It's time to apologize.
It's time to apologize
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I defended this game before, but playing 3 just made me realize what a turd this game really was. Fuck this game, I don't miss it at all.
It's time for you to fuck off. Take your shit game with you.
At least it had poise I guess
Only dark souls game I didn't buy.
Never regretted that decision.
For fucking what? Are you trying to tell me to apologize for Dark 2 being a bad game? Because it isn't and never was. It was an awkward mess in some places but it was ultimately a good ass game, not as good as the others, but it never sunk as low as Lost Izalith for fuck's sake.
yea sorry for being a piece of shit game
I'm sorry you like a shit game over a good game op.
im sorry daddy, dont spank me desu
>let me show you my dagger
I apologize. I'm sorry. Dark Souls 2 is a good game.
>tfw beating the game with powerstancing bone fists
A shame DaS 3 lacks in build variety.
DS 2 was and still is shit. I went back to play it with the Sotfs version and its just as slow and shitty as before. I loved being damaged when I was never touched by an enemies attack animation, I love soul memory fucking up PvP and all online interaction. I love the shittiest bosses. Every thing feels super sluggish and sloppy. The only positive this game has is that even a toaster of a PC can run it at 60 fps.
DaS2 is still the ebst souls game I've ever played (Even played bb and DeS) but apparently "dark souls 2 is bad" is beyond the ultramememe point and it's pointless to argue with people about it.
Just enjoy it for yourself, and don't talk about it over here
dark souls 2 has
>fresh ideas
>>some good, some bad
dark souls 3 has
>bloodborne 2
i played a fuckton of das1, das2 but not so much das3.
4 playthroughs and i havent been able to stomach a fifth.
caster builds are so gimped by how powerful physical builds are. i dont even main int/fath/hybrid builds, but i like to dabble in them for variety.
and why did they remove powerstance? it was one thing that dark souls 2 did great but could have done better.
also poise.. why?
No. Its shit.
what area is that?
Shrine of Amana.
>Ascetics, not to respawn enemies but to respawn bosses
>Able to use a weapons full moveset in the left hand
>Upgrading shields actually improved their stats, not just the stability
>Depleting your stamina caused your character to breathe heavily
>You didn't lose your momentum from falling down 2 feet
>Poise wasn't as retarded as in 1 or as useless as in 3
>Really fun NPC invaders where they didn't act like just another enemy
>Interacting with the environment unlocked secrets, like lighting all the scones in The Gutter
>Other secrets like the pig and the pickaxe
>Pharros Lockstones and Fragrant Branches to manipulate the environment
>Getting wet reduced your characters lightning resistance while boosting your fire resistance
>NG+ didn't just increase enemy HP and damage, it added new enemies and items
>rolling in poison pools made your poison build up continue even on dry land because you were still covered in it
>rolling in snow/poison/water covered you in it, and it slowly disappeared
>You could activate several pools of blood at once, resulting in hilarity
>You could be invaded even if you were hollow and if the boss was dead, but at a lower chance
>You could burn an effigy to block invaders, but as a result you blocked summons as well
>Poison builds were not only viable, they were useful
>You could roll in more directions when locked on
>Hexes were fleshed out
>White phantoms couldn't Estus with an invader in the world
>Small soapstones if you wanted help with the area before a boss, without having to Black Crystal to solo the boss
can someone post me a single screenshot of an area in Dark Souls 3 that has color that's not yellow orange or gray?
that's funny, because playing 3 made me realize how much better 2 is
>never played the game
i just bought it yesterday it seems fun so far
Dark Souls 2 was awesome. Not as good as the first one. But still awesome nontheless.
Probably better. But I've ran into shitty issues too. Boss music not playing, or the boss not even fighting. No storyline. DS2 at least had a cool story.
All souls games is 9/10
Dark Souls 2 DLC > Dark Souls 1 DLC > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 3 > Demon Souls> Dark Souls 2 SOTFS > Dark Souls 2
Except Dark Meme 2.
Dark Souls 2 got the best Firekeeper
well said anonymous
You can literally make any map look like shit if you don't include the details of what's in it. Include the legend of the map on the right before you compare it to the left, idiot.
Those DaS2 DLCs were nothing special. I swear there has to be some sort of bizarre conspiracy to shill those fucking things here.
which is 10/10
You need to stop making these threads. Your game is shit. Nothing will change that.
Dumb Goldenfaceposter
IDK maybe it just seemed so good by comparison it colored people's (including my own) opinions.
>Sup Forums doesn't like a game
do I have to stop playing now I thought it was fun :(
how do I defeat the bitch at the bottom of the dragon sanctum?
People who shit on DS 2 are underage retarded meme posters.I am not defending DS 2 but it has done many things right compared to 3.
Honestly never hated the game. Of course I only played SOTFS. 3 is least my favorite of the series. Something is just off. Like its actually complete (Minus future DLC) but, just feels as if they just didnt do anything different. Weapon arts are cool, but everything is lacking. 2 at least attempted to be different.
>because dark souls 2's base game was so shit, the dlc was astounding in comparison
You git gud
No really, she is the hardest boss in all of DS2
not counting fake dragon
'das2 was good' is my favorite meme
people are trying too hard to push it though
Weird, with me it was the other way around.
she just wrecks my shit when she summons that golden dude
any tips would be awesome
I only wish wish dark souls 3 was as good as bloodborne.
I really liked DaS2. I understand the hate but I loved playing it and enjoyed the DLC immensely. It brought some ideas that I wish made it to DaS3.
I started with DeS so I never put DaS on the pedestal.
>All of that heavy armor + greatshield
>16 units greatsword
>Still using pyros despite using a str weapon
U wot? The textures are disgusting but your build is simply cringy, just go raw Bluemoon, and dump the stats on something better.
Hope for her to summon skeleton
well, that works I guess
focus on the summon, then when she summons the skeletons leave one alive, she won't summon anyone else if there's one remaining.
Hope she summons skeletons
Don't lock-on
Use Resins
Shoot stuff at her when she does her AOE
I really liked 2...more than BB even. I'm not even talking about the Sins of the scholar edition...regular ol' DS2
I never understood the hate. Every criticism of it seems like of shitty and autistic.
I don't care if anyone disagree with me.
Fuck you, i liked it a lot.
SotFS is a fucking huge game so if you actually like the game it is great.
A lot of the criticisms come from people who don't like that it is different from DaS and is its own game.
Only thing that pissed me off was:
>pre-purchase game
>buy all the DLC
>play the shit out of it
>re-release game because lol fuck you you gotta buy it again
It's time to STOP.
Shit was great, I really wish B-team would make a different game like DaS2, like a spiritual successor, where they could make whatever the fuck they want, shit'd be cash. There's no chance it would happen, but I can dream.
>beer seek seek lest
That's how I beat her, it's been a while but outside of her summoning Velstadt i don't remember her being too hard
>she won't summon anyone else if there's one remaining
not true. it takes longer but she'll do it anyway. and i think it's always velstadt in that case.
funny, because I was feeling that too until I actually tried replaying 2 and realized that no, it's still shit
That's actually a plus. Worst part is everything else about her.
Fuck off with this thread. Your game was shit. No the DLC wasn't godlike, it only felt that way because the main game was so shit in comparison
lol @ ps scores being higher, because no other good games on those platforms
If you didnt like Sir Alonne or the Ivory King, you have objectively bad taste.
It's time to stop.
Holy shit that's funny, do you feel the need to win arguments against other anonymous posters?
I liked it beyond the annoying soul memory shit and awkward level-changes.
Could've done without ADP too.
I expected the graphics downgrade so I didn't lose my shit over it.
No, I just feel the need to save you the trouble of posting it. It's all DS2 apologists do, cream themselves at the DLC
any special resin to use or anything works?
I have the heide lightning sword and the fire one too
DS2 added a ton of features that DS as a series needed, even little things.
The only things it fucked up were:
>More is better/harder.
>Tracking everywhere.
>Certain enemies will never stop attacking.
>Too many huge armored blimps that spun in the air.
That said, the game generally rewarded timing your enemies attacks or getting to know their blind spots dynamically, whereas DS1 as literally just
>strafe, backstab, repeat.
For the majority of combat.
That's not to say that i really liked DS2 more than 1, but it's really not so much worse, it just feel like it needs polish.
What's the problem with liking good content though? It was clearly the best of the game, also you sound anti-social.
None of them work. She has insane elemental resistance. But it adds a tiny bit of nothing, so do it i guess. Go with lightning cause it looks cool
This meme is funny
Crown of Sunken King > Artorias of the Abyss
That's right. It's not just cream son. It's the entire cake we're talking about here. Everyone should play the DLCs
It had the sexy Drakeblood set, I'll give you that one
The thing is most people here haven't played the real DARK SOULS II(tm)
Your DS2 memes have gone too far this time.
Sorry you put an ocean over top an ocean and a mutli ton iron castle in a bed of lava over top a poisonous windmill that has an elevator to take you up 15 stories into the air to reach the castle in the clouds.
Is DS2 being the worst thing ever still a meme?
Because it's still my favorite (haven't played BB yet).
ENBs are so fucking great, the texture replacers were great too, I remember wearing havel's, but the set was pink, shit was so fun, gedosato was fucking great.
>DaS autists and sonydrones sperging out every time someone tells them DaS2 is better
It's not a bad game. It's just not a great one. It feels like a bootleg Souls game. The level design and enemy positioning is noticeably worse than any other game in the series.
I mean, I put 200 hours on it, but it's the worst Souls game. That still makes in like the top 5 games of the the two most recent console generations.
That is the saddest posturing and sheer hatred of videogames.
Fucking Bethesda games have deeper combat than i-frame rolls and R1.
Ohhh fuck my sides.
This is probably an old meme but it's my first time seeing it.
wew lad
As someone who played Dark Souls 2 for a very long period of time, it's very easy to tell anyone why it's the worst in the series
Generic, Uninspired vision in random places, the shitty bosses like mytha, prowling magus, royal rat authority, rat vanguard, twin dragonriders, lel eight gargoyles, old iron king, executioners chariot, mismatched area tones from one area to the next, earthen peak to iron keep, the low quality and much less finely detailed texture design, the npc questlines that never really do anything, the completely disorientated and nonsensical world design compared to every other game in the series.
The game is still decent, it's just nowhere near as realised as any other souls game in terms of the world, which is so very important in these games.
Dark Souls 3 by comparison, which is probably the ignition point for this thread, has a fully realised world with area design and world design that makes constant sense both in terms of on foot point to point travel and visual consistency between areas, bosses that are both very important and referenced within the game world continuously, feel both inspired in unique ways and genuinely refreshing from one another, as well as being overwhelmingly suited to their areas and genuinely justified in game, a plot/story that genuinely carries the game forward and acts as a driving force to interweave the lore together, the retrieval of the cinders of lords, the relation of the lords to the areas, the areas purpose, the lords motives and history etc. DS2 loses cohesion massively throughout the game.
The bosses are mechanically far superior than DS2 bosses. If ever you wanted an example of quality over quantity, you needn't look further than a comparison of DS3-DS2, whereby the bosses in DS3 all feel unique from one another, inspired and relevant in the game world, have multiple phase mechanics, and transition based music to accompany the phases, along with huge movesets.
Could you do an analysis of the past three Madden entries too, please?
I'd also add that there are several things dark souls 2 does slightly better, the weapon variety and pvp were slightly better, but not significantly so, there were still glaring issues like soul memory and the onslaught of uber leveled havel shitters, shit mechanics like monastery scimitar spamming and syan's hallberd, and the weapon's, while certainly varied, suffered even moreso from the copy/pasted movesets than any other souls game.
I would rate the series personally as:
I feel that as a release title, DS3 and DeS are the only games that maintain a consistent quality throughout the entire game.
>PCmemers arguing other their scraps
Bloodborne is the peak of the franchise, by far.
3 is better than 2 though.
Dark Souls 1 belongs at the very bottom.
>The bosses are mechanically far superior than DS2 bosses.
I agree with everything else you said, but this seems wrong to me. DS3's bosses were so brainless that, even thought they looked different, they really didn't do anything for me. Nameless King and Godeater the Trap were interesting, but generally didn't care much for DS3's bosses, there combat mechanics were just too shallow and easy.
Dark Souls III is basically unplayable for me because I've already beaten this same game three times in three years and I don't know how a sane person who plays more than 5 videogames in a year wouldn't be deathly sick of this shallow and insipid i-frame cheesing combat.
>I feel that as a release title, DS3 and DeS are the only games that maintain a consistent quality throughout the entire game.
>consistent quality
Yeah, consistently mediocre. There are a whopping two good areas in the entire game. The only thing keeping it from being worse than DaS2 is the cohesive game world. If it weren't for that the game would be tied with DaS2 as the worst of them.
DS3 bosses were mechanically far, far more complex and had much larger movesets, with tons of attack types and multiphase mechanics.
They shit on DS2 bosses, some of the worst in that game had like 3-4 attacks in total.