Novigrad has nothing on Los Santos
Admit it
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the city layout was shit
if you turn off the map in the corner, cruising through it is much better and more immersive
It was very sprawled which is probably what LA is like, but the emptiness of it all was jarring. It wasn't like when Suda51 made Santa Destroy and didn't have the resources to make it populous yet it came off as a scorching depopulated sunday afternoo kind of fell. No, Los Santos simply felt like a corporate parking lot which is probably what wandering around LA feels like minus the nigger gangs killing you.
I didn't play w3 but original witcher had some nice ideas about building scaling and most of them were different albeit small.
i do that in any game i can. like assassin's creed for example. im replaying AC Unity (for some reason) and i feel so immersed, seeing in what neighborhood i am just by the look of it, doing like the actual assassin and getting on rooftops in order to see where i am and where i wanna go. its great. if theres one thing Ubisoft can do with that series is to create an awesome atmospheric world. their art team is great.
so is LAs
I haven't played W3 but please stop pretending R* know how to make good cities.
Not even a pretty skyline at that.
Is that possible in Black Flag, or would I be screwing myself over with the vastness of the ocean?
gtav only has los santos
w3 has novigrad and those other large cities
also w3 has waifus
eat shit faggot
Los Santos is shit and I can attest to this because I live in the real life version of it
You can always use the stars
Only virgin weebs give a shit about that. You people are fucking pathetic; just get an actual girlfriend like a normal person.
you can still easily refer to your map when you need it and use the onscreen markers towards locations, dont remember what theyre called but its part of the HUD.
and yes the experience is better, you start hearing stuff like treasures nearby and noticing other stuff like eagles flying near a high point to indicate the map sync thing
gta 5 has whores thats enough for me
>and those other large cities
no there are no other big cities in there, even oxenfurt is like 3 street and a marketplace
that's because you're a poorfag dude, if you had money and friends you would be enjoying LA
he's saying Los Santos is a shit representation of LA
which I agree with, also being an LA resident
it's simply not sense enough, and the wide empty streets is pretty much the opposite of how LA feels
The Division > GTA
don't know dude, you guys may be right, but you're almost the only ones I've heard that say LS isn't a good rep of LA.
(as I recall, Sessler felt homesick while reviewing it back in the day)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks maps and waypoints kill immersion.
minimaps, and fast travel, the killer of game immersion
how great was it when you needed to buy maps in gothic 1. It made so much sense and felt right in every way
>maps and waypoints kill immersion
>if you had money and friends you would be enjoying LA
If cancer didn't kill you it would be enjoyable
this i turned off the compass in skyrim and stopped looking at the map and it became way better
Los Santos felt way more alive in San Andreas than in V
so like every single city in US
I also love the Los Santos from SA, but the game had to evolve.
and given the shit open world games we had today, R* made an excellent job imho
Not even the same genres.
That's nothing on most of the map's emptiness.
Except real life is fun because the buildings can actually be entered, relevant to a game because they could be used for strategy in multiplayer. There's roleplay as well -- getting a coffee.
The game realm probably feels worse because the game is more shallow. Weightlifting, eating, and other roleplay is super entertaining and is variety.
>Not even the same genres.
given how little of an rpg TW3 really is, you could say they are. TW3 also has almost none buildings you can go in.
>The game realm probably feels worse because the game is more shallow. Weightlifting, eating, and other roleplay is super entertaining and is variety.
as I've said dude, the game had to change. they can't do the same shit over and over again. rockstar clearly moved from the more childish gameplay mech and themes. but it still is GTA, at least to me.
>LS supposed to be a huge sprawling city
>same size as Liberty City in IV
>childish gameplay
What an arbitrary critique.
It should be obvious that features from a life sim should probably be standardized. V has so many removed features from previous games that it's ludicrous.
Roleplay is something to do. Removed for what? Nothing? That's not 'moving forward'.
This. Even if the gameplay is kind of shitty, the world is fucking amazing.
Ive heard the world design is really, really fucking good - but that the game doesn't actually do anything with it. A world designed with a depressing somber brush, with comedic support voice actors (who arent funny) squealing down your ear.
>given how little of an rpg TW3 really is
Whoa, look out guys, we've got a contrarian authority on video games here.
Except, by it's most basic definition, almost all video games are RPGs. If you mean role playing elements then Witcher meets almost all of them.
Name some elements of an RPG and then tell me that Witcher doesn't fill them.
Protip: you can't.
Novigrad felt like an actual city
Los Santos was just a sandbox
You heard very right. They took the time to lovingly create this very post-apocalyptic feeling New York and fill it with sounds, visual effects, clutter and details but your only goal is to run around shooting gang members. They totally fucked up using their amazing world.
>he thinks witcher doesn't have whores
they made a new game on a new engine, the gameplay just couldn't be the same as a game that is 10 years old. I agree with you, SA had much more stuff to do and it had better gameplay overall, but I think they just had to cut corners cause todays games are so big. After you play GTAV a while and look at the details it is really crazy to what levels they went, from beer bottles, to houses, small streets, sounds of all kind, adv, wall textures etc. I think its just a logistical problem in the end.
also, I never liked games like saints row (except the 2one). If I can only have generic gameplay mech, I would rather have none at all, that's why I'm fine with "walking simulators"
It's like every other Ubisoft game.
doesnt surprise me at all. after all ubisoft has one of the best art teams. their games really capture the atmosphere of the location. if only it was matched by an equally good writing and directing team...
basically ubisoft is like a hot blonde that is lousy in bed and wont suck your dick unless she has something to gain from it...
Oxenfurt wasn't even close to the size of Novigrad, which is still the most impressive city I've encountered in vidya
Only disappointment was that you couldn't enter the huge tower you could see from most points of the map.
I can't be a wizard, I can't be an archer, I can't be a thief, the basic archetypes of fantasy. I can only be a bland medieval x-man
just fuck off shill
If GTA actually had content in Los Santos that would be an argument, but it doesn't. It has shitty missions like towing just to hear Franklin and some bitch talk.
But you're playing the role of garalt, it's littttduralllyyyy role playing
Los Santos is the majority of the games content, Novigrad is only a fraction of the Witcher's content.
>on a new engine
>as if they made a brand new engine from scratch between IV and V
That whole reply is post-rationalization with absolutely 0 evidence to back it up. The game isn't more 'complex' than IV.
SR has nothing to do with the conversation.
>bicycle mission
Lots of filler missions for how shallow the game realm is. The stat system from SA would be dope, because what the fuck does yoga provide..
>I can't be a wizard.
On the contrary, you're destined to be one since birth in reality but on a serious note, the game has a magic system and a means to grow and enhance it through gaining experience.
>I can't be an archer.
Game has crossbows and talent trees to enhance them.
Also, by your definition, a lot of RPGs aren't RPGs because they don't have wizards and archers. By saying that you're stuck as a particular protagonist you're also omitting a lot of well established RPGs as not being RPGs.
>Medieval X-man.
>Le shill may may.
This is how I know you've been backed into a corner like a little bitch.
>69 main missions
>3 of these are just "buy mask", "buy overall", "steal car"
>yoga mission
>therapist mission
>scripted gimmick shit
most disappointing main missions in any gta
people might complain about some repetitive missions in IV but atleast most of them had solid gta gameplay
>solid gta gameplay
shooting and driving was great imo
Gay Tony is the best GTA experience
don't know about DLCs but i never finished main story because missions where so boring
gay tony is like everything gta should be condensed into a 10 hour game
Gay Tony is like GTA: Saints Row: Cuhrazy: But Actually Good: Definitive Edition.
I am surprised at how shit the mod scene is for this game.
Then what the fuck is V..
I was talking about the difference between SA and V. GTAIV had also little content compared to SA, but as I've said before, the company has clearly moved on to a more "serious", or rather a more satirical tone.
what about thief? stop nitpicking my post you shameless CDPRcuck and admit that your game is as shallow and generic as they get.