>npc can steal my items
Npc can steal my items
>NPC can steal my memes
>items can steal my npc
>NPC can fuck your wife
>no one has said dumb frogposter yet
>NPC steals a rare item from you
>kill it
>they don't have it anymore
>npc can make you drop a hold item
>after the battle ends you don't get it back
fuck off
>npc can make music videos
literally name 3 (THREE) games that literally do this
>I can kill npc and take back my items
>plus theirs
>>NPC steals a rare item from you
>>kill it
>>they don't have it anymore
NPC Can steal plot important item
Killing them won't bring it back
totally bananas
Pokemon Diamond
Pokemon Pearl
Pokemon Platinum
now suck my dick famicon
is this supposed to be the thing where the dude shot the guy and girl on live tv?
meanwhile hurricane sandy relief....
>NPC can exit the game
>wanting to leave
>wanting to have sex with the most annoying person on the planet
>NPC can permanently lower your stats
>NPC steals a item
>kill it
>Steal his items back