a decent game?
Violent video games
Oh boy I can't wait for "pay $5 dollars to revive your unit"
PS1 Warping fixed:
None of the girls are virgins
The South Korean government has declared war on video games
It's the best looking game ever made
Now that it is obvious Stellaris is a major success do you think more GSG games will come out...
This is a western 37 year old woman
Are dota players autistic?
Deus Ex
Draw a picture that's 8x8
Was Steam a mistake?
Is this worth playing on the Dolphin?
Do you like breasts in your vidya, Sup Forums?
Post the top 5 skins you want to get in OW
48/2(9+3) = ?
Use bonus item
How's that game coming along Sup Forums?
Hidden Gem
Just bought an Xbox 360 since Microsoft ceased production finally, pic related...
Best fighting games?
Comfiest Games Talk
Is it good?
What would you change on the new starters?
Pregnancy ending with the heroine should be a norm in vidya
Diablo 3
Everyone saying Sun and Moon look the same as X and Y
Sup Forums suddenly hates clowns
Ace Attorney
Gaming reached a new low
What's your favourite dead game?
Jedi defeats Dark Souls 3 without blocking, parrying or rolling—at level 1
ITT games that will NEVER EVER be released
7 Y E A R S
What did Nintendo mean by this?
Was Megaman Zero a good series?
DSP tries it
This guy is crazy with Widowmaker WTF
Ratchet and Clank
Opinions on the new pokemon roster
Is this common in steam?
ITT: FLAWLESS indie games. Pic extremely related
What was his fucking problem?
Is the Rosalina push finally over?
Trans/Queer Friendly Games
ITT: Perfect 10/10 Maps
Beta is over
Do you care about lore in video games?
You're probably wondering why this image was posted when it seems to have nothing to do with video games
Why does CDProjekt fail so hard at color/lighting...
He plays souls games for the "story"
Square Enix has released the first full-length trailer for Love Live! School Idol Festival: After School Activity
This is hands down the worst console Nintendo ever made and anyone who disagrees is just nostalgiafagging or is just a...
Is the glorious era of flash memory for games finally coming back?
YGO Forbidden Memoires
How to fix Mei
What's your favorite kind of ending?
Homefront®: The Revolution
A girl with superhuman computational abilities and ingenious programming capabilities...
Why did SEGA think this was appropriate to put on the 3DS?
People like this character?
Meanwhile, in duelist kingdom Sup Forums
Nintendo fans will defend this
What are some must have abilities, that I should prioritize over all others?
Overwatch: Tons of new heroes planned
Post your top 5 games, let others judge your taste
Post your games played by hour on steam
This seems to be Totori, the titular character from Atelier Totori
Criticize the souls franchise
Hey, Sup Forums
Why can't Japan catch up?
What are some good western games? no this isn't a japan vs western games shitposting thread is the single best character in Overwatch, prove me wrong
You will never have as much fun playing games as you did when you were a kid
Is there a mod yet that keeps the game from stealing an inch of my health bar after I die?
What video game has the scariest chase part?
Gamefreak is the George Lucas of game devs
This or Dark Souls III?
Screenshot thread
What did you guys think of this game...
Why is this game so fucking awful and unfinished? every level feels like Marble zone with a shit ton of gimmicks
Help a brother :(
I don't understand the whole hate for Major/Minor, I find it to be the best game of 2015 with great dialogue...
Select any line from any video game is this confirming that Sup Forums will hate the last DLC of Witcher 3...
Overwatch lore thread
Old Man Thread (25+)
It's pretty fucking good
Disney Infinity is going to stop production in June
What game lets me go full operator?
Bravo, Paradox!
Do you ever watch AVGN
Post your profile and make a lot of new friends
Ninja games
Previous Thread:
Look at that lighting downgrade amirite?
Have toaster pc
Does anyone here NOT have any of these? If so, post your SteamID and what game you want. You might just get it
While is he smiling?
What video game character do you first think of when you see this picture?
Would you train your favorite Pokemon to cook for you, Sup Forums?
The lack of fashion sous thread is disgusting
Fun game
Why is this a bad game?
Beat Gascoigne and BSB on my first try
The CoD Hate
Mercy is 37 years old
Red Dead Redemption
Witcher 3 is a copy-paste of BamHam and Ass Creed
Guilty gear is ____
Game has deep mechanics
We will never, E V E R get an American Civil War FPS
Why is it that Tifa dresses like a slut when she's actually a virgin whereas Aerith dresses like a virgin when she's...
9 Years later and this is still the greatest DLC of all time
This is the first FF I've ever finished and loved it
Who else has got their preorder in?
What are some videogames that came out of fucking nowhere yet turned out to be completely amazing?
There are games who looks like or similar to zelda ii?
I'll give you exactly one minute to post why you haven't pre-ordered at least one version or both?
What went wrong?
Why are Japs better at western fantasy than the west is?
Are there any other games that have this "getting hit" animation directly influenced by how and where are they hit?
Do you like linearality in Souls games? I beat BB and Ds3 multiple times...
What is currently the best ARPG?
Uncharted 4 Multiplayer
The dilemma of PC Gaming
ITT: Post your GOTY for every year since 2006
It's the year 2016 already
Anyone who likes the seal needs to be gassed
What video game company attracts the most autists?
Why the fuck are these guys making a conference at E3?? Besides Dishonored 2 and maybe some Fallout 4 DLC bullshit...
This is the future you chose
Regardless of what you thought of the rest of the game, did you enjoy the final twist?
Name a better looking game on the PC
This game is going to be THE TF2 KILLER
My newest race
I'm performing a suvey
This game is fucking amazing
Arigato gozaimasu, hakase-sensei
I'm trying to decide if I should purchase a PC and play with all my friends on Overwatch or be a lonerfag and get a PS4...
Is this the greatest scam ever pulled?
I want to ____ bowser
Is metroid basically a dead franchise at this point? Will Nintendo ever give it its dues?
Gyro aiming
Was this fight supposed to be so easy? He literally does two super telegraphed moves
Quit Dota for around 1.5 years after playing since beta
Name 1 (ONE) better boss fight
Indian character
Dark Souls 3 leans more heavily on allegories to do with the Vietnam War
Nobody here liked this right?
Name DLC that are better than the game
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...