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Video Games #3376
Video Games
Doom or Steak?
This is the type of fanart Overwatch fans produce
Anyone looking forward to this?
Alright niggas, which one is the better one?
My people, sons and daughters of helghan
Thoughts on Battlefield Vietnam?
I enjoyed Totori and Meruru, not so much Ayesha...
What are some good video games where you can play pretend, Sup Forums?
This is NOT real life
I fucking give up. Yup seriously fuck this retarded boss...
ITT: Post games you'll always love
Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark
KakuTop Sunday: Wake up Super edition
Uncharted 4
ITT: Games you haven't beaten still
Kakariko Village sure is comfy
Wario has tumblr nose
Addicting Games Thread
Post a better girl
What happened to JRPGs, Sup Forums?
What is your excuse that you STILL aren't a member of the idort master race?
ITT: worst games in their series
What do you do with Quake?
Why no supernatural twist ending?
Pokegirls getting worse?
What else should i add to my vita collection? Am i missing any good games?
Just played this game, it's pretty good, don't know why are you all hated it. Has she made anything else?
Original Half Life team has left Valve or retired from development
This game turned 10 years old today
The great debate
GamesBeat: You’re talking about revealing sides of the war that people don’t necessarily know about...
NX to be less powerful than PS4
Inevitable next victim
Still no crack
Buy game
What the fuck is wrong with Sega? Archie comics or not...
Why aren't there any anime-style FPS games?
Argentina level
Secrets to find in each level
All these games. Why haven't you got your Xbox One, Sup Forums?
First Nintendo
DOOM or Overwatch
10 hours into witcher 3 and while i think its a good game...
MGSV: The Phantom Pain
No question that this is the greatest full game song ever made. Could listen to this for hours
Why does Sup Forums hate DSP?
Oh shit motherfucker, its DIO and he wants to push your shit in. But...
Gaming Laptops
FFX Remaster Thread
Getting this. What am I in for?
Is anyone else here sad that Fable will never get to be what it originally set out to be?
You can only post in this thread if you beat him SOLO, without using a meme weapon
Gaming, how do you do it?
Is Birdie from SFV the most racist caricature Capcom put in their fighting games?
We did it bros
Which one to play first?
I know Sup Forums doesn't like Uncharted or The Last of Us, but which one out of the two do you prefer, and why?
I wanna go back to the dank meme age of video games
Remember PSO? We just started a little group on the Ephinea private server...
It's good but not THAT good
Gonna start playing this for the first time, Sup Forums. Are there any mods or anything I need before I start...
Mfw I'm a Toad player and it's actually true
So What the Fuck is this Game
Meet fallen empire
Game tries to be serious
He STILL hasn't hacked his Wii U
Is he right Sup Forums?
Another game set in New York
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Drawn To Life
100% Completed Games
Which is better?
Would you like the New ID to make Quake 5?
The gameplay is pretty good. What are the complaints?
Guess the game thread
Is there anything more to this game other than being an offline MMO?
Why in the fuck is this game so impossible?
ITT post games that are undeniably outdated and completely made obsolete by their successors...
Are nips even trying anymore? Or did they finally realize that wrpg's are superior?
You are now in charge of an LA Noire sequel/spiritual successor
Let's have a thread about the game Overwatch wishes it was
I'm going to sound like a fucking unworthy fuck for saying this...
Sunday Morning... Motherfuckers?
Basically copied Warcraft
Assassin's Creed
CK2: Conclave, and all those butthurt kids
Shitty game thread
Why do PC users hate certain games on consoles, specifically shooters?
What videogames do stereotypical fedorafags tend to like?
Is there such as thing as TOO big?
Deauth attack
Thanks again for inviting me to lunch user
Why is this game so fucking good?
Have you ever done a pacifist run in a video game before?
Why do people like this guy so much?
ITT: We create the next Souls game
Is it ok to descend into Black Mountain Mines at level 10? I saw a golem and I have a bad feeling about it...
Were they ever fucking?
Hey Sup Forums i am currently in akihabara...
Literally the only one worth trusting
Sony think they slick......... ;/ ;/ ;/
Is it good?
Overwatch is the first FPS to feature someone with Asthma
Pic related is on sale on steam for 5 dollars
Some slavs sitting in their office 10 hours a day drinking their vodkas for months crafted this perfection
Falcom thread
Hey Sup Forums
What does Sup Forums think of Sonic The Hedgehog?
Hey people
You hear it you lose
Is the Doomguy the strongest videogame character ever? Keep in mind...
Who's the best pillar of the Souls community and why is it GermanSpy?
Katsuragi is LITERALLY the best senran, prove me wrong
ITT: post rad subtle videogame references only true Gamers will understand
Has a game ever made you cry on the inside?
Guy with microphone joins game
How will Sega react?
Is there a worse romance in an RPG than this?
Am I the only one who can't see shit in this game? Characters are literally not discernible from the background
Where did it all go so wrong? Was it the forced uPlay? Was it the giving up on Prince of Persia...
Post webm
Hours thread
What games let me kill the intended love interest?
4X games thread
Why does Dragon's Dogma still have the best character creator of all time?
ITT: righteous heroes who literally became the bad guy
Sup Sup Forums, what are some comfy games like Life is Strange...
ITT: Movie/TV Show based video games that aren't shit
So what does he say when you pick him up?
Whoever can post a game so obscure no one can name it wins
Hotline Miami 2
What games has a better enemy that's are not just well-designed but is fun to fight against?
Can we all finally agree Garnet is the best FF girl?
Things patricians say/do
Why are the designs in the new Doom so generic and awful?
Can we all agree that james is a fraud?
Surviving a barrage of bullets or literal meteors during gameplay
Do you miss me Sup Forums?
Start trying to get into JRPGs because I feel like I'm missing out on the stories
Who's the best vidya mom in history? my vote is for Toriel
DOOM 2016
Anybody feel out of place on Sup Forums now?
ITT: that character archetype you isntantly pick any time it's available in any game
Trophies thread
Leader of Earth is a black woman
Tamani's route will never be finished
So, is it better than TF2 or nah?
You know what guys, this is actually a good game
Why do people look everything up in Dark Souls? You know most of the fun is finding the secrets on your own, right...
Prince Lothric? LOL more like Princess Lothric amirite?
Modern games
DayZ for ARMA3?
About to start this, what am I in for?
Australian soon graduating from uni looking to get into games industry as modeler, whatthefuccktodo
"and it works! It actually works perfectly"
It's so comfy :3
What are some fun 3DS games?
How many hours to completion is acceptable in a game user?
Why is this game so comfy?
Has the ability to stop and slow down time
Man its not just ps4.... xbone and pc also have no games worth playing. I feel cheated
What went wrong with Minecraft? It was literally the best game in existence, so simple, yet so fun
Is Demon's Souls coming to PS4?
Try to find captain to take you to skellige and they all say it's too dangerous
How can they mess up the Call of duty 4 remake...
Online games you loved that have dead communities or shutdown
What's the best formation? I know most people say to ignore Kimahri as he's not very good
What am I in for Sup Forums ?
So for those who have tried it, how's Tree of Savior?
Just follow his lead, Sup Forums
When are you planning on growing up, quitting video games and getting a gf?
Warhammer 40k thread
2 days after realease
Overwatch had 500 million beta players
Where was the supernatural aspect
How is it that Nathan Drake canonically wiped out armies and hordes of monsters but gets his ass kicked by this bitch?
Literally fucking impossible. Fuck this game, I'm going back to Dark Souls III. Bloodborrne is shit
"Bottom of the iceberg vidya"
If you kill him you'll be just like him!
I hope you enjoyed using me in your FFX playthough
What was the point of this sequence?
So moral of the story is power of friendship? If you befriend every single asshole you meet in your life journey...
2 million confirmed unique accounts
I'm new to Dark Souls and just started DS1
Anyone else feel repulsed they had to change the onigiri for hamburger because of uneducated Americans?
Why didn't you play Evenicle, the best RPG of 2015, yet?
He STILL hasn't hacked his 3ds
You donate or sub to streamers?
Do you ever play football games?
Haven't played tf2 in a couple years
The best arpg ever made
Are you finally ready to admit 2015 was a brilliant year for games?
What was your first JRPG?
What does Sup Forums think of this game...
How does Valve respond to this threat?
PC Gamers will never get to play Uncharted
PC Mater Race thread
Games like Atelier Meruru/series for PC
I just realized why Mei is so popular
How the fuck is Dante meant to be holding that gun
WHat went right?
Reminder to show Blizzard gamers don't kneel! Play TF2 on May 24th to show them that we mean business...
Risk of Rain
Vidya mindfucks
Why doesn't playing video games make me happy anymore
A five
Game thanks you for playing
Oldfags will always say that games on the PS1 were better than PS4. (me)
Was it fun?
Tell me ONE reason to own a PS2 in 2016
Criticize bad game mechanics
What's the worst game Sup Forums recommended to you?
Fallout Thread
Can't we just agree that new DOOM
Do you think they'll remove this on Steam when the remake comes out...
I'll put this monster face down and I'll end my turn
Tactics Ogre!
New SONY 'Phyre Engine' Project in development
Playing Final Fantasy X
You fuckers told me it was shit and I actually believed your hyperbole
Why don't you ever talk about me, Sup Forums? I'm fun too you know
Does Sup Forums really need more janitors?
It came out exactly 10 years ago
It's honestly not that bad
Holy shit
Any game that's depressing as hell?
Japanese design
What's the saddest game you've ever played, Sup Forums?
What games allow me to play as cute girls and fight disgusting creatures?
Filename Thread
Post your latest vidya fap here
Its time to face the facts. This game was the true Sonic Adventure 3 in almost everything but name. No, not Sonic 06...
Despite the mediocre gameplay, the acting, writing...
So hows that game coming along?
ITT: Pure Autism
Is he considered an autist?
CIVILIZATION 6 (Dead on Arrival)
How does it feel that you will never get to experience something like this in your lifetime?
Video game characters you share a similar physique with
Why is he/she barefoot anyway?
Anyone else likes it when the bullets fly out of the gun exhaust like pic related...
What are 5 videogames you plan on buying in the future?
Why is this okay?
Always shit on casuals
If only you could keep the sword permanently as the razor sword. I always liked its design more than the gilded sword...
What are some games where I can solve murder cases?
Hey Sup Forums
Because it looks like crap?
Apparently the people trying to crack Doom have run into this message from the devs
Samus's ass
All "free kill" ultimates require you to expose yourself and risk being killed/shut down
Tfw you upgrade your Overwatch purchase from regular to Origins edition
So which one of these lovely ladies is gonna be the new "meme girl" like Chie ?
Who do you think will leave the console market first? my money is on microsoft
ITT: Scary stuff in non horror video games
Warhammer online thread #3
Ace Attorney: Civil War
Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the senator
Mods are asleep
Filename thread
How about you faggots stop playing shitty japanese games made by degenerate gooks and join the Western games master...
Now that they've made the best RTS, ARPG, RPG, and FPS, what genre will the madmen perfect next?
Why is eBay so shit when it comes to video games?
Uncharted 4 Review: "The Greatest Action Adventure Game Ever Created"
People think movies as video games are a trend that just started over the last few years
Indian level
PvP dark souls stories
Sony think they slick
Can we all agree on this?
Kirby Thread
Knuckle Sandwich
Is a real game shop?
Post your favorite cosplays
You have ten seconds to name the greatest sword in all the vidya
Amphipod Autism v1.04
Guys i'm crying. just finished this. i'm literally panting like a child
How do I kill this fucking faggot!?!?!
Daily reminder that if you don't main Scout or Sniper then you're objectively a scrub
Goes the game
Dark Souls 3 Lore discussion
What was the purpose of him changing like this?
Have you realized that video games are a bad hobby?
This is a western 37 year old woman
It's inevitable
Who did you side with Sup Forums?
Has a game ever made you feel bad for your actions?
Are there any games where taking damage is essential to gameplay?
Why is this lowest common denominator trash getting a pass here? It requires even LESS skill than TF2
You would assume to know true suffering?
Two things
I am too scared to play Undertale because i worry that i will become faggot or sjw retard who watch trap porn
"ALRIGHT Sup Forums"
Lore Question
I literally cannot believe this
I just got hired at GameStop. Trips decides what I do first day on the job
Which girl would you SMASH?
ITT: characters that did nothing wrong
Why is Plat so adorable?
Go easy on me guys, this is my first post
Post your goddamn husbando!
This is quite possibly the most inane video game purchase I've ever made since that time I bought a GBA SP and never...
Can anyone beat him?
How does Sup Forums feel about Nintendo of America using memes like this?
What games allow me to go into someone's body and start blowing them up from the inside out?
What's the best videogame for fujoshi?
Fallout 4's DLC
Its my birthday today
Which one of you lunatics actually put Far Harbor up on Fallout 4 Nexus? Fucking kek
Do you guys plan on getting any of these new colors?
Is there any reason to still play this?
Here's 5 cute facts about Lucina!:
Gamerfuel Thread
This is the best fighting game of all time
What went wrong?
Both rosters from Dota 2 and League of Legends fight in a map based on both of their respective maps being split from...
How has WoW changed?
Riddle me this Sup Forums
If this wasn't your first game console, you are either too young or too old to be on Sup Forums
Has Sup Forums ever been to an arcade?
New meme guys
Why are hentai games where you control the fate of a girl the best games ever created?
Her inclusion ruined MGSV
First thing you do in a game
Which Zelda had the best personality?
Go to gamestop
We saturday night transformice now muhfucker
Free Copy Of Mexican Dark Souls 3
Wait a minute...that card
Should I buy a gaming laptop now or wait?
Crash bandicoot, was never good
What launch title(s) would get you excited for the NX?
Have you ever cheated Sup Forums?
What's a good Touhou game to start off in the series?
He's still using Adblock / AdblockPlus / Ghostery / Disconnect
Finally, a game that caters to the thinking man's fetish
Ice and Water are different elements
Is Kairi as terrible as everyone says she is? Also Kingdom Hearts thread
I bought this recently since I wanted to get into the SMT series before SMTIV Apocalypse and Persona 5 comes out...
How the fuck do i play this game
This temple is fucking gay and I hate it
Choose 7 games
What was his fucking problem?
Bastion turret in a corner covered by a Torbjorn turret, what do?
This isn't a shill thread, I do not work for blizzard. No beta never ever
Both rosters from Dota 2 and League of Legends fight in a map based on both of their respective maps being split from...
Why are the only good games in the timeline where Link dies?
Is this the greatest video game ever created?
Is she right?
Every streamer and "professional" gamer seems to have a gaming chair
What bothers you the most about the current gen of video games?
Ever play a game that isn't available in your country?
9 page essay due Monday
Roll to the right: the fight
Tfw 9 days until Overwatch
Is this game worth getting if i haven't play any other doom game
E3 2016
This is the best final fantasy I've ever played...
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
One shot at the game of life
This is the greatest game ever created
ITT: Vidya characters you want to stick your dick in
All these video games
Let's post some of your favorite girls from videogames
Does v want to play my new prototype?
What class was he?
ITT: Worst Castlemania ever
You know what?
Riddle me this
Doom metacritic
Emily Rogers
Will it be the titanfall of 2016?
Did you forget about her?
That time CAD was actually kind of funny
S M A S H Sup Forums E E K E N D
How does Sup Forums feel about Black Desert Online?
Remember Phantasy Star Online? We just started a little Sup Forums group not long ago...
DOOM bread with no shit posting
What went so god damn right?
A strange man approaches you and offers you your choice of one of these magical cursed stones...
Before I buy the PC version, can any PS4 players shed some light about the newest Neptunia game?
Sup Sup Forums? Any pointers on fighting Father Gascoigne...
This is OBJECTIVELY the worst block
Makes RTS game
Can a game really be the best RPG of all time if it only has a good story going for it?
Draw a girl
Where do I find a gamer gf?
IGN just ranked the main FF games
So everybody is just ok with this?
15 hours in
ITT: Elder God tier OSTs
Name 3 (Three) Bad Games
I want to fug [insert Overwatch character name here]
X6 had great boss designs, cool armors for X, an amazing soundtrack, an awesome end fight against Sigma...
How big are your games and porn folders? and how much free space do you have?
Vanilla WoW
So this is the best RPG the Wii U has to offer
Welp, I found a bunch of these in an envelope on the ground
Is this the worst written character in the history of gaming...
Warhammer online thread continued
New Vagas thread
Nintendo's making sure people pay attention to Zelda U and showcasing it in it's full glory
Is this game any good? I just bought a Vita and i want to a my first game
Which one Sup Forums?
Give me ONE (1) legitimate excuse why you haven't hacked your 3DS yet
ITT: make vidya costumes for Rog
PC Build thread?
First Handheld Thread?
Besides Donte and Kenshiro who are some other characters that are literally universally hated by Sup Forums?
Gamer fuel thread
What happened?
The final boss calls you selfish
I just beat the tree boss, where do I go next? I talk to the tree and all he says is "...."
Alpha/beta footage
Package Delivery
Are any of these worth the money?
How do I stop being a Twitch keckhold?
I just beat Shin Megami Tensei IV on Chaos route. Let's talk about it. Are you looking forward to Apocalypse?
So I just finished FF7
You are now aware that Lucio has one of the most interesting movement mechanics in the game
Dark Souls II
Anyone else regret playing the Overwatch Beta?
Nathan Drake: Psychopathic mass murderer
I just got this for free
I want a new QUAKE! With shamblers. Do it, Bethesda
Ape Escape rankings
Should I play this game?
Assassin's Creed Movie
What are some games where I can steal a runabout?
First thing in a game you had to look up a guide for
Buyfag thread
Name ONE game th
Reminder to show Blizzard gamers don't kneel! Play TF2 on May 24th to show them that we mean business...
So I build my gf's 10 year old son his first gaman pc
Gamer fuel thread?
What Pokemon is your Pokebro?
Video games involving Southeast Asian aesthetics or themes
It's that time again Sup Forums, come play TF2 with us!
Pirate a game
So what was Mantorok's plan after killing the three ancients?
full blown single player campaign with co-op unlike overwatch
Help me out Sup Forums. I need a fun game. I had a ton fun with overwatch if that helps...
I can't believe I fell for the FFIX is the best meme. And that X was bad...
For someone who is going into it for the first time, does it still hold up well?
Are girls with cute girls doing cute things stupid?
Which version of this game is the best?
How do I stop thinking about her?
I have an Xbox one (don't start, I know). But are there any good story driven games on it like the uncharted series...
This is your date tonight
Doesn't get your hands greasy or sticky
He uses his PC to emulate
Why cant anyone criticize Naughty Dog's games?
You now remember just how bad summer time Sup Forums can get
Dragon's Dogma thread?
ITT: Games so good you replay them every year
I just bought pic related and the season pass what am I in for
Gang Beasts Online Multiplayer Beta
Vidya Cosplay
Who thought this was a good idea?
Is this the hardest 3D game in existence?
Was Sonic 06 really that bad?
It looks __like it could be a really fun open world CryEngine FPS from the developers of TimeSplitters, Crysis 2...
Lol nvidia cards are stomping ass in Doom benchmarks. look at that little 960 go
What are some games where you can form a skeleton army?
People say Pyro is the worst class
I'm going to have a wonderful day on Sup Forums! I can't wait to talk about new releases like DOOM!
So now that the ash has settled, what's your overall take on Dark Souls 3?
New pokemon gen vii sun and moon leaks
Civ V vs Civ VI
Who the fuck was Ocelotte?
Why was the doom cartridge red? I remember that was the only one that had special colors in my collection growing up
Do you play as a boy or girl
What is your favorite space game, Sup Forums?
Which side looks better?
So, what's the Sup Forumserdict?
What's the point of discussing this irrelevant e-celeb stuff?
Alright Sup Forums, are you a dexfag or a strtard?
Darksouls 3 physical, april USA only
How do I git gud?
Fallout NV
Any Sup Forums friends out there still playing Phantom Pain?
Who's right?
Thoughts on Infinite Warfare VS Battlefield 1?
Anytime now mostly negative like Sup Forums said it would
Most overrated console ever?
Tracing Lovecraft´s influence in videgames
The warhammer online private server finally released T4 this week
Doom Beta runs great on 390
Where were you when NoA came for the pelvic bones?
Silver hair
Hey Sup Forums. I just started playing Dark Souls for the first time...
What are you expecting from Zelda 2017?
Trauma Center is dead
Worth it?
Hey Sup Forums, recommend me some good games even my shitty 200 dollar laptop can play
Games That Missed the Point
Well, Corvo
Best h-games Sup Forums?
What could they do to redeem themselves?
He listens to video game OST's only
Tfw all this cute little pixie just wants to fuse with something strong
Is user thirsty?
It's kind of sad that Sup Forums is the best place to discuss videogames today
Overwatch: new heros and content speculation
I have a few grand to spare so I thought i'd buy a VR headset
Melee thread
Claim your weaponfu thread
This was fucking amazing
I do not consider Super Mario 3D World a 3D Mario game
37 Years old
Here's your controller, bro
Hey guys, I just watched this video. Was he right?
ITT: Triple A games you have absolutely no interest in playing at all
Have you ever wanted to solve improv cases just like in the Ace Attorney series with other people...
Sup Forums knows a lot of useless story lore and fighting game combos
Someone might be reading your old video game forum posts right now
Playstation 1
TIL in Uncharted 4, under certain lighting Drake's ears cartilage is visible
I have a White Japanese imported Playstation Vita Slim with a 64GB memory card on firmware 3.18
Why does Sup Forums hate him so much?
Driving Games For PC
Can we talk about how perfect is
Should Pokemon Fusion ala Ash-Greninja make its way into the video games?
We play Wolfenstein, Sup Forums-kend edition
No games
Mic icon comes up
Name ONE redeeming factor to this game
What's your frame Sup Forums?
Ace Attorney
Thoughts on this game?
Y-you didn't forget about me, did you Sup Forums?
Buying from cdkeys
Ape Escape
I've never played any Sonic 16-bit game, where shold I start?
When's the next vidya crash to put this shitty industry out of it's misery?
Show me your idle animation, Sup Forums
What's the best set of armor in DS3 to show off wide hips?
Reminder to show Blizzard gamers don't kneel! Play TF2 on May 24th to show them that we mean business...
What's your problem Sup Forums? The game is absolute fun
Why has no RTS ever come remotely close to the perfection that is Brood War?
Fuck this game. You can't save your game until you complete a mission which takes a fucking hour...
How does this make you feel?
I just got FFXIV
Blizzard reveals a big muscular Russian girl hero for Overwatch
Post cosplays you want to do
Curse.....this is a damn curse!
Npc can steal my items
Prove that Leo shouldn't have been the lord for Conquest
Oh shit
Please buy my game
How in am I meant to beat this guy? I keep trying to punch him when he lines up his uppercut but it never hits him
So, I'm at the point of returning Lydia to Harkon and I'm not sure if I should become a Vampire Lord or not...
Don't believe the hype train, Sup Forums, Doom 4 is a game that consists of running circles in close-knit...
RPG progress check
What would you like to see in Diablo 4?
If videogames are not art, where am I supposed to fit this game?
Not choosing the best fire starter since gen 3
Mfw I bought this game and will have tons of fun playing it with friends while Sup Forums cries about it in-between...
Misunderstood genius or overrated hack?
Yomawari rated for Windows PC by ESRB
This is an average Steam User
Have kids gotten worse at games?
ITT: Games you love but video game journalism hates
Had Hayter just not sperged out so bad for YEARS over the decision he would've come out looking like the last best man...
When did it happen to you, Sup Forums?
GGs when he wins
Just curious, are there any gay video developers?
ITT: Post top tier likeable protagonists
If you don't have at least 50 platinums, you're not a real gamer and need turn in your gaming card
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...